Received via email:
You have been monitoring the Islamic encroachment much longer than I have. I, on the other hand, have only started since last July but am already getting severely depressed from reading the never-ending flood of bad news from all over the world every day. How do you keep going?Here is the quick response I sent:
Well, it's tough. At times, I fall silent for a few days. I have to regroup.
But I have the encouragement of students who follow my blog, so I am getting the word out to the next generation. Also, as a Christian (I'm not criticizing you here), I have that Hope.
Music helps, too. I play the piano. I listen to favorite CD's.
I also see little victories in this conflict. Not enough of them, of course.
But I do know what you mean by depression. And I spend so much time watching the oncoming train wreck that I neglect exercise and my health.
Do you know about the Center for Vigilant Freedom? Being active there helps me.
I remain strong, even though I have bad days.
So, my fellow warriors, how do you keep going?
I'm also going to post this at Maverick News Media and at CVF. IMO, this is an important question. We need to draw on each other's strength!
ReplyDeleteWhat keeps me going? Bloggers like you. You all give me comfort with the knowledge you share - sometimes shout with all the gusto you can muster online.
ReplyDeleteSure, it's frustrating at times. But we are not alone and because of all your efforts, many more continue to become informed/alarmed at recognizing the burning doubt the msm has tried so hard to help them ignore.
About that "I Will Not Submit" logo. It would be great if someone posted the actual script in the comments. One, I'd like to confirm it says what I believe. Two, it would be useful to post that sentiment in Arabic on all blog comments.
[ . , ]
=\ o /= AnonYmouse
What keeps me going?
Anger at the stupidity and arrogance of politicians, professors, civil servants and the MSM that lie to us or hide the truth.
I can accept ignorance but not stupidity.
Blogging is the constructive vent for my anger.
So, my fellow warriors, how do you keep going?
ReplyDeleteHistory has already shown us what the alternative is if we do not keep going and fighting this fight.
Watching videos of 9-11, bombings in Israel, Iraq, A'stan and the beheadings of bound Americans remind me that although I enjoy the comforts of home and safety here - they are but an illusion in the presence of a determined enemy willing to kill themselves in order to bring about the apocalypse.
I keep going, because I love my liberty more than my life.
you will get hit, in some way or an other. that's the reality.
ReplyDeleteSo just keep hitting back in some way or an other ...
like you get up every morning.
and remember: united we stand troughout the world!
Because there is no choice. Surrender isn't an option.
ReplyDeleteWhat keeps me going is that almost every story our of Dar al-Islam only further confirms how fucking stupid and primeval there stupid fucking "civilization" is. All those stories add up to one fact:
ReplyDeleteIf we were to just try, just a little bit, we will destroy them in no time at all.
There is no way their stupid "civilization" can beat us, if we will only just try.
I'm encouraged by the growing movement of the right in Europe. Europe is currently in the forefront of the Islamic Procreation-and-Immigration offensive and has begun to respond. The stellar showing of the SVP in the recent Swiss elections (party on a promise to deport non-citizen criminals) shows the general public is waking up.
ReplyDeleteAlso the recent counter-jihad conference in Brussels and the Secular Islam conference in Florida show positive signs.
And there's always this fact; the Islamists are idiots. They will overplay their hand and we will have the opportunity of chopping it off.
In Iraq, currently, al-Qaeda overplayed its hand and now is being attacked by both Sunni and Shia Muslims.
So, our position should be to hold steady to our values, influence as much as we can our friends, neighbours and legislators and, as they used to say, keep our powder dry.
ReplyDeleteThe gullible and vulnerable, especially young captive audiences such as schoolchildren, are increasingly being targeted by Islamic propaganda aiming, if not actually to convert them, then to soften them up for the future Islamic takeover of our country.
Of course it isn't just the innocent and gullible who swallow the 'Religion of Peace' bullshit spread by the Muslims and their PC Marxist allies.. Many ordinary decent people would really like to believe that Islam offers no threat, because to face the truth implies a future just too scary to contemplate. But face the truth we must. For to accept lies are being taught to our children with no attempt at refutation is to allow them to be led into slavery.
The Marxists have drugged western culture with a Mickey Finn cocktail of post-modernism and multiculturalism which has suppressed rational analysis of Islam as being 'racist' and Islamophobic.
Inevitably, as Goya pointed out 'The Sleep of Reason brings forth Monsters' , and the most hideous and vampirish of those monsters is the spread of islam in the West. Islamic propaganda must be attacked with the full unremitting criticism of Judeo-Christian rationalism. "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free".
There are three truths of Islam, which correctedly understood by any adult or child, give complete protection from Islamic propaganda. These are:
(1) Islam is a mind-virus or meme.
(2) Islam encourages lying to infidels (taqiyya).
(3) Islam abrogates its own teachings and the teachings of earlier religions.
Churchill famously remarked that Islam is as dangerous in a man as rabies (hydrophobia) in a dog . Islam is indeed
'the rabies of religions' . Like the rabies virus it spreads from one brain to another with no other function than to cause madness, suffering and death.
A meme or Mind Virus such as Islam carries the same fear-driven superstitious motivation as a chain letter - "If you propagate me then something nice will happen, if not then something horrible will happen". In order to justify itself against attack by reason, Islam places absolute reliance on faith, which is seen as being superior to reason. Islam also contains self-referential or circular claims to the truth such as "The Koran says it is the divine truth. Since it is the divine truth whatever its says must be true.
These two types of self-referential statement "propagate me or else!" and "I am the only truth" provide the driving force for Islam to invade the minds of its hosts, programming them with additional instructions such as "Help people who believe in this meme, attack people who do not".
A Muslim is a dehumanised robot who is programmed to spread Islam to vulnerable victims, like a rabid dog is programmed to bite and inject virus-infected saliva. However what if the victims are not receptive to this repulsive stone-age death cult? Well the solution is simple - hide the truth and tell whatever lies may be necessary.
It may come as a surprise to those of us raised in Judeo-Christian cultures that anyone would deliberately lie about their own religion - "Tell the truth and shame the devil" is what we were taught in Sunday school. But Muslims believe that spreading Islam is the greatest objective in life, and one which find most favour with Allah, and ANY means which may be necessary are justified, including killing and lying .
The tactic of deceiving the gullible infidel is known a TAQIYYA in Arabic. The truth is unimportant in Islam. NEVER believe anything a Muslim tells you about Islam.
The Koran is full of inconsistencies with verses contradicting each other. The rule of 'abrogation' says that later verses cancel earlier ones. The early ones are peaceful (Meccan) , but the later verses are violent and murderous (Medinan) and call for the extermination of infidels.
Of course the Muslim propagandists know this and so as part of their taqiyya they quote the cancelled peaceful verses such as ‘If you kill one soul it is as if you have killed all mankind.’ or ' no compulsion in religion' to the infidels, while acknowledging the real meaing of the koran such as 'Kill the infidels wherever you find them' and ' Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies' as they plot attacks with their fellow Muslim terrorists.
To the rational westerner these contradictions are evidence that the Koran was not written by Almighty God, but was made up as he went along by a psychotic paedophile to suit his vile purposes. But the Muslim mind is not rational, and these contradictions are seen as a Allah-given contribution to taqiyya. Allah (or the voice in Mohammed's syphilitic brain) wrote the Koran as a deliberate web of lies to confuse and deceive the gullible kuffar.
In his later years, when Mohammed was writing the violent verses that abrogated the earlier Christian-derived Meccan teachings, he had begun his decline into depravity starting with his 'thighing' or Mufa Khathat of six year old Aisha, and going on to raping her when she was aged nine.
As Mohammed's lusts became increasingly Satanic , his megalomania grew to the extent that the pervert claimed to be the infalible 'Seal of the Prophets' and abrogated Jesus Christ, reducing Our Lord to the rank of a second-rate error-prone prophet. Henceforth, if any teaching of Jesus was contradicted by the Pedophile's rantings, then the child-molester was right and Jesus was wrong.
So Jesus's advice that “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.” was replaced by the mandatory stoning of rape victims , apparently brought about by the now teenaged Aisha looking for affection elsewhere than the predatory dirty old man and finding true love with a young man named Safwan ibn Al-Muattal.
Know the truth, and the truth shall keep you free
ReplyDeleteDo you have your own blog? Someone mentioned you the other day on, I believe it was, Gates of Vienna.
I will post the above article if you give me a link to where it is from.
Here are the responses so far at Vigilant Freedom:
ReplyDelete[ C ] boakai ngombu
November 3, 2007 @ 17:29:35
that ” … assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen,..” also sustains me.
as a result i’m not willing to accomodate to the tyranny we are learning to observe and confront…
not one Arab economy is thriving for the benefit of all within.
not one Arab society offers the freedom of selfdetermination to its “lesser” citizens, even servants - indentured or otherwise.
not one Arab culture allows for freedom of expression, even to the point of denigrating that freedom.
not one Arab country extols mercy.
what we have in the WEST is not perfect, but is further along to that end, than what imperious teachers and their academic lackeys would have us believe can be accomplished through what they offer.
so, keep on, keeping on.
[ C ] Henrik Ræder Clausen
November 3, 2007 @ 22:08:48
“So, my fellow warriors, how do you keep going?”
Dunno. My life doesn’t make sense if I do anything else
Having the intellectual pleasure of out-arguing my opponents is insanely stimulating. Better than any drugs I didn’t try.
Then, you get to meet all kind of interesting, good-intentioned people, the kind of people to be proud of having for friends.
Also, the thrill of going where angels fear to thread beats the ‘horrors’ of Gothic rock downhand. Not for fear (that sucks anyway), for the thrill of getting real insights, and the challenge of figuring out what to deal with it.
Finally, this stuff is a much more interesting challenge than any PHP/JavaScript programming job could ever be. OK, the pay is lousy, but you get a good conscience that nothing else can provide. It’s unbeatable.
Oh, to out-argue just about anyone, I recommend Prophet of Doom ( It’s a comprehensive account of the life of Muhammad and how the Quran (yes, that’s a secondary book) relates to it.
Have fun!
[ C ] Canadian Sentinel
November 3, 2007 @ 23:30:07
I spend so much time watching the oncoming train wreck that I neglect exercise and my health.
-Join the club. Last time I was in the gym was shortly before 9/11. Weird, isn’t it? Should really go back… feels far better to be training than not! Besides, the jihadists are training… why let ‘em have the edge?
And from Maverick News Media:
I'm replying here because I've forgotten how to sign in on IBA (stop laughing, Pastorius) already. About 2 years ago I woke up with a start to the fact that there is an absolute evil -- Islamic fascism -- loose in the world and that its perpetrators intend to kill or enslave all of us who refuse to submit to it. The most striking difference between this situation and that of the 60 years of Cold War through which I had blithely sailed is that the people in media/academia/government who are supposed to alert us to/ educate us about/ defend us from dangers such as this are almost unanimously AWOL and that means I have to do a lot more of it myself and I hate it because it is eating what remains of my life but as things stand there is no alternative. This will not go away on its own. If I try to pretend that it will I can count on getting a reminder from the MSM via Pakistan or Iran or Turkey or the White House or the cover of TIME or a tape from Osama or more nonsense from some FUBAR Ivy League sandbox full of acadhimmis or some George Clooney movie or some fool at the bookstore buying 3 copies of "The Israel Lobby" with a Noam Chomsky chaser. So I read murder mysteries and Phares/Williams/Malkin/Emerson/Spencer/Bawer/Hirsi Ali/Gabriel/Phillips and complain about Rowling on the HP/Snape chatroom and stick RUDY 2008 and Outlaw Sharia and Storm Petrel and Pigman bumper stickers on my Subaru and go to auctions and sit on the beach and listen to the classical music station and make sarcastic remarks to Leftards and scream in the car a lot and post on MNM less often than I should and try to keep hope alive that Giuliani or someone else who knows the score will win next year and that I still get the chance to spend my retirement doing what I love to do instead of what I have to do to help beat off the Caliphate. What keeps me going is that there are all these other people doing their own version of the same stuff. They are my lifeline.
Commenter name: revereridesagain
ReplyDeleteNo I don't have my own blog yet. I'm circulating comments similar to the one above in advance of Islam Awareness Week which starts in Britain later this month.
- Naj
Well Najistani,
ReplyDeleteYou have an open invitation to post here, if you'd like to do so.
What keeps me going....My god, my heritage and history, finding kinship in the greater struggle with those who may have been mere political enemies previously..drawing the good out of this onslaught, we have more in common than actually divides us....OH! and of course IBA!
ReplyDeleteThat is a great question!
ReplyDeleteThat's a really good topic for us to share with each other. I have found reading the answers one of the most inspiring things I've done in a long time. There are so many great answers!
My answer might be a little dull in comparison. I may be one of the few who started out immune to discouragement, so I've never felt discouraged by this topic. I'm not superhuman or even special. But just by luck I had spent more than 12 years researching how to prevent discouragement in the face of setbacks. I was working on a book manuscript on the subject when planes flew into the Twin Towers.
I immediately started Citizen Warrior to counteract the discouragement I saw in my countrymen after that attack. I didn't know anything about Islam at the time. All I knew is that I had a healthy grasp of information badly needed by the people around me (about how to prevent discouragement).
I have since learned a lot about Islam, and nothing I've learned has discouraged me in the slightest. In fact, I've become more motivated the more I've learned. And not because I think Muslims are stupid. In fact, many times I've been impressed at the cleverness of their approach. They understand the bias of MSM and have used it effectively against us. They understand our laws and have exploited them fully. They target schoolchildren for propaganda campaigns. They play up the underdog image because they know it's one of our weaknesses. They exploit the terms "bigot," "Islamophobe," "racist," "hate speech," and others because they know those phrases can silence criticism.
In my opinion, they are not all stupid people. Their religion may be stupid, and while reading the Qur'an, I often thought to myself, "What a stupid bunch of crap." Badly written. Unconvincing. Obviously self-serving. But even with that, I've been impressed at the cleverness of the whole system. I'm not even sure Muhammad knew how clever his system would turn out to be.
But none of this is discouraging. We non-Muslims are a majority of the world's population, and we are waking up. The more deadly the Muslims become, the easier it will be to awaken more infidels who will join the fight.
It is easy to be a fanatical believer in blind multiculturalism and "live-and-let-live" when you are a pampered professor lecturing in your air-conditioned hall, safe from danger. But beliefs change quickly when circumstances change. If that professor's wife and son get killed in a brutal terrorist attack, he will change his opinion in a moment to "live-and-let-live my ASS!"
I have found it incredibly motivating (un-discouraging) to read the IBA and the CVF — to discover I'm not alone. There are many of us, and some are even more passionate about it than I am!
Anyway, as I just wrote about on the IBA, the particulars of how I justify my optimism doesn't matter as much as the lack of the thought-errors that cause discouragement in the first place.
That was a great question, AOW. The post and its answers ought to stay near the top in the sidebar from now on, even after it is no longer stuck to the top of the posts. It is a vital question for all of us in this fight, and will become even more vital in the coming years.
I like what Frank Hilliard said: "So, our position should be to hold steady to our values, influence as much as we can our friends, neighbours and legislators and, as they used to say, keep our powder dry."
Me ? With a little help from my friends !! Friends like this:
ReplyDeleteBeating Despair
Kim du Toit
February 1, 2007
7:50 AM
I read this post at Kevin’s the other day, and it brought a few thoughts to mind. Here’s a sample of his gloom (excluding all the links):
I’m tired of it. I’m tired of standing up and trying to get people to look. I’m tired of “Global Warming” - the next boogeyman the people who believe that only an all-powerful State can save us from certain destruction (though many will unfortunately have to be sacrificed, of course - eggs and omlettes, you understand) are pushing as the excuse to control our lives. I’m tired of the War on Terror - to some extent a boogeyman itself - being used to build the mechanisms that can (and will eventually) be used to the same end. I’m tired of the War on (some) Drugs™ being used to disembowel the Fourth and Fifth Amendments. I’m tired of politicians butchering the First Amendment. I’m tired of the Courts eviscerating the Second. I’m tired of our institutions of “higher learning” turning out ignorant but politically correct useful idiots in an endless cycle that ever more resembles the swirling of a toilet bowl.
In short, I’m tired of watching Western Civilization commit seppuku with a dull, rusty spoon. No ceremony. No hope of restored honor. No hope.
It was the sentence ”I’m tired of standing up and trying to get people to look” which resonated with me, because I sometimes feel the same way.
But I refuse to let it get me down, because I have the antidote to that feeling, and it comes from (no surprise) Albert Jay Nock. In Isaiah’s Job, Nock writes:
One evening last autumn, I sat long hours with a European acquaintance while he expounded a political-economic doctrine which seemed sound as a nut and in which I could find no defect. At the end, he said with great earnestness: “I have a mission to the masses. I feel that I am called to get the ear of the people. I shall devote the rest of my life to spreading my doctrine far and wide among the population. What do you think?”
...and Nock responds that he’s going to be wasting his time: that “the masses” aren’t going to be moved by what he has to say, and all he’ll experience is a profound feeling of failure.
But, of course, Nock has the answer:
“There is a Remnant there that you know nothing about. They are obscure, unorganized, inarticulate, each one rubbing along as best he can. They need to be encouraged and braced up because when everything has gone completely to the dogs, they are the ones who will come back and build up a new society; and meanwhile, your preaching will reassure them and keep them hanging on. Your job is to take care of the Remnant, so be off now and set about it.”
And that is what keeps me going.
I’m not going to be as vain as to think that my job is anything as important as Isaiah’s. But in terms of what I write on this website, I will say that, by and large, I get most of it right—the rest being either through my own ignorance, or through the issue itself being insoluble. (I know I drive many of my Loyal Readers to distraction over my indifference on the abortion issue, to give but one example.)
What I don’t care about is whether what I have to say is popular, or finds acceptance with many people. The people who do agree with me, fine; the people who don’t are welcome not to—in Nock’s words, ”Anyone who liked might listen; anyone who liked might pass by.”
I am not as patient a man as Nock, though, which is why I don’t allow discussions of a radical nature on this website. (Some examples, again: I’m not interested in debating whether socialism is better than capitalism—it isn’t—or whether pure libertarianism is a feasible form of social order—it isn’t—or whether Hillary Clinton would make a good President—she wouldn’t.)
Of course, this lays me open to charges of creating an “echo chamber” on this website, a charge which was leveled at The Mrs. during a discussion of libertarianism on her website.
Frankly, I don’t care what people call me, or what they think of what I have to say. I say my piece; and those who like, can listen, and those who (don’t) like, can FOAD pass by.
Every so often, I admit, I do feel the way Kevin does. Here’s where it happens.
I look at my traffic numbers, and suddenly realize that my words are reaching a large number of people. But all that does is set me up for disappointment. I might issue a ringing call to arms, that everyone should write to their Congressweasel right away about Issue X; and then, when a total of three (3) letters actually get sent, I get depressed.
Of course, that’s the trap. It doesn’t matter that only three letters get sent; it doesn’t matter if no letters get sent. What matters is that I may have got one, just one person to think about what I’ve written, and be encouraged that he isn’t the only one in the world who thinks the way he does. That’s Nock’s message—and as soon as I remember it, I find tranquillity once more.
Because at the end of the day, Western Civilization will be saved not by great huge mass movements, or by heroic feats of socio-political evangelism. Western civilization will be saved by a whole bunch of individuals doing the right thing, one citizen at a time.
Sound familiar?
Glad to see Wild Bill posting here. Alright, Wild Bill. Hope things are going well for ya'.
ReplyDeleteI think you have to learn to accept the inevitability of it all.
ReplyDeleteWe've been spreading the message for years, and maybe picked up a few converts along the way..... but we're never going to advert the coming clash of civilizations. It just dont work that way.
Both world wars COULD have been prevented by committing to action before the bad guys became too strong..... I'm sure a large slice of our society saw it coming then....sounded the alarm....maybe some preparations were made..... but until Germany and Japan crossed their Rubicons of Poland and Pearl Harbor, we were never prepared to start killing them.
There's just no fuckin' way any western government is going to be able to pull the trigger of total annihilation until this enemy has the capacity to, the pre-positioned fighters to, and has in fact committed an act that threatens the continuity of our societies.
And that may be tomorrow and it may be 50 years down the road...... so why devote the rest of our lives to worrying about the inevitable?
I mean yeah, we're passing this problem off to our kids, and I dont like the way that makes me feel, but there's really nothing we can do about it until events that have to occur first occur.
So really, Always On Watch, I'd tell your friend to just enjoy every minute of our time-line in human history.... and watch the "never-ending flood of bad news" from the perspective that its all just window dressing.....the window between horrible, but necessary, large-scale human conflict. Just realize that with every instance of bad news, we are one instance closer to the day we start fighting back in earnest. In fact....try to look forward to that catalyst that allows us to respond in kind.
It may sound macabre....but I would rather it happen sooner than later..... the longer our enemy takes to force us into a response of biblical proportions the stronger they will be...... I want the eradication of this enemy to be my generation's burden, not my Children' there's reason to look forward to the "bad news"....Bad news is Good news...the badder the better.... faster please...... I'm ready.
I agree with Redneck Texan and Pastorius that sooner is better than later.
ReplyDeleteBut I disagree that we have the black-or-white choice between totally annihilating the enemy or just waiting. We are all actively participating in the development of the unfolding historical events and there is no reason to think things HAVE TO be a certain way, or people will necessarily respond as they have in the past.
We are helping to determine how things turn out. When things have changed, it was always individuals who made it happen, and then there is always the larger number of people who just LET things happen. We are in the former group, including you, Redneck Texan, as I'm sure you're aware. You are a center of influence, and you are helping to determine how it turns out.
If your efforts combine with my efforts, and those combine with the thousands of others who are doing their parts, big or small, it might all add up to earlier and more decisive action, which may save millions of lives.
You probably think this way anyway, Redneck Texan. Your actions seem to say so. Perhaps I'm too sensitive to any hint of determinism, which is what I detected in your statement:
"There's just no fuckin' way any western government is going to be able to pull the trigger of total annihilation until this enemy has the capacity to, the pre-positioned fighters to, and has in fact committed an act that threatens the continuity of our societies."
It seemed like determinism and the thought-error of all-or-nothing thinking. Both of those have the tendency to take the fight out of people, and I don't want them to ever infect my fellow infidels.
But then, given the responses so far to this question, it looks like my fellow infidels are indomitable!
It's actually easy.
ReplyDeleteWe have been given something from those who came before. All we have to do is pass that along. In order to accomplish this, certain tasks fall to us.
In this little corner of reason we are doing this.
How is it possible to do less? It's not much, but that's the hand we hold, we were dealt.
Besides, if they can't take a joke...
RT good to see you again...and I have to echoe his opinions....the longer we delay...the stronger the enemy will be.....Nuclear Jihad any one? Or how about Bio Jihad. Does any one actually think these lunatics would hesitate to release a bio weapon..? Which poses the question....why haven't they done it I'm sure they do possess Bio agents very easily sourced from the former Soviet Union.