
Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Afghan-Pakistani problem

As I wrote some days ago, the Pakistani Frontier Corps is infiltrated by Al-Qaeda "militants" terrorists, that regularly help the Talibans crossing the frontier to Afghanistan. There are several European Muslim converts who have been seen heading for Peshawar, something truly interesting, because the city, a very important communications net, can fall into Taliban control in days. The kidnapping and later release of several Christians from a hospital, according to some, from their own place of worship according to others (kidnapping about which the Taliban later "apologized") and the Talibans already making people shut their shops in Peshawar, made the people discuss if a declaration of red state was necessary. Today, some "militants" terrorists, followers of Baitullah Mehsud have killed 22 rivals who were captured this week by police forces, when they have gained a Northern city. (Baitullah Mehsud, in Wikipedia). And the violence continues, while the Taliban retain 15 paramilitary soldiers kidnapped last Saturday.

On the other hand, the Afghan-Pakistani conflict continues as Afghanistan has accused Pakistani intelligence forces of trying to kill President Karzai.

Indo-Pakistani frontier has also problems: a policeman has been killed during a demonstration to protest against the transference of land to build a Hindu temple in Muslim Kachemira.

To understand the importance of this conflict, there's always another thing to be told: both Pakistan and India have nuclear weapons. If Pakistan falls into the hands of the Taliban, they would not need to search for them.

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