
Friday, May 02, 2008

This Week on The Gathering Storm Radio Show


The nearly famous The Gathering Storm Radio Show, which Always On Watch and I co-host, will have on, at the top of the first hour, Boss Smith - the man who was accosted and held against his will at a Brooklyn mosque for taking pictures of it. He'll be on Hannity and Combs this weekend but we have him first!!

The show broadcasts live this Friday, May 2 beginning at noon, Pacific Standard Time.

The call-in number is (646) 915-9870.

Callers welcome!

Be sure to listen to The Gathering Storm Radio Show this week!


  1. WC,
    I think you ought to promote your show after the show is already completed as well as before.

    Most people can only listen when they have time.

    I think you would get even more listeners if you promote it after as well.


  2. -yes, I will be listening in afterward, but some questions I am curious about and would like to submit for consideration ahead of the show include:

    - Did these "security guys" appear to notice the (trio?) snapping pics of the mosque by just looking out through the (windows?) and/or the main door or did they suddenly appear as though they had been signalled by someone else watching a closed circuit camera feed of the front enterance and sidewalk?

    - How many guys appeared on the sidewalk, and did they come out through the main door or appear from the sides and street?

    -How were the (trio?) induced inside the building - were they grabbed and dragged kicking and yelling inside - grabbed and guided inward with/without resistance - induced inside by threatening commands and intimidation by sheer force of numbers - or weapons/firearms drawn etc.

    - Did the karate guys seem to have a clue who Paul Williams was, or did they appear oblivious to his counter-jihad bonifides?

    Thanks and forgive me, but I find the story rather astounding and (in)credible without those specific details in my brain. Also I noticed that Boss' hair looks different in the two photos taken in front of the two different mosques, was this "mosque tour" on the same day and/or was the hair change intentional?
