
Monday, June 16, 2008

Mad for Madrassas

From Investor's Business Daily:


Saudi money buys a lot in Washington, even an extension of a lease to an
Islamic school that graduates terrorists and teaches its students it's OK to
kill non-Muslims.

A federal panel wants the Islamic Saudi Academy inside the Beltway
shut down for promoting hate, something we've urged for years. But remarkably,
this madrassa still has powerful backers — including the State

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom last week
released the results of a probe of the academy, which is financed and operated
by the Saudi government. It found the school has failed to eliminate
violent and intolerant language in textbooks.

The texts used at its main campus, located just across
the Potomac in Alexandria, Va., contain passages that vilify Jews and
proclaim killing non-Muslims is sometimes permissible.

Despite the failing grade, local government officials renewed
the private school's lease in an old public high school building. The Democrat
county supervisor in charge of the lease doesn't see any problem with the school
or its texts.

In fact, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Gerry
Connolly reportedly dismissed critics of the Saudi academy as "bigots" as he
accepted a check from the Saudi Embassy for another $2.2 million to extend its

Perhaps not coincidentally, Connolly is running as a Democrat for Congress.
He hopes to fill the local seat of retiring Republican Tom Davis, whose district
includes one of the fastest-growing Muslim populations in the country.

The commission that looked at the Saudi texts has turned to the
State Department to close the academy
. State can do this because as
part of the Saudi government, the school is subject to the Foreign Missions Act.
But the Washington Times says State plans to let the madrassa continue
to operate. Why? The Saudis "told us they would revise the textbooks by the 2008
school year," a spokesman said.

How foolish. The Saudis have been promising to reform their
violent texts every year since 9/11.

Yet they just pump more petrodollars into spreading their hateful Wahhabi
propaganda here.
Within months of the attacks by 15 Saudi hijackers, the Washington Post reported the Saudi academy's 11th-grade textbooks,
for example, say one sign of the Day of Judgment will be that Muslims will fight
and kill Jews, who will hide behind trees.

The Post went on to quote several students who say they are
taught in Islamic studies that "it is better to shun and even to dislike
Christians, Jews and Shiite Muslims." One teen told the paper he's taught by
academy teachers that it's OK for Muslims to hurt or steal from such

Go read the whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. Check out this excellent essay by Patrick Poole. No doubt, Gerry Connolly would call Mr. Poole "a slanderous bigot" -- never mind the facts he's assembled, the same facts I've been screaming about, here at IBA and at my other sites.

    There are more problems than the textbooks with the ISA!
