
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Conspiracy: To Drive Moslems Out Of Europe

Video from MEMRI:

YouTube Link

Plenty to parse, if anyone here has the inclination to do so. As far as I'm concerned, it's SSDD and oh-so-wearisome. Maybe I'm in my summer malaise.


  1. "We need to be successful, we need to be respectable, we need to infiltrate their society, all we need is 10 years"... If I didn't know any better I could have sworn he was studying the Protocols of Zion... (copy-cat! That's the Jews Conspiracy to Take Over the World - Sh!t, GET YOUR OWN!)

    He snickers: "they know nothing of Muhammed hehehe"... Jeez, these Europeans don't even know which part of the Burka is up! They say we are repressive but their woman walk around with their chins out, their CHIIIINS! Even when there are young children around! And (as if this was not Haram-of-Harams already) the woman's chins are hairless! They must shave, to make them look like little girls - Haraaaaaam!

    Yes, the Europeans are trully the "enemies of Islam"... They wield powerful Cartoons-of-mass-destruction - we must act for soon they will aquire the ability to animate! Then they will offend the prophet in full 3D motion, Haram! Haram! Haraaaaaam!

  2. I agree with pretty much everything the guys says.
