
Monday, December 10, 2007

New York Post: Denial No More

An excellent essay in the Post ends with the following:

"Why can't we admit it?

It goes without saying that not all Muslims are terrorists. But it is also true that most terrorists are Muslim. … This is how terror lives: Moderate members of the religion fail to condemn atrocities that are daily carried out in the name of Islam. It has to stop.

These are the same monsters who destroyed the World Trade Center. Who kidnapped Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Pakistan and videotaped his beheading. These are people, and I use the word loosely, whose hatred of women is eclipsed only by a loathing of all things Western.

Still, we live in denial.

The Islamo-fascists must not be allowed to slaughter one more innocent. Not one.

The first step to stopping the killing is to admit who is the enemy."

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday in church my pastor wondered aloud in front of the whole congregation, what he, an American living in Orange County, could do about Darfur.

    I wanted to yell out, "Tell the truth about what the problem is.
