Someone light a match for God's sake. Fjordman really stuck up the joint over at Gates of whatever-you-call-them this morning. My eyes are watering and I'm feeling a little dizzy.
Fjordman seems to think it is all but inevitable that the USA is on a path towards ruin because Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians all think the other eats watermelons, rice, and beans.
What a friggin minstrel show. Thank God, GOV is there to direct.
Anyway here's a little snippet from Fjordman:
Many Americans seem to believe it’s all about the Constitution, and that everybody who sets foot on US soil is equally an American.. Put in the extreme, this view would mean that you could exchange the present US population with 300 million Zulus, yet the USA would still remain as American as apple pie if the Constitution remained in place. I’m not so sure that is true.
And, of course, none of us said it was. There's this little thing called assimilation you might have heard us Americans talking about once in awhile, if you were paying attention, Fjordman.
(By the way, doesn't Fjordman wear wooden shoes and speak that language where they just say, "Fer-de-fer, de-fer-de-fer," over and over all day long?)
Anyway, I wouldn't bring any of this up if the comments weren't so precious. I love Sodra, for instance. He really lets it all hang out:
Very good article, Fjordman. It certainly should be noted that such severe shifts in historically "minority" groups have only occurred over the last 60 years or so. Which of course begs the question, "Are these Zulus really equal?"
So many otherwise intelligent individuals misread the American Declaration of Independence, specifically the phrase "all men are created equal" to provide support for a colorblind society. It really is shocking to see just how deeply this politically correct brainwashing has taken hold.
Yeah, it is shocking that 230 years later, after a Civil War, wave after wave of immigration (each wave of which was predicted to destroy America as we know it), a war against Nazism, and the Civil Rights movement, we are still fighting about whether the American idea will work. I guess we'll have to get back to you on that in another 230 years, ok?
Latte Conservative serves up a double Mocha with an extra shot of rancid cream with this comment:
These people who think it's only about the Constitution probably don't have two sets of African neighbors, as I do. Sure, they're middle class and don't bother anyone, but they don't have the slightest idea about what it means to be a neighbor in America. Both families: televisions blaring most of the time, don't say good morning or make eye contact, etc. How many generations will it take for them to understand how to share space?
I don't know why, but that really makes me laugh. In fact, I think it may well be featured on the next episode of the IBA Radio Show.
It is GOV commenter Archonix who wins the IBA GOV commenter of the week award, though, because he actually seems to get it:
Well... in this instance, I disagree with you all.or let me put it another way, I can see why you would think this way - unassimilated immigrants cause what is often euphemistically described as "tension" and akrge numbers of immigrants in a short time will overwhelm the host culture - but I can't subscribe to this idea that minorities will inevitably overwhelm the host culture by their sheer presence. The problem is assimilation, as I just mentioned.
In the 50s, the UK brought in a large number of afro-carribbean workers to bolster the population lost during the second world war. They assimilated, by and large, and their children are as English as any other native of these isles. The thing is, they were brought in, already quite immersed in English - as opposed to British - culture and generally willing to work. They assimilated. Of course they kept hold of their parent culture and that slowly blended into the host culture over time but, importantly, they didn't cling to it in defiance of th culture they were joining.
There will be similar stories in most of Europe.
What Archonix describes is the process Americans know by the name of the "Melting Pot." Often, when I have brought this process of assimilation up to Europeans I have been reprimanded as an idiotic "multiculturalist."
Thing is, there is a difference between multiculturalism and Melting Pot assimilation. However, if one has not seen it happen, then I can understand it would be hard to imagine.
Melting Pot assimilation is what happens in a culture which allows for a free market of ideas. In such a culture, the good ideas (whether they are political, economic, or culinary in nature) will sustain themselves by the sheer fact that many people will buy into them.
In other words, if 20 million Hispanics move into the United States and they all bring burritos with them, and we like their burritos, then the burrito will become part of the culture of the United States. If Hispanics bring with them a way of doing business which is rife with corruption, then that idea will be gradually elimnated, because it is dangerous, and ultimately, it is not efficient. If Hispanics bring with them a certain notion of how a family ought to run, and white guys buy into that notion, then white guys will marry the Hispanic girls and a new kind of American family will be born. (Hint, hint, white chicks) But, I digress ...
What do you know? Capitalism and assimilation go together. We can have immigration and freedom. We don't have to resort to a state-enforced Ethnic Nationalism to preserve our culture.
Well, actually, if you want to keep wearing those wooden shoes, you might have to have state help, because no one really wants to wear them anymore. We just want to put them in museums and look at them.
What a friggin minstrel show. Thank God, GOV is there to direct.
Anyway here's a little snippet from Fjordman:
Many Americans seem to believe it’s all about the Constitution, and that everybody who sets foot on US soil is equally an American.. Put in the extreme, this view would mean that you could exchange the present US population with 300 million Zulus, yet the USA would still remain as American as apple pie if the Constitution remained in place. I’m not so sure that is true.
And, of course, none of us said it was. There's this little thing called assimilation you might have heard us Americans talking about once in awhile, if you were paying attention, Fjordman.
(By the way, doesn't Fjordman wear wooden shoes and speak that language where they just say, "Fer-de-fer, de-fer-de-fer," over and over all day long?)
Anyway, I wouldn't bring any of this up if the comments weren't so precious. I love Sodra, for instance. He really lets it all hang out:
Very good article, Fjordman. It certainly should be noted that such severe shifts in historically "minority" groups have only occurred over the last 60 years or so. Which of course begs the question, "Are these Zulus really equal?"
So many otherwise intelligent individuals misread the American Declaration of Independence, specifically the phrase "all men are created equal" to provide support for a colorblind society. It really is shocking to see just how deeply this politically correct brainwashing has taken hold.
Yeah, it is shocking that 230 years later, after a Civil War, wave after wave of immigration (each wave of which was predicted to destroy America as we know it), a war against Nazism, and the Civil Rights movement, we are still fighting about whether the American idea will work. I guess we'll have to get back to you on that in another 230 years, ok?
Latte Conservative serves up a double Mocha with an extra shot of rancid cream with this comment:
These people who think it's only about the Constitution probably don't have two sets of African neighbors, as I do. Sure, they're middle class and don't bother anyone, but they don't have the slightest idea about what it means to be a neighbor in America. Both families: televisions blaring most of the time, don't say good morning or make eye contact, etc. How many generations will it take for them to understand how to share space?
I don't know why, but that really makes me laugh. In fact, I think it may well be featured on the next episode of the IBA Radio Show.
It is GOV commenter Archonix who wins the IBA GOV commenter of the week award, though, because he actually seems to get it:
Well... in this instance, I disagree with you all.or let me put it another way, I can see why you would think this way - unassimilated immigrants cause what is often euphemistically described as "tension" and akrge numbers of immigrants in a short time will overwhelm the host culture - but I can't subscribe to this idea that minorities will inevitably overwhelm the host culture by their sheer presence. The problem is assimilation, as I just mentioned.
In the 50s, the UK brought in a large number of afro-carribbean workers to bolster the population lost during the second world war. They assimilated, by and large, and their children are as English as any other native of these isles. The thing is, they were brought in, already quite immersed in English - as opposed to British - culture and generally willing to work. They assimilated. Of course they kept hold of their parent culture and that slowly blended into the host culture over time but, importantly, they didn't cling to it in defiance of th culture they were joining.
There will be similar stories in most of Europe.
What Archonix describes is the process Americans know by the name of the "Melting Pot." Often, when I have brought this process of assimilation up to Europeans I have been reprimanded as an idiotic "multiculturalist."
Thing is, there is a difference between multiculturalism and Melting Pot assimilation. However, if one has not seen it happen, then I can understand it would be hard to imagine.
Melting Pot assimilation is what happens in a culture which allows for a free market of ideas. In such a culture, the good ideas (whether they are political, economic, or culinary in nature) will sustain themselves by the sheer fact that many people will buy into them.
In other words, if 20 million Hispanics move into the United States and they all bring burritos with them, and we like their burritos, then the burrito will become part of the culture of the United States. If Hispanics bring with them a way of doing business which is rife with corruption, then that idea will be gradually elimnated, because it is dangerous, and ultimately, it is not efficient. If Hispanics bring with them a certain notion of how a family ought to run, and white guys buy into that notion, then white guys will marry the Hispanic girls and a new kind of American family will be born. (Hint, hint, white chicks) But, I digress ...
What do you know? Capitalism and assimilation go together. We can have immigration and freedom. We don't have to resort to a state-enforced Ethnic Nationalism to preserve our culture.
Well, actually, if you want to keep wearing those wooden shoes, you might have to have state help, because no one really wants to wear them anymore. We just want to put them in museums and look at them.
GoV is having a problem with writers in the comments section. It’s extremely hard not to attract trolls or even false admirers. I’ve given up!
ReplyDeleteAt least Archonix understands the historical role of assimilation. As you note, it’s the rejection of assimilation by the multi-culturalists (i.e. any culture but ours) that is the problem.
ReplyDeleteAs I think you can probably imagine, it is hard to take seriously the notion that I have to make a stand for assimilation, or for the idea that it is culture, not race, which is our problem.
To my mind, Ethnic Nationalism deserves about as much respect, as an ideology, as Islamofascism.
Unforunately, assimilation is under attack today. In the early 1980s I was stunned to see this emerge. Multi-culturalism automatically assigned people to groups and considered those who assimilated lacking in authenticity. The idea that individuals could define themselves started to fade. Group identity became the norm.
ReplyDeleteGrowing up in Queens, NY, there was no group that was more than 20% of the population. We were all eager to be Americans. I remember racial bigotry, unfortunately, but over time I was it decreased to a minimal level where it was no longer operative. Leftist politicians kept it from completely fading by demanding special treatment for “protected groups”, which went against the innate fairness of the American ethos. This tribalism poisoned the culture.
Assimilation, however, often takes generations, but obviously varies from individual to individual. This should weigh into the equation setting immigration rates. Neither open borders nor shut-them-tight make any sense. We thrive on expanding and need a rational immigration policy.
I understand there are different circumstances elsewhere. Israel, for example, has to have a more selective immigration policy. It assimilates Jews from around the world but it has to limit entry by Muslims to a trickle. Some would say that Zionism is ethnic nationalism. I’m a great supporter of Israel but I’m not a supporter of Zionism, at least not in principle. However, I appreciate the achievement that Israel is. And it could not continue to exist if it allowed return or entry of large number of Arabs.
There are Jews (on the left) who condemn Israel for not being perfect and “inclusive” on a universal basis. They condemn Zionism as a discriminatory practice. It is, of course, but Israel still is orders of magnitude above any nation in the region; its respects the rights of the 20% Arab minority that have lived and thrived during the last 60 years. It reminds us that “the perfect is the enemy of the good.” I accept the historical limitations that are required to insure the existence of this great nation.
Hi Jason,
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, Israel must exist because the world proved to itself that no matter where Jews go, they are attacked. Therefore, the Jews must have a homeland where they can take care of themselves.
The fact is, Jews themselves are not quite a specific ethnicity. There are sephardic Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, and a whole host of other African and Hispanic Jews. Israel will accept them all.
Israel's idea of severely limiting Muslim immigration sounds like an idea the whole rest of the world ought to take into consideration.
And, of course, Islam is not an ethnicity. It is an ideology.
In Europe the new 'word' is 'inclusion', thereby they mean including immigrants without any demand on them for integration or assimilation. We have to accept their differences and their culture.
ReplyDeleteCrazy. What about cannibal invaders?
Well, I've always said that these people in the end CANNOT wait to reveal themselves. They can't help their inner compulsions of this sort.
ReplyDeleteIt's just very sad, AND VERY INFORMING to our consciences that Fjordman has placed himself where he has.
Sad moment. My money says 'they' don't even know it.
I hadn't read it yet.
EIN VOLK meets the CCC
ReplyDeleteWhat's it like to be an aging baby-boomer civil rights worker trapped in the sixties?
That the best you got?
ReplyDeleteCrypto racist twaddle comes out in ad hominem snideness?
Anyone who has read ANYTHING I write understands I, in remaining just where Harry Truman was, fall to the RIGHT of Mr. Reagan today. But that means I don't have an inner fear of latinos FUCKING MY SEEEEEEEEEESTER, or asians taking my job, or being 60 % of the doctors and lawyers graduating...but hey, maybe you can get some quotas going in line with 'cultural defense'
I hear there's a meeting near you tonight. it's about these subjects...
Black/Asian/Hispanic distrust and fear each other says AFP. (SOUND FAMILIAR?)
Feds Investigate Al Sharpton.
Major writer slams SLPC in article in New York Press
Human races have significantly evolved apart from one another.
The Council of Conservative Citizens, A Proud Organization for a Proud People
Actually not only am I not trapped, but it takes someone LIKE YOU to remind me that just because I haven't voted for a dem for prez since 1976, there WAS something BETTER about those people - in 1965.
YOU have a problem. You own it.
What a farce !
ReplyDeleteI'm itching to write something really obnoxious and soon. I love it when guys like PRCDude come here and walk around in the new suit the Emperor's tailor knitted just for them.
I'll repeat these commetns i left on a different post:
ReplyDeleteSometimes, like in the case of Europe, a nation is defined by the ethnicity (and therefore race) of its people.. so in some cases a term like ethnic nationalism is redundant.
As support, I will look at the dictionary:
na·tion (noun)
an aggregation of persons of the same ethnic family, often speaking the same language or cognate languages.
In fact , if you look at the eytomology (sp?) of nation you see that ethnicity is the central focus of the word
These are the various etymologies I have found
[Origin: 1250–1300; ME < L nātiōn- (s. of nātiō) birth, tribe, equiv. to nāt(us) (ptp. of nāscī to be born) + -iōn- -ion]
[Middle English nacioun, from Old French nation, from Latin nātiō, nātiōn-, from nātus, past participle of nāscī, to be born; see genə- in Indo-European roots.]
c.1300, from O.Fr. nacion, from L. nationem (nom. natio) "nation, stock, race," lit. "that which has been born," from natus, pp. of nasci "be born" (see native). Political sense has gradually taken over from racial meaning "large group of people with common ancestry." Older sense preserved in application to N.Amer. Indian peoples (1650). Nationality "the fact of belonging to a particular nation" is from 1828. Nation-building first attested 1907 (implied in nation-builder). National is from 1597; national anthem first recorded 1819, in Shelley. Nationalize "bring under state control" is from 1869.
vincep I understand what u r saying.
ReplyDeleteIn the case of Europe one can frame an argument that it just happened to work out this way.
Of course,then, the Celts, Picts,and Saxons should be doing away with the Normans, eh? If the Druids had been more like the BNP the Celtic cross argument would be pretty minimal, eh?
I can also frame an argument that the heavy % of indentured servants, uneducated, 'crude', uncultured, who went 'west' in the 1790-1824 period and then elected Jackson over the eastern VA & MA establishments were regarded EXACTLY with the same fears then as we see now. In fact what they wanted WAS a different kind of nation, of culture, than the philosophical descendants of Washington, Monroe, and Adams, as Jackson amply demonstrated from 1824-1832.
Few nations have been as successful as the USA in adopting change.
To want a consistent culture for your children over time from your granpdarents is natural. To demand it is against the laws of nature.
To yearn for times which were as changing as these, but in other ways, is natural. To enforce that vision is against the laws of nature.
I feel a post out of this. But since my daughter went into labor last night at 11, 300 miles away in a snowstorm and we have to get there, it may have to wait a bit.
>vincep I understand what u r saying.
ReplyDeleteIn the case of Europe one can frame an argument that it just happened to work out this way.
And in Asia too.
>Of course,then, the Celts, Picts,and Saxons should be doing away with the Normans, eh? If the Druids had been more like the BNP the Celtic cross argument would be pretty minimal, eh?
This is a pretty poor argument for your side. We're talking about today.. not 1000 years ago. If the folks 1000 years ago resisted the influx of the various groups, they'd be more than justified in wanting to keep them out.
>I can also frame an argument that the heavy % of indentured servants, uneducated, 'crude', uncultured, who went 'west' in the 1790-1824 period and then elected Jackson over the eastern VA & MA establishments were regarded EXACTLY with the same fears then as we see now.
This has what to do with Europe?
> In fact what they wanted WAS a different kind of nation, of culture, than the philosophical descendants of Washington, Monroe, and Adams, as Jackson amply demonstrated from 1824-1832.
Good for them
>Few nations have been as successful as the USA in adopting change.
Good for us.
>To want a consistent culture for your children over time from your granpdarents is natural. To demand it is against the laws of nature.
I didn't know there was a law of nature regarding the wanting of a stable culture.
>To yearn for times which were as changing as these, but in other ways, is natural. To enforce that vision is against the laws of nature.
How so?
>I feel a post out of this. But since my daughter went into labor last night at 11, 300 miles away in a snowstorm and we have to get there, it may have to wait a bit.
Congrats on your grandparentedness.
"In the 50s, the UK brought in a large number of afro-carribbean workers to bolster the population lost during the second world war. They assimilated, by and large, and their children are as English as any other native of these isles."
ReplyDeleteThat is almost true. The assimilation has not been perfect.
At my school black kids always shouted racist when they were disciplined.
Assimilation is a good thing but it does not always happen one 100% percent.
BTW making racial slurs is a little immature.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't "inclusion" sound like a word which would be emphasized with regard to playing in the sand box at pre-school?
ReplyDeleteWho made racial slurs?
This is a very dishonest exercise: mixing the blog, Fjordman’s article and the comments of the readers.
ReplyDeleteVery dishonest indeed.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I was "dishonest". I was very specific in stating I wouldn't have brought it up if the "comments weren't so precious."
What part of that did you not understand?
AMDG..let's just say that the longer this thing, which until this week I wished would go away, goes on, the more revelatory it seems.
ReplyDeleteFrankly, it will be interesting to see just how far down the road of white supremacy sheltering under the less pejorative cultural defense blather some people will go, rather than say 'whoa....I'm here to promote the idea of another kind of culture to defeat Islamozoid ginstu freaks, not ANY culture'
Vincep - thanks. Now let's take another point you made which is VERY TRUE, namely that white european culture might be argued to be a mirror of asian indigenous totally unmixed monoculture which is oriental color.
The apex of such efforts worldwide end at the same point. Chinese regarded (regard?) the rest of us as uncultured nouveau rich sub-chinese, barbarian, and the modern peak of Japanese power of the last century was the Greater East Asian Co Prosperity Sphere, not exactly what I would call an effort engineered by the SPLC. They stood at the top of a 'food pyramid' built on chinese, koreans, malays, thais, ... all asian 'untermenschen'.
What are we for? You make a good point in your question about my point of the indentured folks whose descendants elected Jackson. Here's what that has to do with Europe.
It's about change.
If the 'high minded' of Europe can't make enough babies to physically continue their own infrastructure, and must import labor, they MUST have societal change. (or just go to outright repression and be done with the hypocrisy). But 'they' want white europe.
The USA has faced one wave of such change after another after another. Most of us here are from people who ran from the European societal systems, or were driven out. Some here, like the CofCC morons want the same thing as some of these euros now long for, and it's all just FEAR. This fear was the same those already here, and vested in the nation had for those farmers, the Irish, the Germans who followed them, the asians who flooded the west after that, and then the great eastern and southern euro mass immigrations of 1880-1920.
We MADE something of it. If europe doesn't WANT to do something like that, and will continue to deny social mobility (aside from the very real religious thing which might make it impossible anyway at this point), I have a small suggestion...
FUCK THEIR BRAINS OUT, and get rid of the BC pills.
i'm a pessimist.. i dont think anything is going to change the course of what i see as the destruction of Europe by Islam.
ReplyDeleteI see all this bickering as pointless.
I feel the same way about europe, but they may still revert to the good old ways and just kill the outsiders.
ReplyDeleteAs far as this 'bickering', I felt the same as you did (writing just that repeatedly to both CJ and Baron) until this week, when Fjordman's little tome revealed him to mouth the same words as the CofCC. That takes this well past bickering into the the land of tectonic differences, for me anyway.