
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"Islamophobia" Assault on Free Speech Continues

The Freedom-Phobia Conference in Byzantium has been concluded. The Organization of Islamic Conference has posted its opening statement from the Conference. In the name of "Reconciliation" they are demanding that the West engage in self-censorship and that Western governments implement laws prohibiting blasphemy (and least with regard to Islam). There is an excellent analysis of this farce at Gates of Vienna.

Meanwhile, the United Nations is gearing up for Durban II, since the first festival of Jew and Infidel hatred/whining for dollars was such a rousing success. Eye on the UN and Brussels Journal have the particulars:

The UN Human Rights Council (the UN commission with the Allah logo) has scheduled a second “global anti-racism and anti-xenophobia” conference for the Spring of 2009. The conference is part of what UN diplomats call, the “Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.” The venue of the conference has yet to be decided. The official title is the “Durban Review Conference,” but the conference is generally referred to as ‘Durban 2.’ The UN’s Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) Bureau for ‘Durban 2’ is chaired by Libya. Other human rights luminaries on the Preparatory Bureau are Iran, Pakistan and Cuba.

At the UN, a club of 192 predominantly unfree and undemocratic countries, 57 of whom are also member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the situation is even worse. This became very clear during the 2005-2006 crisis over the Danish cartoons but also at the Durban conference. Non-democratic and Muslim countries impose their views about “racism” and “xenophobia” on the West by redefining “racism” and “xenophobia” as opposition to Islam. In this context Israel is the world’s most racist state and people defending the traditional culture of Europe are “Islamophobes.”

Anne Bayefsky, the editor of Eye on the UN writes that one of the things the UN aims to do at the Durban 2 conference is create a new UN body to fight “global Islamophobia” because, as Egypt stated at a recent meeting of the Durban 2 Preparatory Bureau:

"The “aftermath” of 9/11 saw a new and dangerous phenomenon in incitement to racial and religious hatred [...] [T]he highly defamatory cartoons published by a Danish newspaper [...] deeply hurt over a billion Muslims around the world, and threatened social harmony and peace, both nationally and internationally."

There you have it, the main problem after 9/11 was the Danish newspaper cartoons not the over ten thousand Jihad inspired attacks resulting in the deaths of thousands.

Update, I: Liberal commentator Larry O'Donnell loves to bash Mormons, but draws the line at criticizing you know who. It seems he doesn't what to have his throat cut by opponents of "Islamophobia."

Crossposted at The Dougout

1 comment:

  1. I refuse to become involved in self-censorship when I see that our culture and nation is going down the tubes whether from Islamification or from home-grown or invading irredentists from the south.

    What's the matter with our political class? Don't they understand, or are they more interested in the bottom line and cheap votes than the well being of the American people? It's an outrage!!!
