
Monday, September 24, 2007

Israeli Army Launches Early Warning Website

From Agence French Press, with thanks to Michael Travis:

JERUSALEM (AFP) — The Israeli army unveiled a new website on Sunday that will be used to warn Israelis of impending attacks after the "lessons learned" from the 2006 war in Lebanon.

"The Home Front Command, which sees great importance in the relations with the Israeli population, is now in the frontline of technology," Major General Yitzhak Gershon said in a statement.

"The new website reflects the lessons learned from the Second Lebanon War."

The site, at, will offer postings in English and Arabic as well as Hebrew providing emergency information such as live alerts for missile attacks, audio-visual instruction manuals, and forums with security experts.

In July, Israel's state comptroller blasted Prime Minister Olmert for "intolerable" failures in protecting civilians during the 2006 war against Lebanon's Hezbollah Shiite militia.

In Israel, both the government and army are responsible for providing services to civilians in time of war, from maintenance of public shelters, to rescue, medical and basic administrative services.

During the 34-day war with Hezbollah, the Shiite militia fired over 4,000 rockets into Israel, forcing a million residents to flee, paralysing the northern part of the country and catching the public shelters system unawares.

If a good deal of this website is published in Arabic, then it is clear that part of the goal is to intimidate the shit out of Iran, Syria, and Hizballah. The superior and up-to-the-minute Israeli intelligence will make the Islamofascists of those respective fascist regimes feel watched; paranoid.

Meanwhile, the Israelis will be laughing their asses off, and I will be laughing my ass off along with them.

Fuck you, you stone-age freaks.

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