
Monday, December 10, 2007


SIOE stands for Stop he Islamisation Of Europe.

Less than 100 men and women turned up to show their disapproval of building a new big mosque in Marseille. The biggest on the continent. These determined and brave people were the ambassadors of the many millions of europeans who are concerned about the islamisation of Europe.

But even they are brave and determined they cannot convince any mayors who want to make mosque’s in any european cities, because they and their politicians will say: less than 100 people against the mosque building in Europe won’t make a difference. On the contrary it could even be seen as an approval to build more mosque’s in other cities in Europe.

We know there are people who are afraid to join a SIOE demonstration, because they fear violence. But the last five SIOE demonstrations were held in a good atmosphere because SIOE’s organisers of the demonstrations have made good preparations. They have made all the nessessary contacts to the authorities so the demonstrations were legal and the police have been present.

The last five demonstrations have shown that there are no reason to fear to join a SIOE demonstration. Even the leader of the ex-muslims in Holland joined the commemoration for Theo van Gogh on Nov. 2nd in Amsterdam, because he knew that the security was taken care of. It is therefore now of greatest importance that people who share our fear for the islamisation now join us so we can send a clear message to our week politicians. Stop islamisation of Europe! No sharia here! No mosque building in Europe!

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