
Sunday, June 15, 2008

An Important Video On Islamicization In Europe


  1. I have seen this video before, but none the less, it is still good and informative. This clip is from a Christian news broadcast. I find it odd that the liberals will always attack Christianity but not Islam. Yet Islam today is far more violent and hateful and intolerant.

  2. Hmm.

    I didn't know this was from a Christian news broadcast.

    What do you know?

    Well then, I find it odd that Christian News is better than the mainstream media.

    This is a very well-done coherent piece of work.

  3. Pastorius,

    You have never heard of the the 700 hundred club? That is the program this clip came from. Also the three letters in the corner of the screen stand for Christian Broadcasting Network.

  4. Note that the letters only appear on screen every once and a while.

  5. No, I'm not a big fan of Pat Robertson, so I wasn't aware that he had something called the Christian Broadcasting Network.

    I am not a fan of Pat Robertson, though I am a Christian, because he does things like call for assassination of world leaders, and attribute destructive acts to the sins of the people and things like that.

    He sounds ignorant, and makes Christians, in general, look ignorant with his antics.

  6. Pastorius,

    I am not really that big a fan of Pat Robertson either, but at least he is willing to criticize Islam, and realizes the threat these people pose to our way of life. You should be glad you posted this video.

  7. Good call on Robertson, but I have to say...I'm impressed with this. I must say I suspected CBN was Christian Broadcasting Network. The reportage accurately and honestly describes the situation in the UK and that lack of 'action' from the UK Government I often mention. Shame about Kavanagh, then again he always was a bit of a douche...missing the point....again. He used to be the editor of the 'Sun' by the way, a low rent tabloid, titty newspaper I wouldn't use as toilet paper.
    That strand with the Jew in France was really alarming and solidifies my determination to get me and my loved ones OUT. If Britain hasn't managed to deal with it's class division, let alone it's ethnic divisions, how the hell is Britain going to deal with radical Islam...? Oh yes that's right doing nothing, by not criticizing their excesses, allowing them to exist in an unintegrated, separatist Islamic Britannia....oh and by having an uncritical open door policy to Islamic immigration....

    2 degrees....2 Masters degrees(when they are finished) and all of my money and assets are heading West...

  8. I appreciate the discussion of bedfellows in the resistance. I am more interested in the anthropological dynamics that this video depicts very well. The ad hoc priests of the primitive sacred who incite the mobs ostensibly do so in the name of Islam; they do not know that structurally they are simply making the accusatory gesture of the oldest religion of all and that which gave rise to conventional human culture. The accusatory gesture is etymologically identical with the Gr. word a satan. It is, literally, "satanic".

    Sorry: mimetic theory isn't given to sound bite comment boxes.

  9. Athos, that's an interesting argument. Could you elaborate a bit? When I was investigating cults my speciality was occult and satanism.

  10. Dang, I hit Anonymous again by accident. Comment above is also from me.

  11. Dang, I hit Anonymous again by accident. Comment above is also from me.

  12. Athos,

    As we discussed, Girard's theory is a Philosophical Unified Field Theory. It can be applied to almost all political situations.

  13. RRA,
    You probably know that Satan is called the Accuser in the Bible. In the book of Job, he is the one who accuses Job.

    The Holy Spirit is the advocate. The Holy Spirit is the opposite of Satan.

    ONe thing I've noted, and Athos may have something to say on this subject, is that a Prophet is also a kind of Accuser.

    What do you think about that, Athos?

    A Prophet warns, saying, if you keep going on this road, this is what will happen. He accuses the people of abominable actions.

    I guess that is different than simply calling the person himself an abomination.

  14. I'm no fan of Pat Robertson -- not by a long shot. However, sometimes the material he has is worthy.

    He also did several interviews of Walid Shoebat, and those interviews are quite interesting.

  15. In any case, this is an excellent video. I'll save it for posting at my site, I think.

  16. I agree, AOW.

    Discounting information because of the messenger is a form of shooting the messenger, which is almost always a stupid practice.

    Many questionable sources have provided me with information which I later found out to be true. If I had just discounted the message because the source was questionable, then I wouldn't have known to go looking for the information.

    Policemen have to do this all the time. Why not bloggers?
