
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

British Credit Card Chief Forced To Quit After Making Shi'ite Joke

How fucking pathetic. The guy made a freaking joke, and his colleauges were "stunned into silence." We must not offend the Muslims, no matter how many Muslims offend us by killing us.

"A director of Barclaycard has left the company in disgrace after making a joke deemed offensive to Muslims. Marc Howells, 42, who earned 200,000 pounds a year, was addressing senior executives about the credit card company's quarterly figures when he tried to make them laugh with the quip. Mr Howells said: "The results were like Muslims - some were good, some were Shi'ite."

Some outraged colleagues forced embarrassed laughs while others were stunned into silence, but Mr Howells seemed unaware of causing any offence. His pun was later reported to senior management, however, and after some discussion he left the company last month before any disciplinary process could begin.

Of course, the notion of offense turns on the idea that not all Shi'ite's are bad people. Guess what? We know it.

But, almost all fucking terrorists are Muslim, and we've just about had it. Over 10,000 Muslim terrorist attacks since 9/11, and we're not supposed to make a fucking joke?

Fuck you.

God damn it, I'm in a bad mood this morning.


  1. British institutions earn large fees from their involvement in selling so-called "Sukuk" or Islamic bonds (a paradox, considering Islam apparently does not allow for the charging or paying of interest). This abject surrender to Islam is a purely profit-driven decision.

  2. It isn’t just the British. Legal counsel at my company (here in the USA) warns about humor deemed offensive to “protected groups.” All foreign or religious groups are classified as “protected.” Offensive is defined by the “eye of the beholder.”

    Clearly we have to change laws if we are to protect speech from the threat of law suits. We may have to end all “discrimination” laws just to avoid the absurdity of “protected groups.” Common sense has been outlawed.

  3. Jason,
    Well put.

    And, the problem is, any law in which an act is deemed to break the law because of the judgement of a common citizen rather than the law itself is not a law. It is, instead, legalized prejudice.

  4. Anonymous,
    I need to read and write more about Sharia banking. Thanks for bringing it up.

  5. Pastorius - I forgot where I read this but here's a scary thing about Shari'a banking.

    Patrick Wood warns in an article about how the banks are making provisions to adopt Islamic banking, the consequences of which will be far reaching, because it will mean that Islam now has the support and endorsement of the global banking industry.

    Patrick Wood in his article gives the reader a description about what Islamic banking is:

    “Islamic banking and finance creates, sells and services products that are in strict accordance with Shari’ a.
    In the Islamic culture, it is referred to as “Shari’a finance” and covers the practices of banking, investment, bonds, loans, brokerage, etc.

    To insure Shari’a compliance, banks must hire Shari’a scholars to review and approve each product and practice as “halal”, the Muslim equivalent of kosher in Judaism"

    “It should be noted that most of these scholars are from the school of radical Wahhabi/Salafi Shari’a in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere, holding views diametrically opposed to the basic values of Western civilization.

    Shari’a finance has many differences from orthodox banking: Notably, it cannot charge interest (usury) and it calls for alms giving (zakat).”

    “Zakat demands a tithe of 2.5 percent of revenue be donated to Islamic charity.
    If western banks follow this rule, their contributions will be staggering.

    It is certain that a portion of this money will end up in the hands of radical Muslims who are sworn to destroy the U.S. and replace its government with Shari’a law”

    This last sentence is worth emphasizing, because through the phenomenon of Islamic banking our banks end up as financing institutions for those who seek to destroy our Western civilization and its Judeo Christian values.

    In other words: we end up facilitating our own demise.
