
Monday, October 08, 2007

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: War On Terror? Or, War On Islam?


  1. I couldn't get the first video to play, but the second one was GREAT! She is so articulate and straightforward. Saying it like it is. And she was RAISED as a Muslim.

    She makes a good point. If it was any other "ism" like communism or totalitarianism, we would say it outright and blatantly try to stop it. But because it is a religion, our overcommitment to multiculturalism, which is normally a good thing, is now hamstringing us in dealing with this. We can't name the enemy or seek to bring it down ONLY because it is a religion.

    Another good one, Pastorius!

  2. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of the primo heroes of our time.

  3. Considering developments of the last week--the lack of finding security for her--I'm worried that this heroine is not going to survive.
