
Monday, June 16, 2008

Typepad and Wordpress Each Shut Down An Anti-Jihad Blog

Is there some misunderstanding here? Or, is the boot of fascism coming down on the necks of truth-tellers?

Both of these bloggers wrote against the Saudi agenda specifically. Do you think the Magical, Mystical Kingdom may have something to do with this?

From Atlas Shrugs:

Always on watch just alerted me that Sharia finance blog has been suspended. It's a wordpress blog not typepad. WTF is going on? I just posted this yesterday.

Frances is right:

1, Dependence upon a large institution makes you subservient to it.2, Evil forces love large institutions, because they're easy to target and provide large payoffs if you can saddle and bridle them.

In other words, get off TypePad and get an independent site. Your own freedom of expression could well depend on it.

I've got to get to work on this ....... I suggest other bloggers do the same.

UPDATE: Always tells me more. It seems the two leading sharia finance blogs were suspended this morning. Allyson Taylor's site went missing this morning. Allyson's is back now here.
Sharia finance blog is gone, gone, gone (for violations of TOS). Always reminds me that Allyson has had trouble before. She is banned from Google Alerts! Always explained, "She wasn't at first, but somebody noticed her heavy-hitting info and instituted a ban."

These investigative bloggers deal in Islamic finance. Were the the posts on the Saudis behind this? We know how relentlessly the Sauds try to shut up those that expose their nefarious dirty dealings. Rachel Ehrenfeld could tell you a thing or two.

Bottom line is, this is a freakin nightmare.


  1. My Commonsense blog is still unavailable. I discovered "page not found" yesterday morning. As I host this myself - well not literally - I didn't know what to think, especially as a little birdie told me that the local police "were asking questions".

    To put it into context my blogging is totally anonymous. My main domain "" is mine and is proxy registered. So how would the local police trace my blogging to my home town?

    I made a vid for YouTube that featured the Remembrance Day Parade last November and added captions referring to the threat from Islamist Fascism. The name of the town was mentioned.

    My Commonsense site is linked from my YouTube channel. So police in another part of the country have been trawling through YouTube, decided what I do might be "racist" or "inciting religiousd hatred" and asked the local police down here to make enquiries to find out who I am.

    Can I trust my "little bird"? yes, he's a recently retired policeman who still has strong connections with the local police in another capacity. All of this came up by chance due to the fact that I innocently mentioned that I had filmed him in the parade.

    What's interesting is that this sort of thing is going on and the first we would normally know about it is when there's a knock on the door.

    My anonymous domain is two levels deep so it would be hard for them to find me as the first level don't know who I am.

    Anyway back to the domain being down: the domain expired on the 14th June and they forgot to tell me.

    Should be back in a day or so.

    In the event that they do catch up with me I am making plans with my "parachute" sites to inform the blogging world.

  2. Remember when Foehammer's Anvil had all that trouble late last year? The troubles were intermittenet and got so bad that he finally went on indefinite hiatus.

    For a while, I was banned from Google alerts -- my site only; the cossposts appeared wherever I did them. Now, my site is back on Google alerts, but I have no idea why.

    Allyson Taylor's site, on the other hand, does not appear on Google alerts but will on a Google search.

    Now I see Ray's comment.

    Off and on, I've gotten the 404 message: "Page Not Found" when I've tried to read important articles via Google alerts. I can see no particular pattern, although each of those sites which is gone or was gone temporarily seems to have mentioned Saudi (as Pastorius posited) snd/or CAIR.

    What's happening here?

    Interestingly enough, so far, Blogger sites don't seem to have been affected.

  3. From this January 18, 2008 posting at Wolf Howling:

    Silencing free speech in the blogosphere . . . now in Israel and in Finland. In Belarus, they have jailed an editor for blasphemy for reprinting the Danish cartoons. The left cannot tolerate free speech. There is nothing "liberal" about the modern left.

    And how's this for a bit of insanity. In the future, all Islamic terrorism designed to promote the creating of a world wide caliphate shall, in Britain, be refered to as anti-Islamic acts. George Orwell goes dhimmi....

  4. From this posting on June 12, 2008 at Razor Sharp Claws:

    The Muslim Brotherhood

    Some project they got going there! "The link" and a list below to be aware of! Pretty long list there eh!


    Putting into place a watchdog system for monitoring Western media to warn Muslims of “international plots fomented against them”

    Many of us violate the Fair Use Standard (quoting directly no more than 200 words), though with proper attribution. In that past, proper attribution has given us a pass. But maybe not any more.

    The problem, of course, with not quoting entire articles is that sometimes articles suddenly disappear.

  5. Hi AOW,
    Foehammer's troubles were strange and inexplicable.

    The recent problems experienced by Aussie News and Sharia Finance must be coming from one source, as they happen within days of each other, on two different blog services, but both to bloggers who have been specifically critical of Saudi Arabia.

  6. AOW,
    Yes, articles do suddenly disappear, don't they?

    I have been blogging for four years now. I bet more than half of my links are now dead links.

  7. Ray,
    I am tempted to write about your situation now, but I take it you don't want to officially announce it yet.

    And besides, you are a contributor here, so you could announce it yourself.

    Sorry to hear about your troubles. By the way, how did your "little bird" know about your writing? You trusted him? I would imagine you have reason to do so.

  8. Ray,
    The larger question is, why do we have to "trust" anyone with knowledge of our activities online?

    It's not like we are doing anything against the law anyway.

  9. I trust the ex-copper, he's a good sort of guy. He was asked the question by a senior police officer at the local station "if he knew who writes the blog". He didn't then but he does now since my converstion with him - which was unintentional, but sort of just got into it.

    My concern is why should the situation should have arisen that questions have been asked. It seems like a "sinister trend" in light of what's going on right now as per your posting.

    I am careful not to incite "religious hatred" just commenting and highlighting the current situation but we don't know how low they might set the bar so to speak.

    For the moment I shall let sleeping dogs lie - that is if they are in fact sleeping!

  10. The ultimate solution is SELF HOSTING. If you have a broadband connection and you want to do this CONTACT ME.

  11. It would be so nice to just simplify all this perfect storm nonsense ... hmm ... imagine boxed-up infil-traitors ... i wonder if you dare ... a global conference to establish ... the who, the when, and where ... a new Bush Doctrine writ much larger ... with harb alliegences declared ... and PC nonsense to the trashbin ... go on, ask me if I care ... you may say i'm a dreamer ... islamization's nearly done ... but i'm off to join the PIGMAN ... and i'm gonna have me some fun ...

  12. Pastorius,
    Foehammer never did get to the bottom of the situation. But the best he could tell, he got flagged as inappropriate by Digg and never exceeded his bandwidth.
