
Thursday, October 04, 2007

Why I cannot yet be a republican ..and it's an EASY one

James Dobson decides to endorse Hillary Clinton? You bet.
Make no mistake about this one ...

The Values Test


Colorado Springs

REPORTS have surfaced in the press about a meeting that occurred last Saturday in Salt Lake City involving more than 50 pro-family leaders. The purpose of the gathering was to discuss our response if both the Democratic and Republican Parties nominate standard-bearers who are supportive of abortion. Although I was neither the convener nor the moderator of the meeting, I’d like to offer several brief clarifications about its outcome and implications.

After two hours of deliberation, we voted on a resolution that can be summarized as follows:

If neither of the two major political parties nominates an individual who pledges himself or herself to the sanctity of human life, we will join others in voting for a minor-party candidate. Those agreeing with the proposition were invited to stand. The result was almost unanimous.

This is the "christian right" laying it down. This is the Christian right attempting to make the Republican party their own (again?). This is the Christian right getting Hillary elected.

The Christian Right is DEATH for the republican party, and whoever the candidate is, and whatever happens, Dobson, like Robertson and Falwell before him, needs to be shown the door. LOUDLY and with great reasoning.

After that, maybe I'll take a look at things.

  • "I don't have any respect for the Religious Right."
  • "Every good Christian should line up and kick Jerry Falwell's ass."
  • "The religious factions will go on imposing their will on others"
  • "A woman has a right to an abortion."
  • "I am a conservative Republican

    1. I was driving through Florida yesterday, listening to Sean Hannity discuss this situation.

      I am in absolute agreement with you and with Sean Hannity. Dobson has got to leave the political scene. He is a nutjob. He is bad for our country.

    2. I so want to comment on this....but don't want to upset any American they to are fellow infidels...!LOL!...Hmmm ...Coming more from the English tradition of Christianity.....visits to church with my family in the States...........watching religious programming in the States......Sorry...this apparent gullibility on the part of American Christians.....DOES NOT COMPUTE?....Ok so you guys come from the Puritan tradition....but to me...a holy man is supposed to be humble....modest and talk more about love and forgiveness ....ya know?...(copying the behaviour of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ).....I'm supposed to be meaner and madder than the holy when I see a holy man and his wife on tv in a $5000 (or more) suit, with gold on his wrist....begging for money whilst spouting hatred and fire and brimstone....WTF?....Have you all forgotten that God is so magnificent that god even forgives and loves murderous Jihadi's!? ....Something that is way ....way....beyond the likes of you and me.....and as for Falwell and other Televangelicals having some kind of hot line to or from God.....I wouldn't buy a cup of coffee off these guys.....So how the hell do you guys donate Millions of dollars a year to them? You can't be stupid because look how well your country is doing (over all.....still lots to do)....even after the sex scandals and financial still support these guys.....all I can say is that when they are dead....I would love to be a fly on the wall to witness THAT conversation in heaven, with God......because BOY are they in trouble with the big boss!....but as for the Republican party dropping them....Well Hallelujah!...Religion (in my opinion) has no place in politics....sure religion can 'Inform' politics....i.e morality and ethical stance....but to directly have a holy man telling you which way to vote!?.....Boy is GOD going to be pissed!

    3. Watcher,

      You will be happy to know that this Christian agrees with you.
