
Friday, June 22, 2007

The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show

A monstrous show, blasting freedom in the faces of Islamofasists around the world.

Topics include:

1) Kill all Pacifists - Gandhi is a sacred cow, and we must butcher him. By the way, did you know Mahatma Gandhi was a racist? We give you the lowdown.

2) Interview with Harry Reid. Dude is nuts. You gotta hear this.

3) Ask The Imam - we ask the Imam about the bizarre fatwas coming out of the Islamic world recently; drinking mucous, urine, and women breast-feedin adult co-workers to eliminate sexual tension in the workplace. WTF?

Well, that's Islam for ya'.

Thanks to Baron at Gates of Vienna for the new graphic.


  1. koran desecration:

  2. The French - Lebanese painter is far better than the Danish Mohammed cartoons:

