
Monday, December 10, 2007


Western Philosophy criticizes the products of Western Philosophy. Western science criticizes the products of Western science. This is called critical analysis. It is the basis of all progress in thought and, therefore, it is the basis of all we have in the West.

But, Islam does not allow for critical analysis. Islamic culture does not allow for the criticism of the products of Islamic culture.

To be fair, fatwas are a form of dialectic. Problem is, their "criticism" takes the form of, "How dare you insult Allah. I kill you."

That's what passes as critical analysis in Islamic culture.

From Kafir Canada:

"I condemn Islam. I bring against it the most terrible of accusations that ever an accuser put into words. It is to me the greatest of all imaginable corruptions.... It has left nothing untouched by its depravity. It has made a worthlessness out of every value, a lie out of every truth, a sin out of everything straightforward, healthy and honest. Let anyone dare to speak to me of its humanitarian blessings! To do away with pain and woe is contrary to its principles. It lives by pain and woe: it has created pain and woe in order to perpetuate itself. ... The mosque is the rallying post for a conspiracy against health, beauty, well-being, courage, intellect, benevolence - against life itself..."

Replace "Islam" with "Christianity" and "mosque" with "cross" and you have the actual quote from The Anti-Christ by Nietzsche. Nietzsche is taught at pretty much every Canadian, American, and European university to some extent, some courses dedicated solely or mainly to him, but most often he is read just as part of a wider-ranging philosophy course.

The Islamic advocacy groups complain that Islam receives unfair criticism. But I disagree. Islam has barely received any criticism, nowhere near what Christianity has received, as represented in Nietzsche.

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