
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Archbishop of Canterbury : Christian Doctrine Offensive To Muslims

So just a few months after Dr Williams tells his Christian followers that Shariah in the UK is unavoidable, now he's apologising to the Muslim community on behalf of Britain's "offensive" National religion;

Key elements of Christian doctrine are offensive to Muslims, the Archbishop of Canterbury has said in a letter to Islamic scholars.

Dr Rowan Williams also spoke critically of the violent past of both religions and Christianity's abandonment of its peaceful origins.

His comments came in a published letter to Islamic leaders, intended to promote closer dialogue and understanding between the two faiths.

However they come just months after Dr Williams was bforced to clarify comments in which he said some parts of Islamic law will "unavoidably" be adopted in Britain.

The comments are also made as the once-a-decade Lambeth Conference begins in Canterbury. Up to a quarter of bishops are boycotting the event, as the Anglican Church faces continuing division over the issues of women bishops and homosexual clergy.

The wide-ranging letter, which covers difficult issues including religious freedom and religiously-inspired violence is in response to a document written last year by Muslim scholars from 43 countries.

Discussing differences between the religions, Dr Williams acknowledges that Christian belief in the Trinity is "difficult, sometimes offensive, to Muslims".

The Trinity is the Christian doctrine stating God exists as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and conflicts with Islamic teaching that there is one all-powerful God.

Speaking about the history of the two religions, Dr Williams said they had been too often confused with Empire and control.

He said: "Despite Jesus' words in John's gospel, Christianity has been promoted at the point of the sword and legally supported by extreme sanctions; despite the Qur'anic axiom, Islam has been supported in the same way, with extreme penalties for abandoning it, and civil disabilities for those outside the faith.

"There is no religious tradition whose history is exempt from such temptation and such failure."

He goes on: "What we need as a vision for our dialogue is to break the current cycles of violence, to show the world that faith and faith alone can truly ground a commitment to peace which definitively abandons the tempting but lethal cycle of retaliation in which we simply imitate each other's violence."

The 17-page letter, called A Common Word for the Common Good, is in response to a letter from Muslim leaders written last September.

That letter, A Common Word Between Us and You, was signed by 138 Muslim scholars to declare the common ground between the two religions.

Dr Williams described the Muslim document as hospitable and friendly and added:
“Your letter could hardly be more timely, given the growing awareness that peace throughout the world is deeply entwined with the ability of all people of faith everywhere to live in peace, justice, mutual respect and love.”

His own dense and meticulous letter did not mention sharia Islamic law at all. He received widespread criticism from politicians and other clergy for his comments in February and later told the General Synod he took responsibility for his “unclarity” and “misleading” choice of words.


  1. Dhimmi Whore of Churchianity
    Jesus sees you

    Many will come to me in that day and say Lord Lord haven't we done all manner of wonderful holy crap in yer name?

    and I will say to them...
    GTFOH you lying dhimmi freak of churchianity
    and keep my name outta yer mouth
    I never knew you

    ~ Spleen paraphrase bible

  2. I am very happy to see you contributing again, my friend.

  3. It's good to be back mon amigos ;)

  4. Si, say poo-ay-day.

  5. I posted on this story today but am too angry to say much.

    Dhimmi whore -- that's what the archbishop is.

  6. Is this the person who represents the Church? It doesn't sound he believes Christianity that much. What is he doing there?!

  7. J,

    The Archbishop apparently doesn't realize that anything non Islamic is Offensive to Muslims. However, The fact that he would go this far shows that he really isn't much of a christian either. He's barely a nominal Christian at best.

  8. now now now to all you in the UK,

    well, by golly the Chap has a grand idea, why not Demand for your Own return to


    here you, present to England, a return to these laws, All of them, prior to the Magna Carta,COMMON LAWS PRIOR TO 13TH CENTURY,

    and make Sure, you take huge posters demanding such to the streets,

    and women, here is the proper dress for you Ladies of the Medieval Age, veil and all,

    I like the one with the long hood or the cones things on top, LOL,

    and instructions to make these are included, here is the home page so you can make the full proper dress as well,

    completely covered ladies and gents of the Medieval Period,

    Look, the Medieval moonbats insist on forcing us back to 6th century,

    that doesn't mean, we can't go back to our OWN MEDIEVAL HISTORY now does it?

    so, Medieval is what the Archbishop wants, then, BY GOLLY,



    Seriously, get huge groups, dress accordingly, and DEMAND 6TH TO 12TH CENTURY LAWS AGAIN,



    And if the Islamists protest, why, oh, how horrid, the xenophobia of such.

    After all, the women were Completely covered AND veiled, not only that, but they had cones on top to boot, not much work one can do with those,

    and there was Witch hunts and dungeons and tithes,

    feudalism and public hangings...


    I'm sure the Archbishop would Totally concur as would


    mass protests and Demands for MEDIEVAL LAWS OF VIRTUE ARE IN ORDER,


    why the modern age with all its sinful lusts,

    should be done away with, we truly repent, and desire the return to life prior to,

    the Magna Carta and the Reformation Age. Yes we do,

    why thanks to the Islamists we've seen the light,

    now brothers and sisters let us return to our former ancestor's age, that age of true enlightenment, before they became ridden with ideas of freedom and oh, my Lord, forgive me, I'm blushing,


    Let us return to the epoch that truly subjugates the human being, may we throw ourselves upon the ashes showing our disgrace at our

    modernization and liberal ideas.

    and laws....

    hey, if we are going to be thrown /coerced into the Dark Ages,

    why not do it in our own way...make our Ancestors Proud.


    May the Return to Virtue begin Archbishop,

    the true English and European way!!!

    sometimes folks, you have to give them what they ask for,

    but give it to them--100 percent.

    Director of WAMI

    the Return to Medieval Virtue Campaign--taking it to the streets, the malls, the public,

    Return to Medieval Virtue. Chastity belts, witch hunts, the whole shabang...

  9. oh, and yes,

    forgive me Lord for falling prey to my temptation and using this devilish contraption called a computer, and

    Oh, my dear, for communication with er, other men...I shall go now and pay my penance and throw ashes on my head and say 50 prayers,

    then I shall stick myself with thorns until I bleed begging for forgiveness for my lustful and adulterous ways.

    ;) lol,

    [seriously though, those of you in UK--think, sometimes you have to give them absurdity, to expose such]

  10. "I like the one with the long hood or the cones things on top, LOL,"

    LOL :)

    Those were for the priviliged.
    LOL :)

  11. :) LOL

    IF it's going to be feudalism and lordship again, Natasha, there's a tiny detail missing, the return of Inquisition and of the crusaders to stablish the kingdom of our lord Jesus Christ all over the earth!

    LOL :)


    "The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) wants to criminalize Christianity at the U.N."

  13. The WORD is SUPPOSED to piss evil off

    Thats part of its charm


    Word walking came as a SWORD
    to DIVIDE
    and SEPARATE

    You hate the bible?

    Chances are you got some sort of BIG fucking problems....

    GOD of Abraham is the great winnower

    whip em out on people and watch em run

    You can whip out any new age or secular asshole ya like they will all hang around murmuring about how cool ya are


    Whip out ADONAI ELOHIM and watch 'em flip out

    Ya can make fun of it, GOD , Jesus and me all ya want

    it is STILL


    and nothing you can do can alter that


    As it is written


  14. Natasha

    Who is your GOD?

    Everyone has one

    Do you know what or who yours really is?

    Don't insist you are godless now
    NO ONE is godless
    most just have no clue WHO their GOD is

    the human mind can not be GODLESS
    it requires a GOD

    and what you wrote betrays a colossal ignorance of the word of GOD but a firm grip on the pamphlet myths of Churchianity

    does not behave like MAN
    What you describe there in your "jokes" are the actions of idiotic men

    Any Christians behead you lately?
    I thought not.

    The CRUSADES my dear were started because of the MUSLIM JIHAD.

    But I digress

    If you read the word (and untainted by leftist bullshit history) yourself you would know that and be capable of making the distinction

    but you have taken the pamphlet
    like most people and chosen the ISMS of man (I AM AN ANARCHIST!)
    over the word of GOD (you are all a bunch of morons, I AM SO SMART)

    as have most.

    Not so good, men FAIL. ALWAYS.

    ALL THE ISMS OF MEN that are separated from GOD FAIL

    The short time I have read you I will guess that your GOD
    is YOU

    Most people worship themselves or the GOD of ChaChing

    Seems to me you are what I would call an intellectual idolater or a worshiper of the GOD of the self, what I call a So-Smart.

    I was a So-Smart when I was your age too ( I still think you are very young although you never answered that for me)

    that aint the question

    the question is

    WTF do you place your faith


    Be careful how you make fun of the GOD of the Christians and the Jews with the sword of your mouth.

    He is not a joke.
    Not even close.

    You like to feel radical?

    Rad a fucking bible.

  15. "The CRUSADES my dear were started because of the MUSLIM JIHAD."

