
Thursday, February 15, 2007

You Are My Friend, And You Are A Decent Muslim, Come To America And Prosper

Posted on behalf of Pastorius, who cannot, at the moment, access Blogger to post here at IBA:

"I am so ashamed, as a muslim man, I am tired of the pain in this world, I live in London and I envy the American's. I live amongst animals..we all hate Jews because they know love and peace, they kow medicine, and art...we know pain and destruction...and our hosts, the British are too stupid to see this. The British and their BBC happily feed Anti Semitism to make me feel good about myself, forget it, and realize, the JEWS are good for this earth, until we make a commitment to be a positive force in the world, and stop celebrating every murder on behalf of Allah, until this point of progress, we are doomed!!!"
By Anonymous, at Thursday, February 15, 2007 1:45:57 AM

Here is Pastorius's response:


Don't just be ashamed.

Be proud that you are a good man.

And, maybe, you ought to move to America, open a business, and contribute to society. There are opportunities here in America that just don't exists in other parts of the world.

Don't get me wrong, we have plenty of anti-Semites here too, and many of them happen to be Muslims. And, most of our Mosques are Saudi-funded, but I think there is a real opportunity for growth here that I don't see anywhere else.
By Pastorius, at Thursday, February 15, 2007 10:29:54 AM


  1. Positively fuming,
    I wrote a longer piece on this over at Atlas Shrugs. I give my reasons for trusting this guy, and I also acknowledge that he is like a "good German."

    I agree with you that we should not allow Muslim immigration, but as long as we do, this guy is the guy we'd want to come here instead of someone else.

    Your point is well-taken, though. Thanks.

  2. By the way, here's the last paragraph of that post at Atlas Shrugs:

    "I hope this guy can somehow remove himself from his miserable situation. And, let us all hope that people like him begin to speak up in large numbers. If they don't then the solutions with which we will be forced to solve our problems are going to be ugly, bloody, and sad beyond belief."

    Now, Positively Fuming, what do you think I mean by that? I mean that if decent Muslims don't stand up, then our only solution will be to show them all the door.

    Are you still fuming?

  3. I can hardly see why having this man living amongst us would not be a positive thing. There are few enough clear-sighted people as it is, why would we want to turn down one more.

    Tell you what, let's offer to trade Ibrahim Hooper to Great Britain in exchange for this guy.

  4. Look, if he's already part of the silent majority (is this word even true anymore?) of mo-ists over there, how likely is he going to turn into a roaring lion once he gets over here? More likely, he'll become part of the silent majority (is this word even true anymore?) of mo-ists over here. The silent mo-ists is just that, silent. They don't make noise. They don't oppose the fundamentalists because they don't have the religious legs to stand on if they insist on being mo-ists. Since they stay silent, the rest of us have no way of knowing what are in their minds. Since they stay mo-ists and mo-ism is full of religiously-mandated violence against non-believers, the rest of us have to wonder about their suspect trustworthiness. So, if he's just going to stay enigmatically mum, what good is it whether he is over there or over here?

    If there is no problem in the first place, don't start one. If there is a problem like what we are facing right now, don't make it worse. We do not know the guy's level of religious piety. Does he eschew violence against non-believers but agree with the inferior status of women in mo-ism? Is he going to go ape shit over motoons? Is he going to insist on mosKKKs blaring out calls to prayers five times a day? Is he going to demand that all public displays of mo be remove or covered, special prayer rooms in airports and sports stadiums, separate facilities for men and women, separate mo-ist washrooms, adjustments of work schedules to fit prayer times, keeping away of dogs and pig, exemptions from drawing nude models, wearing of burKKKas, and countless other instances of institutional jihad that IBA itself has documented?

  5. You may be right that he would remain silent, and that wouldn't really help our situation.

    Maybe you are right in total. I don't know. The guy seems like he's probably a decent human being to me.

    I guess the only type of Muslim you would tolerate is a Wafa Sultan, or an Irshad Manji.

  6. Wafa Sultan and Irshad Manji never renounced their faith outright but presumably compromised by picking out the non-violent pieces of mo-ism. The rational decision to stick to the non-violent pieces is encouraging in the eyes of the free world (and mine too), but their partial rejection of mo-ism makes them apostates to be put to death in the eyes of mo-ists. I have a grudging admiration for mo for his thinking up this effective way of keeping doubters in line: dead people don't become troublemakers. I applaud the likes of Wafa and Irshad for their valiant effort, but time is against them and their followers are too small in number and too scared to be of any use.

    As for letting in someone who seems to be a decent human being, what would you do when civil wars erupt in Europe and mo-ists, some of whom are no doubt decent, flee by the hundreds of thousands to the Great Satan (don't expect them to go to Africa or the Middle East) and bringing with them the poisonous ideology that caused their own misery in the first place? In other words, a Camp of the Saints dilemma:

  7. I don't think we'll let them come here.

    If we do, then we are fools.

    I agree with you that time is against them.

    Did you read my article at Atlas Shrugs?

    By the way, I assume you are the same commenter with a different name.

  8. Did you read my article at Atlas Shrugs?


    By the way, I assume you are the same commenter with a different name.


  9. You are really entertaining me with all the different names.

    You gotta admit, I don't sound like such an insane pussy once you read the Atlas Shrugs article, do I?

    I think your points are very valid. I think there is a fine line here. I don't think this is so clear cut as you are making it, but, I will say, you are probably right, because I think eventually, because no decent Muslims are stepping forward, we are simply going to have to make Islam illegal, and start shipping them to jail, or out of our countries.
