
Sunday, April 06, 2008

Storm Track Appeasement: HUH !?

I don’t get this kind of reasoning by Harvard re: banning men from the gym so Muslim women can exercise while keeping their modesty intact.

Was it the demands of the Muslim students? The Muslim student association? No. Not a demand at all! Just another example of self-imposed dhimmitude.

The symbolism could not be more striking: Harvard College, an institution founded for men by men has, for the first time in its history, banned men. For six hours every week, only women will be allowed in one of the university's three major gyms--a new policy implemented in response to a request by female Muslim students, who were uncomfortable exercising around men.

Since announcing the new policy, the university has been besieged by vitriolic criticism, with some commentators characterizing the decision as "appeasement" and "capitulation" to the demands of "radical Islam." One blogger, in a post entitled "Slouching toward Constantinople," compared the decision to the Turkish conquest of that city in 1453. One commentator called it Harvard's "Islamofascist gym." Even Atlantic blogger Andrew Sullivan lamented the onslaught of "Sharia at Harvard."

So how did the policy ever get enacted?

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

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