
Saturday, July 05, 2008

B4 WW2, Hitler paid Stalin to train the Wehrmacht, and had manufacturing facilities there to cheat on the Versailles pact, so now..

What axis of evil?

Iran paid N. Korea for plutonium facility and had scientists based there

LONDON -- Western intelligence sources said Iranian scientists were stationed at the Syrian plutonium production plant in Al Kibar, destroyed in an Israeli air strike in September 2007.

Sequence of photos: By late October 2007, workers covered the site with earth [1], and subsequently laid a new foundation [2], and erected a light metal-framework building [3] over the site of the destroyed reactor.
They said the Iranians as well as Syrian personnel were trained by North Korea to operate Al Kibar, designed to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons.

"Had Al Kibar not been destroyed, Iranian scientists would have played a major role in plutonium production," a Western source said.

The sources said Al Kibar was virtually completed by the time the Israel Air Force bombed the facility. They said the facility was not believed to have received nuclear material.

Iran paid North Korea for the construction of Al Kibar, the sources said. They said Teheran, which has been completing a heavy water plant at Arak, sought to establish the plutonium production facility to conduct nuclear weapons assembly outside of Iran and near Israel.

Teheran has also financed joint missile production with Syria. The sources said Iran's remaining obstacle to nuclear weapons was the ability to install a nuclear warhead on a missile delivery system.

The Iranian delivery system selected for a nuclear warhead has been the Shihab-3B intermediate-range missile, the sources said. They said Iran, with assistance from North Korea, was expected to complete weaponization by mid-2009.

Apparently this source is NOT EXACTLY UP ON THINGS.
Khan's stolen nuke weapon plans small enough to fit on Shihab 3 type missile

All of this baloney all comes down to three items.
ONE- Is Iran engaged in building nuclear weapons? (DUH)
TWO- Can Iran be negotiated out of being 'bad'? (DUH)
THREE- Can Iran's leaders be deterred just like any other
'normal, non apocalypse believing' nation?
Will their nuclear test take place in Tel Aviv?


  1. Epaminondas,

    The Communist, Jihadist axis exists, and its foolish to deny it. It also exist in this country. Have you heard of David Horowitz's Unholy_Alliance_Radical_Islam_And_The_American_Left?

    Given some of the radical left's rhetoric about women's rights and gay rights and minority rights, and the separation of church and state, you would think if they where serious, they would be on our side in this conflict, but they're not.

  2. Epaminondas,

    By the way, if you don't see it after clicking on the link, scroll down a bit.

  3. I have every book he has written.

    If you liked Unholy Alliance, you should check out '100 Professor's', 'Party of Defeat', and especially ...'Shadow Party' will THROW UP

  4. Epaminondas,

    I also have his Professor's book
