
Sunday, May 04, 2008

Eurabia: The Writing on the Wall for Those Still Willing to Read

In his article "Stumbling Toward Eurabia" in the Spring 2008 issue of The Journal of International Security Affairs, Alex Alexiev, vice president for research at the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C., presents, yet again, the cold, hard facts of the coming catastrophic Islamization of Europe for all those who missed, ignored, evaded, rationalized and screamed "racism!" at such predictions the first few thousand times around.

In the summer of 2004... the prominent academic scholar of Islam Bassam Tibi predicted [that]... in ten years Germany will be the scene of large running battles between police and gangs of marginalized Muslim youth, bringing cities like Berlin, Cologne, and Frankfurt to the brink of chaos. This will be the result... of a trend that is already visible. Muslims are not interested in integration. They are, in fact, obligated not to integrate by the radical Islamic ideology dominant in their communities, and live increasingly segregated in parallel societies. The main difference between 2004 and 2014, Tibi believed,would be that the highly marginalized Muslim population would have more than doubled to 10 million, sharia would have been gradually introduced to Germany and the Islam preached there would be even more radical and resemble Nazi totalitarianism.

A study of attitudes among young Muslims taken in December, 2007, discloses that 44% of the respondents hold fundamentalist Islamic beliefs and that 25% would engage in violence against non-Muslims. Such evidence is consistent with conditions in other parts of Europe as well. Alexiev rejects the leftist cant that this is the result of economic neglect and racial discrimination and argues that it is the resurgence of radical Islam, taking advantage of both the population decline and welfare-state policies of the West that created this potential for catastrophe. A compensatory rise in European birth rates is "virtually impossible" over the next 10-20 years and even if achieved within the next 30 years would come too late to prevent the negative effects of Islamization.

In other words, this problem can not be bred out of existence. Nor was it entirely under-bred into existence. As Alexiev points out, such population shortfalls are normally corrected through immigration, but the realities of immigration in Europe today have instead turned the problem into a crisis.

The official policy of virtually all EU governements is to discourage immigration from outside the EU except for highly skilled professionals and a few other categories, such as family reunification and political asylum. Despite these restrictions... legal and illegal immigration, estimated at over two million per annum... has not contributed to the amelioration of the continent's demographic and economic crises; rather, it is actually making things worse.

The problem is... the fact that much of it places additional burdens on the social welfare system rather than contributing to its improvement... because most of the new arrivals enter Europe either as part of the "migration chain", i.e., family reunification, "mail-order spouses", etc., or as illegal aliens. The vast majority... lack job and linguistic skills and do not join the tax-paying labor force in any significant numbers, but rather work in the underground economy or enlist in the welfare rolls.

More serious than even the economic cost to the host societies is "the extensive and ongoing radicalization of the burgeoning Muslim populations" of the EU. However, Alexiev notes, aside from Britain, "most European governments... seemingly as a matter of principal, avoid collecting or publishing most relevant data of an ethnic or religious character" and "have avoided openly debating this issue, except for rhetorical flourishes about the need to integrate the Muslim minority" while "relatively little attention has been paid to the likelihood that... Muslim communities, if radicalized and unintegrated, could have a dramatic impact on political stability in Western Europe long before 'Islamization' takes place". In other words, radical Islam does not have to outnumber us in order to cause massive disruption of Western civilization. As Alexiev bluntly states:

Major demographic shifts are, of course, nothing new in history. Nor is the replacement of one dominant culture with another on account of a new demographic balance necessarily a cause for concern per se. Unless, of course, that new culture is dominated by the hateful, obscurantist and inherently violent Islamist creed that does not intend to coexist peacefully with others.

Please read it all. It is stark and horrifying, and it is appalling that the alleged leaders of the West still refuse to confront this reality.

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