
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Storm Track Disinformation: The War from the Perspective of a First Year Journalism Student

Christina Baucco is a freshman studying journalism at Butler University and wrote in DawagNet, their student news site, and article entitled War on Islam?

Whether we like it or not we may actually be in a war on Islam. Contrary to beliefs that we are not a totalitarian country, meaning we would not attack another country’s religion, we seem to be doing just that. The problem is that in the Middle East religion dominates people's private and public lives. As our government says we are fighting to establish a democracy they see us trying to overthrow their religion. This is what is causing the instability surrounding the war.

Notice her total lack of the Muslims attempting to force THEIR religion around the world. Not the other way around.
Some people believe that we have a right to this war historically. In many occasions it has been recorded that Islam was aggressive towards western culture and Christianity. But in the end doesn’t it ring with semblances of a playground fight. Doesn’t the phrase “I didn’t start this but I’m sure going to finish it” seem to summarize our right to this war? Is that the way we want to be viewed in our stance?

The answer? YES!

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

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