
Sunday, July 08, 2007

Even when the MSM looks critically at Islam they get it wrong

Is it incompetence, laziness or something else?

Based on previous direct experience I have had with correcting Newsweek (after they insisted Qaradawi was an exemplar of moderation)'s the first two.

Newsweek starts out on the money, then loses it.

Exploring Islam's 'Death Cult'
Muslims must find a way to remove the cancer infecting their religion.

July 7, 2007 - It is the question at the back of many people's minds as they absorb the frightening details of the terror plot in Britain. Yes, we understand that many Muslims are angry—about the Iraq War, about Israeli policy toward the Palestinians and the usual list of grievances. But there are many people, in many different societies and cultures, who are angry about many things. Would any other culture or religion produce a group of doctors and professionals who apparently deemed it morally correct to kill innocent people in large numbers? Has something gone wrong with Islam itself, or at least the culture it has produced?

They get going in the right direction, but lose the thread of their own point very quickly, consciously choosing the Huntington is wrong idea, by saying Islamo-Christian culture has more in common than differences. Of course that's why the professionals plotting to kill innocent people as a strategy and tactic are all named Johnson R. Wainscott III, or Solomon Perlmutter, or Anthony Cordero, or.....

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