
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Radio Discussion Of The Islamic Saudi Academy

Listen to the June 13 edition of The Gathering Storm Radio Show by CLICKING HERE.

On the air during the first half hour of the show, I brought out some of the problems with the Islamic Saudi Academy. I went back some three years to call to listeners' attention the ISA's cover-up of a driving accident involving an ISA school bus. The driver didn't even have a license to be behind the wheel!

Over the years, ISA has had several problems. Yet, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors refuses to reconsider the school's lease. Excerpt from this source:
Fairfax County supervisors said Wednesday’s report has not made them rethink their decision to renew the lease.

“We are not in a position to determine what is going to go on in a classroom there,” said Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross. “What we were asked to do was consider leasing the land and school to the Islamic Saudi Academy, and that’s what we did.”
Um, Ms. Gross? You did a lot worse than that! You played and continued to play the dhimmi. Or should I say "dhimmi wit"?

1 comment:

  1. Always On Watch,

    You guys rocked again, just like the last time I listened to you. What is going on now is very disturbing. Even ignoring the hate filled anti democracy, anti western ideology being taught at the Saudi school, the safety violations alone should have shut them down!
