An overarching theme and lesson of the Great Gatsby was, 'the rich are different from you and me'
Now, we can see the 'dems are different from you and me'.
They are exceptions to their own principles by reward for teaching us all what is right, one supposes.
As disgusting, magisterial and condescending as Tom Delay was, as frustrating as the incompetent and useless Dennis Hastert was, as stupfyingly idiotic and corrupt as the aborted Livingstone thing was, as hideous as the entire Foley affair was, these people are actually trying to ensure they ARE WORSE.
Nancy Pelosi has given up rocket science (see her positions on missile defense) for being a PhD in Geology.. with her truly comical 'use it or lose it' attempt to compel drilling on land rejected for same as part of the risk taken when you buy leases for oil and/or natural gas, AS PART OF GETTING OUT OF THIS NATIONAL SECURITY DISASTER. She actually thinks that by saying all Bush wants to do is drill and engaging the 'failed policies of the past' mantra this will actually affect reality. Honey, EVEN IF OBAMESSIAH IS ELECTED WE STILL NEED MORE FOSSIL FUELS NOW, FROM SOMEWHERE, you dried up harridan.
Harry 'this war is lost' Reid, has told us all that in his expert geological opinion, we don't need to drill for oil ...AS PART OF GETTING OUT OF THIS NATIONAL SECURITY DISASTER, and blocked congressional lifting of the ban on drilling offshore.
Teddy Kennedy has blocked every single effort to create industrial wind generation of electricity in the waters off Martha's Vineyard since there might be a chance he or his family MIGHT actually see the means by which we help free ourselves, AS PART OF GETTING OUT OF THIS NATIONAL SECURITY DISASTER,
And now....Al "how dare he' Gore...arrives at a speech to tell us to ride bicycles...
But if anyone thinks for an INSTANT that this party is going to be better for the economy when their main principle seems to be UTTERLY ARROGANT FLAGRANTLY DISPLAYED HYPOCRISY, then they deserve the govt they will get.
In 2001 Bush proposed:
• New drilling for more oil and gas and new refineries.
• Building of nuclear power plants.
• Revamping the U.S. electricity grid.
• $10 billion in tax breaks to help push energy efficiency and alternative energy.
This program did not pass...why..well let's ask the NY TIMES...
The democrats are against everything we can do NOW, and almost all of what we can do to bring medium term results, and they are for everything which can be obtained at great and lengthy expense, while they arrive in SUV, and Limo luxury because they are different from you and me. How many drive American made hybrids as their main or only vehicle? How many drive themselves? Don't be asking how many republicans do so, because it's the democrats who insist they are the party of working people.
Many who vote democratic do so because they believe that it's still the party of FDR and HST concerned with working people. They have been euchred by these Sorosian, Orwellian hucksters. The working people of the USA are going to to be disemboweled by the democratic party leadership as heating their homes reaches $10,000 per season ($5 a gallon X 275 gallons X how many fills per winter?) in the next few years without realistic relief by dint of more supplies pumped IN AMERICA while these artificial, backhanded, double-dealing, feigning, hypocritical, mealymouthed, two-faced, unctuous, mean and careless people....PARTISAN POLITIC their way to a national moment of real catastrophe.
People unable to afford to heat their homes, cut off by oil dealers who also have to pay their bills, are going to be a real, and immediate CATASTROPHE. What is Speaker Pelosi going to do ? Print money, and send out stimulus checks? And drive the price of a gallon up as dollars become cheaper, and savings and investments are cheapened by the resultant inflation?
When they go to sleep at night, Harry Reid, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, and Mr and Mrs Obama unconciously channel Daisy and and Tom Buchanan in their separation form the rest of us ...and they, like that warning of F Scott Fitzgerald's are leading to a greater corruption of the american dream.
This winter people are going to be in trouble. More trouble than they can even imagine if Israel is compelled to go after Iran, even in their growing isolation by their american allies.
And that is a change you can believe in.
Now, we can see the 'dems are different from you and me'.
They are exceptions to their own principles by reward for teaching us all what is right, one supposes.
As disgusting, magisterial and condescending as Tom Delay was, as frustrating as the incompetent and useless Dennis Hastert was, as stupfyingly idiotic and corrupt as the aborted Livingstone thing was, as hideous as the entire Foley affair was, these people are actually trying to ensure they ARE WORSE.
Nancy Pelosi has given up rocket science (see her positions on missile defense) for being a PhD in Geology.. with her truly comical 'use it or lose it' attempt to compel drilling on land rejected for same as part of the risk taken when you buy leases for oil and/or natural gas, AS PART OF GETTING OUT OF THIS NATIONAL SECURITY DISASTER. She actually thinks that by saying all Bush wants to do is drill and engaging the 'failed policies of the past' mantra this will actually affect reality. Honey, EVEN IF OBAMESSIAH IS ELECTED WE STILL NEED MORE FOSSIL FUELS NOW, FROM SOMEWHERE, you dried up harridan.
Harry 'this war is lost' Reid, has told us all that in his expert geological opinion, we don't need to drill for oil ...AS PART OF GETTING OUT OF THIS NATIONAL SECURITY DISASTER, and blocked congressional lifting of the ban on drilling offshore.
Teddy Kennedy has blocked every single effort to create industrial wind generation of electricity in the waters off Martha's Vineyard since there might be a chance he or his family MIGHT actually see the means by which we help free ourselves, AS PART OF GETTING OUT OF THIS NATIONAL SECURITY DISASTER,
And now....Al "how dare he' Gore...arrives at a speech to tell us to ride bicycles...
But if anyone thinks for an INSTANT that this party is going to be better for the economy when their main principle seems to be UTTERLY ARROGANT FLAGRANTLY DISPLAYED HYPOCRISY, then they deserve the govt they will get.
In 2001 Bush proposed:
• New drilling for more oil and gas and new refineries.
• Building of nuclear power plants.
• Revamping the U.S. electricity grid.
• $10 billion in tax breaks to help push energy efficiency and alternative energy.
This program did not pass...why..well let's ask the NY TIMES...
While both parties hold huge blame since 1973 for this inexcusable disaster, there is no doubt about WHO THINKS WHAT NOW."Ambitious Bush Plan Is Undone by Energy Politics." August 20, 2003
But the president's ambitious policy quickly became a casualty of energy politics and, notably, harsh criticism from Democrats enraged by the way the White House had created the plan.
The democrats are against everything we can do NOW, and almost all of what we can do to bring medium term results, and they are for everything which can be obtained at great and lengthy expense, while they arrive in SUV, and Limo luxury because they are different from you and me. How many drive American made hybrids as their main or only vehicle? How many drive themselves? Don't be asking how many republicans do so, because it's the democrats who insist they are the party of working people.
Many who vote democratic do so because they believe that it's still the party of FDR and HST concerned with working people. They have been euchred by these Sorosian, Orwellian hucksters. The working people of the USA are going to to be disemboweled by the democratic party leadership as heating their homes reaches $10,000 per season ($5 a gallon X 275 gallons X how many fills per winter?) in the next few years without realistic relief by dint of more supplies pumped IN AMERICA while these artificial, backhanded, double-dealing, feigning, hypocritical, mealymouthed, two-faced, unctuous, mean and careless people....PARTISAN POLITIC their way to a national moment of real catastrophe.
People unable to afford to heat their homes, cut off by oil dealers who also have to pay their bills, are going to be a real, and immediate CATASTROPHE. What is Speaker Pelosi going to do ? Print money, and send out stimulus checks? And drive the price of a gallon up as dollars become cheaper, and savings and investments are cheapened by the resultant inflation?
When they go to sleep at night, Harry Reid, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, and Mr and Mrs Obama unconciously channel Daisy and and Tom Buchanan in their separation form the rest of us ...and they, like that warning of F Scott Fitzgerald's are leading to a greater corruption of the american dream.
This winter people are going to be in trouble. More trouble than they can even imagine if Israel is compelled to go after Iran, even in their growing isolation by their american allies.
And that is a change you can believe in.
ReplyDeleteAl Gore is such a hypocrite.