
Friday, July 04, 2008

Geert Wilders: Prisoner Of Islam

Islam is infringing upon our ability to act normally as free human beings.

If you don't believe Islam is having an effect on your freedom already, consider what has happened to Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who dared to speak out against Islam.

As Diana West puts it, he is in a prison-cell, kept by Muslim masters, who operate openly in the streets and mediastreams of Western civilization:

THE HAGUE, The Netherlands -- Having run the polite-but-grim gauntlet of Dutch government security to gain access to Geert Wilders, I finally understood what the 24-hour security requirements of the man's continued existence really mean: To make the survival of Western-style liberty in the Netherlands his political cause, this Dutch parliamentarian has to live under high-tech lock and key.

This stunning paradox, with no end in sight, illustrates how far political freedom in the West has already eroded. Think of it:

For writing about the repressive ideology of Islam, for arguing against the inequities of Sharia (Islamic law), for making a video ("Fitna") to warn about Islamic jihad, Wilders lives in his own non-Islamic country under a specifically Islamic death threat.

If it is politically incorrect to notice this, it is also indisputably true. True, too, is that, sans state security, this death threat could conceivably be carried out anytime, anywhere -- from the picturesque streets outside the Dutch parliament, to the house Wilders hasn't slept in since 2004. That, of course, was when, on an Amsterdam street, a Muslim assassin plunged a knife into Theo van Gogh's corpse, thus attaching the Islamic manifesto threatening both Wilders and his then-parliamentary colleague, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, with death.

Not long ago, political debate in the Netherlands met with, well, more political debate. Now, however, with a growing Muslim minority -- and it's politically incorrect to notice this, too -- political debate sometimes meets with Islam-inspired political assassination. At least it has, traumatically, twice in recent years: once, with the 2002 murder of the anti-Islamic-immigration politician Pim Fortuyn by an animal rights activist who claimed Fortuyn was scapegoating Muslims; and the following year with the ritualistic Islamic murder of Van Gogh, director of "Submission," a short video made with Hirsi Ali about Islamic mistreatment of women. In all, such Islam-inspired violence has been enough to chill Islam-inspired debate.

And that's just the situation at home. This week, even as Amsterdam's chief public prosecutor, Leo de Wit, announced that no charges would be brought against Wilders for "discrimination" or "incitement to hatred" related to Wilders' writings or video ("We find Mr. Wilders' remarks were limited to Islam as a religious movement," De Wit said), Jordan announced it is bringing a "Fitna"-related criminal case against the Dutch parliamentarian.

In other words, Jordan will indict a Dutch politician according to Jordanian (read: Islam-inspired) law. "Jordanian authorities are not aiming to arrest" the Dutch leader of the Freedom Party, Radio Netherlands Online reports. "They say the decision to prosecute was taken in order to send a signal to the Netherlands."

A "signal"? How about a gag? Of course, like other Western peoples, the Dutch seem content to censor themselves, happily mouthing multicultural platitudes that effectively rationalize their own culture's Islamization. Not Wilders.

I recently asked the 44-year-old Dutchman what was stronger in his country: Islam or multiculturalism.

"Unfortunately, they are both strong," he replied, seated in his lightly furnished but heavily guarded office. "But cultural relativism is the biggest problem." He went on to explain: "Multicultural society would not be that bad -- I don't really believe in it -- but it would not be that bad if, at least, we would be strong enough to say that our culture is better and dominant. But when you combine multicultural society with a dominant sense of cultural relativism, you are heading in the wrong direction. You are committing suicide when it comes to your own culture."

He continued: "I am not advocating a monocultural society. I just want what the Germans call leitkultur (leading culture). I want our own culture to be dominant -- not the only one, but to be dominant. I have a big problem with the cultural relativists who say every culture is equal. I don't believe every culture is equal."

Hoping to preserve the primacy of Western culture in this Dutch corner of the West, Wilders advocates a halt to Islamic immigration. "I'm not saying that every Muslim in the Netherlands is a criminal or a terrorist," he explains. "We know the majority is not. Still," he continues, "there is good reason to stop the immigration, because the more we have an influx of Muslims in the Netherlands, the strength of the (Islamic) culture will grow, and the change of our societies will increase." He sees his efforts as "a fight against an ideology that I believe at the end of the day will kill our freedom, kill our societies and change everything we stand for."

He's right -- and, yes, it's politically incorrect to say that, too. Everything the West stands for, starting with freedom of speech, is already changing as our institutions, up to and including, for example, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, increasingly proscribe critical references, or indeed, any references to Islam. While it's clear that the European manifestation of Islamic ideology has already killed Wilders' personal freedom in the Netherlands, the general impact on freedom throughout the West has yet to be fully appreciated.

"I have a mission," Wilders said. "I believe very strongly in what I say, and my party fortunately shares this view. And nobody in the Netherlands is doing (what I do). And somebody should. And I pay a high price for it."

What is the expression -- freedom isn't free? This is literally and acutely the case when it comes to this heroic and dedicated Dutchman.

Here's another thing to think about. I'm going to do some very rough math here.

According to this article, there are approximately 30,000 commercial flights per day in the United States. These flights carry 2 million people per day.

Since 9/11, each one of those people have had to show up at the airport one hour earlier for every flight they've taken. That is a lot of man hours wasted. If the average income in the United States is $30K per year, that means the average worker is paid a little more than $15 per hour. That means the American economy is sacrificing $30 million dollars in labor per day. $210 million per week. Almost $1 billion per month. $12 billion per year.

The actual cost of the loss of productivity is unaccountably larger than that.


It is not because of "terrorism". Terrorism is the tactic. But, Islam is the progenitor of all the terrorism for which we take these "precautions", a word which is only a euphemism for loss of Freedom and economic productivity.

All because of Muslims.

And still, we find no significant group of Muslims in the academic commuity, in Islamic political organizations, in Islamic media, or in Islamic government, who are willing to speak up against the terrorists in their midst.

Think about this. Muslims have their hands around our necks, and we are told we are the ones who are the aggressors.

Enough already.


  1. Pastorius,

    unfortunately some people will always live in a dream world. I hope the Jihadists aren't able to harm Geert Wilders in any way. Also I sincerely hope it doesn't take his death to wake people up.

  2. Well, they've already had two prominent public figures murdered by Islam in the Netherlands;

    Pim Fortuyn
    Theo Van Gogh of the Vincent Van Gogh family

    Fortuyn was not murdered by a Muslim, but was instead murdered by a Islam-sympathizing Leftist.

    The net effect of these murders is that many in the Netherlands have woken up, but the government still largely ignores the problem.

    Happy 4th of July, Damien. I hope you are going to get to do something enjoyable.
