
Saturday, May 03, 2008

Civilized People Make all the Difference

Below is an excellent video that juxtaposes quotes from Mark Twain's observations made during his trip to Palistine in 1867 with pictures of contemporary Israel:

Contrary to the multicultists, culture involves more that diet and apparel. We, including the Israelis value life, they worship death. Strangely enough, this difference in cultural values affects how people choose to live on earth.

Another interesting example: "Why Britons walked warily in Waziristan." Waziristan, another charming place where Moslem-tribal anti-values dominate and home to Osama bin Laden and many of his followers:

In 1919, a young British army officer, Francis Stockdale, was deployed to the Waziristan area of British India.

The title of his book, "Walk Warily in Waziristan" seems no less appropriate now than it did 90 years ago, because today the autonomous Pakistani tribal region of North and South Waziristan is the centre of militancy orchestrated by pro-Taleban and al-Qaeda militants.

The book provides a fascinating account of what was regarded then - as it is today - as a thoroughly dangerous area.

Getting captured, it seemed, was not an option: "It would result in death by torture, an activity which I was informed the tribal women folk used to luxuriate."
Not just dangerous, but a thoroughly loathsome area. Hat tips: PJ and Judith Apter Klinghoffer

Crossposted at The Dougout

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