
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ecumenicism or Dhimmified Analingus?

The Rev. Ann Holmes Redding attends the Sunday morning service at St. Clement's of Rome Episcopal Church in Seattle. Redding has been an Episcopal priest for 20 years and a Muslim for 15 months.


  1. Is she the one who claims to be both Christian and Muslm? Want to hazard a guess as to which will become dominant as Islamization progresses?

    This is one reason I don't buy the argument that Obama is either a Christian or a Muslim. If he was loose enough in his understanding of Christianity to sign on to black liberation theology, I see no reason not to believe he is equally relaxed, shall we say, about incorporating elements of Islam into his Christianity. And it is likely to become much more open Should the Worst Happen.

  2. I agree with you RRA.

    However, as Americans, we have the right to make it up as we go along. And, everyone else is supposed to agree with us in our definition of ourselves.

  3. I'm fine with what people choose to follow as a religion -- until they choose one that wants to control, enslave or kill me.

  4. revereridesagain has it nailed firmly to the side of the Mosque!

  5. RRA,
    I agree.

    Wasn't it Goedel who said that all human systems contain logical paradoxes. Well, one of the logical paradoxes (actually, this isn't, strictly speaking, logic, but is instead, reason helped by logic) of Liberty is that we have a free market of ideas, which means everyone can sell their idea. We may not buy it, but they have the right to sell it.

    And, not only do they have the right to sell it, but for the sake of Liberty, we have to allow them to broadcast it, should they become a candidate for the President of the United States of America.

    When few enough Americans understand the tenets of Christianity (those beliefs which make a person a Christian) and most of the system of the United States media and judicial system is set against Christianity, then very few will take issue with heresy.

    Obama is a heretic, as far as I can tell.

    But, for me to stand up in public and say so would be considered tantamount to calling for a return to the Dark Ages.

  6. Obama's New Age, Flip Flop, anything and everything goes...Kumbaya persona fits neatly alongside with most American Christian-Jewish, bend over and take it, philosophies.

    Perhaps it is something in the water.

  7. Yes! Soma.

    After being dosed with Soma, we came up with the motto for the "Post-American Century";


    (With apologies to Mr.Huxley)

  8. He wouldn't notice. He's stoned in the ether somewhere.

  9. Not a problem. The Archbishop of Caterbury is himself a Druid

  10. Yeah, boys, she'll be a singin' Kumbaya til the Mohammedans remind her that Allah hates music by cutting out her tongue.
