
Monday, July 14, 2008

Barack Obama's invidious mindset on Israel and the Jews is demonstrated by him AGAIN

It's not enough that already appointed by Mr. Obama are:

Merrill 'american jews are the problem' Mcpeak

Samantha 'criticism of Obama is about what's good for the jews' Power
Zbig 'american jews are too powerful Mcarthyites, and Walt and Mearsheimer were right' Brzezinski

Robert 'I do negotiate with Hamas' Malley

Susan 'let's appoint Jimmy Carter and Jim Baker as chief middle east negotiators' Rice

Represent the list of appointments now fleshed out by David Bonior ...
Yet in February of this year, when Congressman Fazio and senior members of the Democratic House leadership, including Majority Whip David Bonior (D-MI-10), had the opportunity to vote for a resolution condemning the antisemitic, anti-Catholic, hate-mongering rantings of Nation of Islam leader Khalid Abdul Muhammad, they merely voted "present". Congressman Fazio and Congressman Bonior chose not to stand with 361 other House members to condemn a clear example of hatred and bigotry.

and now a trip with POSSIBLE VEEP CHUCK HAGEL to the ME and then Iraq....
In August 2006, Hagel was one of only 12 senators who refused to write the EU asking them to declare Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

In December 2005, Hagel was one of only 27 who refused to sign a letter to President Bush to pressure the Palestinian Authority to ban terrorist groups from participating in Palestinian legislative elections.

In June 2004, Hagel refused to sign a letter urging President Bush to highlight Iran's nuclear program at the G-8 summit.

In November 2001, Hagel was one of only 11 senators who refused to sign a letter urging President Bush not to meet with the late Yassir Arafat until his forces ended the violence against Israel.
Barack Obama HAS A PROBLEM.
It would be a problem which would have eliminated any candidate or nominee from all consideration if the victim of this mindset were AMERICANS who happened to be black.

Barack Obama has surrounded himself VOLUNTARILY over and over with people who have a problem with Israel, and a problem americans who happen to be jewish, unless of course they happen to believe Israel has no right to be a secure ultimate refuge for those stateless and unquestionably persecuted for 20 centuries.


  1. GWB is no better.
    He lied through his face to us ALL about Israel
    And he is doing everything he can to split Jerusalem
    and yet all we do is point the finger at D

    ETA and MPH
    that's your only difference between R & D

    the only difference is R is more COVERT about it

    And almost no one speaks it

    Even Bat Y'eor thinks Bush is a great guy

    That MFER. Great guy my ass

    You broke Mah Heart!
    ~ Babba Corleone

    One thing the whole world can agree on?

    Fuck Israel.


    I'm tellin' my big Daddy in the Sky on alla yez.

    And he is coming tagityez.

    Watch. You'll see.

  2. BTW GWB has implemented the Baker plan


    after telling us he rejected it

    they are all hellbound weasels.

  3. W just plain couldn't match his character to the steadfastness COMPULSORY.
