
Sunday, April 06, 2008

And the winner in the "THERE ARE NO WORDS" category ...ACLU to defend Khalid Sheik Mohammad, funded by Janet Reno

Y'know, it's not that the ACLU is going to defend KSM which is hideous. It's that these "prominent" people one of whom deprived scores of people of life and liberty, such as Janet Reno, think that by publicly putting their names and money to this it actually makes this cause more legitimate.

ksm_bill_of_attainder.jpgKhalid Sheik Muhammad is not some John Carlos, Tommie Smith American with real grievances who went a bit wrong and has no representation. He is Hermann Goering without a country. Last time I checked the people who OPPOSED Japanese interment on a constitutional basis, like ROBERT JACKSON, went on to PROSECUTE the Hermann Goering's at Nuremberg, not defend them.

The ACLU, and I was a donating member at one time, not only does no favor to the US constitution, or individual rights, but IF IT IS POSSIBLE discredits itself utterly by attempting to defend one who is proud of his MANY AND MANIFEST efforts to kill Americans ultimately because the freedoms and individual rights WE VOTED FOR arrogate the rights KSM claims only god can assume.

ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero said a major thrust will be to defend Mohammed, who military officials say has confessed to masterminding the Sept. 11 attacks and other terrorist acts, including the beheading in Pakistan of Wall Street Journal correspondent Daniel Pearl.

The ACLU chose to focus on his defense, Romero said, because he appears to be "the government's top priority in the prosecution. And whether or not they are able to convict Khalid Sheikh Mohammed under these rules may well determine the fate of the almost 300 other men who are detained at Guantánamo."


No doubt the ALCU is going to defend this execrable anti american, anti anything but muslim, racist murderer on the basis that ultimately the 14th Amendment of the Constitution says:

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

To wit...waterboarding to obtain evidence violated the 14th amendment.

This is RICH:

Mohammed's case "is likely to raise the most significant issues of torture, hearsay evidence and access to counsel," Romero said.

At the Pentagon, a war-court spokesman said the Office of Military Commissions hadn't received details about the ACLU program.

But Air Force Capt. Andre Kok noted that the law governing the trials entitles each Guantánamo defendant to a military defense lawyer and that volunteer civilian attorneys can also participate, without government reimbursement.

Romero said 11 lawyers have agreed to defend Guantánamo detainees facing death-penalty charges under the program, which the ACLU has dubbed "The John Adams Project" after the second president of the United States, who as an attorney was subjected to ridicule for defending British soldiers accused of killing colonists in the 1770 Boston Massacre.

I hate to disabuse these morons, but a squad of british soldiers under duress mistakenly opening fire, while admittedly wrong in their strategic purpose, is not the same thing as masterminding several/many plots to kill innocent civilians by the thousands quietly having coffee at work, AND BEING PROUD OF IT.

Among those who've volunteered to defend the Sept. 11 conspirators are Idaho attorney David Nevin, whose previous cases include the successful defense of a Saudi charged with terrorism; New York attorney Joshua Dratel, who defended clients charged with the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center; and Denise LeBoeuf, a prominent New Orleans death-penalty defense attorney.

Romero said a noted death-penalty lawyer has agreed to defend Mohammed before the military commission -- if he's allowed to see Mohammed in private at the remote Guantánamo U.S. naval base and Mohammed agrees to accept his services.

Romero declined to name the attorney, but said that the lawyer had already applied for the high-level security clearance required to meet with Mohammed, who is held in seclusion at the base.

"The only way you can protect the system from being a complete sham is to make sure that they have a good defense," said Jennifer Daskal of Human Rights Watch, who also has been a commission observer. "And one way to do that is to have strong, zealous experienced lawyers."

But that isn't the motive of the ACLU in this case.

Romero said the ACLU decided to champion the defense effort in response to the recent acceleration of military commission prosecution efforts, which some have said are timed for the 2008 campaign season.

The ACLU, as in the NAMBLA case which utterly destroyed their credibility, and moral standing, is once again turning logic on its head.

Evidence against KSM is not limited to that of 9/11, but goes far back to that of Ramzi Youssef, and 1993, and Bojinka.

The ACLU has lost all moral standing.

This is not John Adams, this is not Skokie. They have convinced themselves there is some kind of historic constitutional value in defending Hermann Goering, in order to prove the Constitution can be a suicide pact.

I have a flash for you morons, from the same Robert Jackson, and born with Thomas Jefferson himself. Excuse me, Mr. Romero, and Ms Reno, I think I'll go with them.

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