
Thursday, October 04, 2007

Video: The REAL Islam Revealed

A concise presentation from the Jewish Task Force and about 10 minutes in length:

YouTube link


  1. "The goal of Islam is "sex with children for eternity."

    Yesterday, WLW-AM host Bill "Willie" Cunningham said on air: "The great war of this generation's time is the war against Islamic fascists. . .They do not live for life, they live for death. Only through death can they believe they can be with those 72 virgins in heaven and have sex with children for eternity, which is the goal of that religion."

    There are at this point not many people fully capable of seeing the whole thing, grasping the whole thing. Spread to as many as possible what they have to say. Support them in any way you can. And learn as much as you can yourself, so you cannot be fooled, cannot be bested. Become dangerously well-informed and, therefore, implacable in your view.

  2. Anonymous,
    Recently, I heard another radio host who had quite an understanding of Islam. Just a few months ago, he didn't have a clue! What happened? What has he been reading?

    CAIR is going to be kept busy trying to put out "brush fires" as the word gets around. Sadly, our leaders are another matter.
