
Saturday, January 26, 2008

Muslims posted death threat to Geert Wilders on YouTube

As you now, Wilders draws the equals sign between Islam and Nazism. So, to prove him wrong, the devout followers of the Religion of Peace™ posted this video on YouTube:

Crossposted at Eye On The World.


  1. And when will the ass wipes at Google pull that video.

  2. Probably around the same time the hold the Winter Olympics in Hell.

    Interesting... the European Muslims know they can get away with death threats against a prominent political figure, but the ones here have been exhorted to ignore the upcoming Mo Da Cookie munch. I'd say the former know they have their dhimmis in the bag for the most part but those in the US are anxious to avoid anything that might put the skids to a Clinton or Obama victory in November. After that they can threaten whom they damn well please with impunity.

  3. Don't they understand how BORING they are?

    Just FINISH it all already

  4. There you go. Let Allah sort 'em all out.

  5. Watcher, I just read from a post over at Brussels Journals that Wilder's predecessor Van Gogh is as disparaging towards Jews and Christians as he is towards Muslims. It would be interesting to find out more about Wilders.
    It's great that the crazy Dutch are taking a stand against the rampant Islamization of Europe; I just hope that stand is not on sinking sand.

  6. Aurora,
    It's great that the crazy Dutch are taking a stand against the rampant Islamization of Europe; I just hope that stand is not on sinking sand.

    Good point, IMO.

    Theo Van Gogh hated all religions, from what I understand.

    Now, if a Christian had slaughtered Van Gogh in the streets of Amsterdam, wouldn't his death have received harp-on-it-twenty-four-seven coverage?

  7. That is interesting, isn't it? If Christians did what Muslims do, we'd never hear the end of it.

    Nor should we.
