WASHINGTON (AP) - Democrat Barack Obama says he'll take no lectures from Republicans on who will keep America safer. GOP rival John McCain's campaign criticized Obama Tuesday for speaking approvingly of the successful prosecution of terrorists.A McCain aide said, "Obama is a perfect manifestation of a September 10th mind-set" and does not understand the dangers posed by U.S. adversaries.
Obama told reporters that the:
Republicans have no "standing to suggest that they've learned a lot of lessons from 9-11."
He said they "helped to engineer the distraction of the war in Iraq at a time when we could have pinned down the people who actually committed 9-11." He said Osama bin Laden is still at large in part because of their failed strategies.
When Ernest J King read the reports of a small seaplane base, and small airfield being built in the Southwest Pacific, a thousand miles from any american base or effort, falling so far from the recently escaped Douglas MacArthur's small, nascent command that a new command was needed, he picked that spot for an early american offensive.
Out of the way.
Not enough resources.
Long supply line.
Poor logistics.
But it was necessary to attack and destroy the enemy, to keep the initiative and remain on the offensive, and to take a piece off the board. A small piece, an insignificant piece. A piece which would never need great great resources.
The result was the greatest battle of the Pacific with 5-6 major naval battles muitple losses of aircraft carriers, cruisers, men man materials, endless reinforcements, totally changed war plans, and THE DECISIVE BATTLE of the war against Japan. It was not on the path to the Japanese mainland, and was in no neat war plan.
But it brought about the decisive engagement of the war, and no one recognized it at the time.
Gadarukanaru, Guadalcanal.
Barack Obama proves over and over with his statements, his complete inability to recognize what is mandatory today, in THIS world, against those who are inimical to OUR way of life, because we run around and make up laws out of our own heads, rather than follow what they claim are god's mandatory, and perfect laws.
These people make it COMPULSORY to defeat them on the battlefield, ANYWHERE we find them, and to let the political reality be the RESULT on the battlefield.
It is actually Obama who is pursuing the same FAILED strategies that Stanley Baldwin did. They were wildly popular, and successful at the time and lead to 45 million dead.
Defeating Al Qaeda WORLDWIDE wherever they are is where we should beat them, and it is where we will HAVE to beat them. One look at the Afghanistan, Pakistan, Waziristan borders informs us that is the way it is. Why Mr. Obama cannot admit to this, is the telling partisan and delusional dream-time of our day. He will have many voters casting votes for him JUST for this dream reason, just as Mr. Baldwin did.
I just watched this little video I found over on China Confidential:
And, you know, I'm trying ... I mean it, I really, really am trying, but I just can't seem to find the 'inner spiritual struggle' angle in these calls to jihad against China by these peaceful pious muslims. And then I ask myself, is this canuck really doing everything I can to empathize with and appreciate my great Chinese brothers and sisters who, like my Jewish brothers and sisters, and my Danish brothers and sisters, and my Australian brothers and sisters,(...), are facing this hideous tide of raw orkish hatred and aggression? Am I really doing enough to reach out and cherish all my precious allies?