
Thursday, April 03, 2008

Is Barack Obama the Messiah?

This is all getting to be a little too freaky?

"a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany ... and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Obama"
Barack Obama Lebanon, New Hampshire. January 7, 2008.

The Messiah who associates with the hate speech of Jeremiah Wright.

How does one explain the contradiction in terms?

The REAL Obama must be completely flushed out!

But how?

Through his EGO.

The quote above shows that he is vulnerable to believing this stuff.

His EGO will betray him.

Mohammed, Jesus and Barack.

The Trinity made manifest in the physical.

Or maybe it should be Barack, Mohammed and Jesus!

Check out the Messiah's website here.

H/T: American Thinker via LGF


  1. Well, yes, I guess if you tell Barack that he is a Christlike figure, he will want to believe.

    I have a hard time allowing those words to come from my soul, though.

  2. Anyone seeing 1984 here?


    That's not a comment on Obama btw, except as he takes advantage of it. It's a comment on his 'followers'

  3. Pastorius,
    Something here just does not pass the smell test.

    Obama is just way too slick. Everyone around him is not able to keep up the front but he is. He even makes slick Willy look rough and crude.

    Maybe the above example is not the right approach but by pandering to his ego, he will start to slip up.

    Just like the Cartoons were used to show Islam to be a religion of violence.

    Then people began to see.

    Heck, the way these people are responding to him, nothing may need to be done. We just need to be on the look out for his mistakes.

    I think things are happening on another level that we are not aware of.

    Something just does not seem right here at all!!

  4. EPA,
    I agree.

    But his followers would not have reacted to him if he had not so consciously put on this front.

    And it WAS very conscious and deliberate with long term planning.

    And mix that with his baritone voice, calm and carefully worded approach and his followers are now more than willing to drink the kool aid.

    Granted, they needed to be very susceptible and open to it first. But what with liberals always having functioned from a basis of emotion (and not logic) combined with the very high level of fear of a world that is significantly threatened (their view - global warming and endless war), the time of their vulnerability is NOW.

    But the person to take advantage of it must still have the skill set to make it work.

    And Obama has got it.

    This is like nothing I have ever seen before!

    Its a lot like Islam. On the surface, it really looks like a religion of peace. But once one looks underneath, all the ugly truth comes out.

    I think the same is here with Obama.

    And Wright was the Cartoons.

    And combined with his Islamic background, et al, we may be seeing something here that no one has any clue of its larger and very grave implications.

    The timing and coincidences here are all too "perfect".

  5. He doesn't have to be muslim or have an Islamic back ground.

    He doesn't have to stalinesque or messiah like

    He doesn't have to have fainting women

    He just has to have the backing of the media as an ultra progressive and get elected to be:


    The damage the first wrought on a naive platform of human rights and I'll never lie to you, is with us today.


    That is Carter's most important legacy.

    That is quite enough for me as change I can believe in.

    What horrific generational level damages will Obama's naive ideas about our enemies allow?

    What signals about america will he transmit as president of the USA sitting in that horrifying church of racism and insane paranoia?

  6. Yes, B.Hussein.O' is your messiah.

    Get used to it.

    Hussein.O' is the best thing to happen to Muzziedom since GWShrub!

    (I bought a wonderful prayer-rug mouse[ad at RadioShack today! Proceeds go to the Williamsburg Foundation! Do you think my mousepad will keep me safe?)

  7. JMJ,
    I think you're correct when you say, something is not quite right. And, I agree that appealing to his ego is a good idea.

  8. Americans should learn the lesson of what happened in Britainistan.

    There are those politicians who hate their country so much that they will do anything to get themselves elected so that they can destroy the nation from the top down:


  10. Has anyone here checked out that Eckhart Tolle garbage that Obama acolyte Oprah has been foisting on her own adoring public? Warmed-over New Age abandon-your-reason, kill your individuality ("ego"), become part of the Oneness of All Things yadda yadda yadda. Follow the new Obamassiah? Doesn't sound like much of a leap to me...

  11. Hillay is f%^&king Obama.

    Check this out - it is absolutely hilarious
