
Thursday, November 08, 2007

The Vlaams Belang Is Not Racist?

Richard Miniter says the Vlaams Belang is not a racist organization:

Since both Charles Johnson and Paul Belien are friends of Pajamas Media (indeed, Charles was a co-founder), I have sat out their “blog war.” I can’t stay silent anymore.
In today’s Washington Times,
Paul Belien has a terrific piece on Hitler’s surprisingly positive view of Islam. Johnson should read it and call a truce.

Here’s the back story: Johnson accused Belien and his band of associating with “neo-nazis”—i.e. the Vlaams Belang, Belgium’s largest voter getter in the most recent national election. Johnson seems to think that the Vlaams Belang is some tiny poisonous fringe, like the followers of Larouche.

In truth, it enjoys the largest support of any party in Belgium because it alone violates the political correct cordon that protects radical Islam in Europe. The party is the sole defender of the embattled Jews in Antwerp, who are regularly attacked by Muslim immigrants. The party has complained about the rising violent crime rate that bedevils Belgium—and there is little reason to doubt official statistics that Muslim immigrants are behind this horrifying rise in violent attacks. And so on.

How do I know this? I lived in Beligum from 2000 to 2005, working for the Wall Street Journal Europe and European think tank. I have known Belien and his wife, who is, yes, a member of the Belgian parliament for the Vlaams Belang, for almost seven years and they have been guests in home in both Brussels and Washington. They are free-market conservatives whose views are identical mainstream Republicans in the U.S. They are pro-America and pro-Israel—which, last I checked, are not standard neo-nazi positions.

The Vlaams Belang is a mixed bag, like all genuine grassroots parties. I have met the party leaders. While they are not as free-market or as tolerant as Belien, they are not racists. Their closest American equivalent is Rep. Tom Tancredo, who while given to a single-issue mono-mania is also not a racist.

I suspect that Charles Johnson has not met any of the Vlaams Belang leadership or even interviewed them. He is simply following a left-wing link. He does not offer evidence, based not on his own experience, reporting or careful deliberation, but simply links to web sites of virulent critics—virtually all of whom have not interviewed party leaders or spent any time understanding the nuances of Belgian politics. The blind leading the blind.

These sites simply repeat a left-wing prejudice against the Vlaams Belang, which no matter how imperfect is not a bunch of neo-nazis. The European left wants large numbers of Muslim immigrants—they need the votes to make up for the loss of working class and union votes that have been slowly migrating away from them parties for the past two decades. And the Muslim migrants vote overwhelming for the left in every western European country.

Of course, any party that threatens the left’s hold on power (by calling for restrictions on immigration, measures to protect the rights of women and Jews and so on) is immediately branded racist or worst.

Ok. I'll take that under advisement.

UPDATE: Charles does agree with Richard Minter's characterization of Little Green Footballs criticisms of the Vlaams Belang.

Boy, does he disagree.


  1. Hi all, interesting post as ever. As this story continues to unfold I would add that as the article points out grass roots organisations will attract a mixed bag of political opinion, in that light I would like to state that not all left of centre thinking is the enemy. Whilst there admittedly is nothing in mainstream political thought that represents those of us who are loosely left of centre yet recognise the threat that Islam poses to peace, freedom, cohesion and even liberal or conservative thought and as a consequence are strongly opposed to an Islamification agenda or those who would leave us vulnerable to it's progress. All of my associates who share my left of centre economic outlook all recognise that the concepts of political correctness and Multiculturalism, certainly in the UK, has played straight into the hands of the Islamists. The assumption that migrants will inevitably become culturally assimilated has been proven incorrect. Not that I favour a mono culture, I prefer to live in a place where a trip to a new market or restaurant is an interesting cultural voyage of discovery. What is missing is that which unites us....hence the need for systematic and deliberate assimilation of new arrivals. I love freedom...and I love the freedom to disagree and I and others are willing to protect it. Don't judge me by self serving political diva's who are out to make a name for themselves, grab a few headlines and don't have to live with the consequences of their Dhimmitude, so who basically don't represent me (or others!). I hope VB isn't racist as it's counter productive if it is. Perhaps making clear statements to that affect would serve, perhaps making the party unwelcoming to those who are. Certainly I feel some of those who are involved in the party are....and should, without distracting from the greater cause of Islamic resistance, be made to feel unwelcome. When we defeat the Islamic monster (as our victory is inevitably assured!) I look forward to getting back to the good old days of arguing you Neo cons into the ground!! LOL! Just joking!! Much love to you all! Infidels are we! United one and all!

  2. Few things would give me more pleasure than were I to come to believe that Vlaams Belang is not a party which tolerates and/or, possibly, promotes racism.

  3. I have found a great site for viewing the Enemy's thoughts.

    This article relate directly to your Discussion.

    Personally, I am abit fed up of the opinionated rednecks that frequent LGF!

  4. Hmmm but that web site paints Muslims as blameless re the lyrical terrorist...

    "Pity Samina Malik, the young woman who will live for the rest of her life with the consequences of a terrorism conviction simply for being a suburban shopgirl who expressed her fantasies on the internet."

    Working at an airport and having martyrdom fantasies, and you wonder why there is intense suspicion and distrust of Muslims? At the very least she is criminally Naive, why fantasise about killing strangers?!

    Lets talk about Muslims who are racist, in the space of 1 week I have encountered examples in my day to day life of racist attitudes from Muslims aimed at black and white. To most on this web site I'm a loony liberal lefty and even I have to say that your cause looks at the Muslim position through rose tinted glasses that serves only to give ammunition to the far right. At least here at IBA you will see an awful lot of naval gazing and self examination as to the direction and nature the resistance to Islamification takes. I/We support freedom and refusal to recognise something that is evil undermines good intentions. Of course I welcome a discussion on this. I agree we must protect human rights and dignity, but how for example (following a cursory look)can you take that position re the 'poor innocent lyrical terrorist'.

    When I was young I fantasised about going into space or flying fast jets, not writing love sick poems about martyring myself in the name of Jihad! So come on mate get real, something is clearly sick in Islam, become part of the solution and change that rather than bury your head in the sand saying everything is ok with Islam, because all you achieve is writing Nick Griffins next speech.

    Ps here's a link to some thoughtful Muslims who have woken up and smelt the coffee.
