
Thursday, November 08, 2007

What Would You Do If They Asked You To Divide Your Capital City

Israpundit declares an "Emergency Campaign to Save Israel." I'm not sure the situation is that bad that a state of emergency needs to be enacted, but what do I know?

In any case, the idea of splitting Jerusalem into two seems the height of stupidity to me. Jerusalem is mentioned hundreds of times in the Jewish Bible, and not a single time in the Koran.

Jerusalem is, quite simply, not a Muslim Holy City. Muslims were never really interested in Jerusalem unless other parties took control of it. Once they were able to run those other parties out of Jerusalem, the Muslims would leave.

Now that we've discussed that, let's look at what IsraPundit has to say:

Emergency Campaign to Save Israel !

"If I Forget Thee O Jerusalem"

By capitulating to foreign interests and to the tiny but powerful anti-Zionist Left in Israel, the government is shattering the social contract that is the source of its right to govern. By violating the foundational principles and norms of the Jewish State, this government has delegitimized itself.

At the "Munich Conference" in Annapolis, the prime minister intends:

-To establish an Arab terrorist state to be called Palestine;
-To divide Jerusalem and give the Temple Mount to the Muslims;
-To cede all of Judea and Samaria;
-To give the enemy control of the mountain ridge overlooking "little Israel," placing all the large population centers within range of Katusha rockets;
-To expel hundreds of thousands of Jews from their homes and to destroy their communities.


Read the rest.

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