
Monday, April 07, 2008

Who Was Wahhab?

Interesting item from the March 26, 2008 edition of the Washington Post:
Media reports on the Pentagon's five-volume translation of truckloads of Saddam Hussein- era documents tended to skim the surface, picking the highlights and the obvious, such as the absence of evidence of an "operational relationship" between Hussein and al-Qaeda.

"By the middle of Volume 5" of the tome prepared for the military's Joint Forces Command, Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists tells us, "most people will have entered an altered state of consciousness." But not the eagle-eyed folks over at the federation, who sifted through the review and came up with a stunner.

It's in a 50-page analysis by Iraq's crack military intelligence crew that "disparages the austerely conservative Wahhabi school of Islam by claiming that its eighteenth century founder, Ibn 'Abd al Wahhab, had ancestors who were Jews," the FAS reported.

Talk about burying the lead! Who cares about warmed-over stuff about Saddam and Osama? Now, this is news.

The shocking Iraqi analysis says that Ibn 'Abd al Wahhab's grandfather's true name was not "Sulayman" but "Shulman." (Of course! The Saudi Shulmans! ) "Tawran," a source often cited by Iraqi intelligence in the reports as an expert, "confirms that Sulayman, the grandfather of the sheikh, is (Shulman); he is Jew from the merchants of the city of Burstah in Turkey, he had left it and settled in Damascus, grew his beard, and wore the Muslim turban, but was thrown out for being voodoo," the Iraqi document says, according to a Defense Intelligence Agency translation.

The FAS said the analysis by the Air Defense Security System of Iraq's General Military Intelligence Directorate was "not a very reliable guide to Islamic or Jewish history, though it may explain something about Iraq's air defenses." Indeed.
True or not, the bit of information insults Wahhabists, so I posted it here for amusement and/or discussion.


  1. You fucking moronic pieces of American shit (woops, apologies for the tautology). If Iraqi documents lambast Ibn Abdul Wahhab, surely that is evidence that Saddam was NOT cooperating with bin-Ladin. Because bin-Ladin was and is an ardent follower of Ibn Abdul Wahhab.

    But I doubt a fucking American twit like you would understand that.

  2. Saddam was Ba'athist, Arabist, first and foremost. He didn't get religion til Kuwait, which he won or lost, depending on whether you are watching Baghdad Bob or Colin Powell. But leave that aside, for a moment. The most important philosophical underpinning of Islam is expediency. Not truth, expediency. Any end accomplished justifies whatever means one takes to accomplish the name of Islam. Saddam wouldn't care one way or another about Wahhab or Islam, if it didn't help bring about his immediate goals.
    Shi'ites will ally with Sunnis, you know. But I digress. Once again, we see the perfidious jooz afoot, working their Wahhabist voodoo Zionist world conquest.

  3. Wahhab was a Jew?

    Shh, don't tell anyone, but so was the Prophet Mohammed.

    Actually, he was, in his day, called, the Profit Mohammed, because he was a very successful money-lender, but then, as a tricky Jewish diversion, he started a religion dedicated to the destruction of the Jews, and voila, he is now known as the Prophet Mohammed.

  4. By the way, I nominate US Cock for comment of the day.

  5. Yay! A quorum! US Cock is Jew of the week! I was going to vote for Hitler, but US Cock worked his wily joo zionist wiles on me, and well, I swooned, for lack of a better word.

  6. Y'know, I'm pissed at US COCK. He has denigrated my bona fides as a zionist crusader. Surely he must realize that we understand that since the mullahs protect, train and fund the arch salafists of the MB, HAMAS we find it not beyond common sense that ALL OF THEM might see some purpose in making sure we all get dead.

  7. So who's gonna break the news to US cock?

  8. I think he'll find out when he comes back to check on his comment.

    Heck, I might invite him to become a contributor here at IBA.
