
Monday, July 28, 2008

I Had a Dream

I had a dream a few days ago that I was living in the Soviet Union and reading the current edition of Pravda. You know, the mouthpiece of the Communist Party whose headlines and stories were laughed at on a daily basis by anyone with half a brain recognizing the stories as pure propaganda.

There were some, communists, socialist and the ‘better red than dead’ crowd who swallowed the lies and disinformation of the party line hook line and sinker – traitors at best, utter cowards at worst, during the Cold War.

Anyway, I realized that I wasn’t dreaming. That there was such a mouthpiece, or mouthpieces, in this country that advanced the party line. The mouthpieces here are the main stream media and the party is the Democratic Party. Just look at the entourage of network anchors that followed his holiness Obama on his crusade trough Europe and the middle-east. Or the NYT’s refusal to print John McCain’s editorial.

Day in and day out the main stream media on this country, in arrogance and utter shamelessness, preaches the party line of the Democrats. The money and media captured by the far left socialist, anti-Americans crowd have no fear that they can influence the minds of the voter in this country.

And in reality, that’s what this election in November is all about.

This election will not be a test between Democrats vs Republicans. This election will not be a test between conservatives vs liberals or capitalism vs socialism.

No. This election will be a test of the voter’s self-worth and intelligence. For you see the money and media machine of the far Left holds the voters in contempt. They believe that the voter is stupid and won’t recognize the attempts of the media and money Left at forcing the party line down the voter’s throats. The money and media Left has no respect for the mind nor the self-respect of the voters. They believe the American voter will not see through the charade of media and money that the Left has successfully combined as their last great hope to bring America into the ‘progressive’ century.

Two cases in point.

Newsweek did a review of the History Channel’s new line up of risky jobs like Ax Men, Ice Road Truckers, and Dangerous Catch. The review by the woman cited the high risks these jobs entitled AND the large amount of many the people make who work in these dangerous and risky professions.

Of course, once the issue of money is raised to a Leftard, they can hardly contain themselves. The History Channel’s review took on a liberal biased rant from there. The reviewer said in so many words “Wanna do a risky job? How about a single mother working at minimum wage with no health insurance.

Nuts, huh? This tripe in a review of a TV show.

Or how about this one. The Federal minimum wage has been raised – the second of three parts as voted for by Congress. Good news right?

Wrong. Bad news according to the party line. You see, the raise has been eaten up by the rise in fuel and food prices – also a result of rising fuel prices due to lack of drilling and the liberal plan to turn food into fuel.

In keeping with their normal operating procedure, Associated Press went out looking for a likely victim of this plot to destroy the middle class and finds a young man working in a car wash at minimum wage. He says that the raise in wages doesn’t help him support – now get this – his 7 children and his fiancĂ©!

This is reported by the AP with a straight face with no consideration of how the young man got himself into the position of supporting 7 kids while being unmarried. Could the the man have made poor life decisions just like the unmarried working mother who couldn’t afford health insurance?

Liberals have this annoying habit of starting with the effect of a problem and thinking it’s a cause without considering the ‘victims’ contribution to his or her plight. They hope they can play on the supposed ignorance of the American voter to support the Leftist plan to make everyone a victim so they can step and in and help by taking our money and give it to those who don’t deserve it.

But that’s the party line supported by the main stream media party mouthpieces.

Will Americans see through the charade? Will they see the money and media Leftist strategy for what it is – an insult to their intelligence and self-respect? Will they vote the direct opposite of what the money and media wants them to in direct protest of the Leftist elite who hold them in such contempt?

We’ll know in about 100 days.

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  1. Take a step down memory lane:

    "Today's threat to our National Security is not a matter of military weapons alone. We know of new methods of attack. The trojan horse. The fifth column that betrays a nation unprepared for treachery. Spies, saboteurs and traitors are the actors in this new strategy. These dividing forces are undiluted poison. They must not be allowed to spread in the new world as they have in the old. "

    Who said it?

    Watch video of above.

  2. WC,

    I find it utterly disturbing that the press won't take the side of the free world, as it wasn't the free world that protected their right to free speech.

  3. What we must first understand is the Golden Rule; he who has the gold, makes the rules. Secondly we must understand who teaches the journalist wannabes; you got it; that world of incestuous thought called the university.

    Now that we know where they learned to be liberal "journalists", they went out in the world and began working for rich folks who control the media. (i.e. the NY Times, et al)

    The media, entrenched for generations in their downward spiral of what it means to be journalists are hopelessly lost forever.

    The only hope is that all of the mindless kool-aid drinkers forget what day is voting day.

  4. well, allow me to disagree and vent a little if I may...

    on some parts, how to put this,

    I don't concur, in no way, that there isn't poverty or that poverty is just or only the result of poor choices, I know better.


    here's the Problem with the left,

    its not that there isn't poverty or that the wages don't [excluding the 7 kids, which is an extreme example and its rare], but they don't meet up to yes, the very real REALITY of cost of living,

    rents alone are more than 50% of income, compared to what our grandparents who HAD disposable income.

    BUT--the thing with the left, is the one, Poverty Industry which I could write a book about, but two,

    is that they aren't truly about RIDDING OF POVERTY, as much as they are USING POVERTY AND SO FORTH,



    for example, and I'm writing this in very street terms here because I have to get a lot of things done today, but, like,

    take the safety net for example, ok., good idea, sometimes necessity, BUT, if Thats all there is,

    its a thing that would do More to help people pull out of poverty is not reliance on wage labor that is just, poverty wages, which doesn't help them or society,

    but if there were LIMITATIONS REMOVED from starting small businesses, independent economies, in other words, free markets.

    And its not just about capital, thats a part of it, its the ridiculous costs and limits to starting up businesses,

    let me give you an example. A Latina woman I know, was making burritos in her home and taking them to a campus and selling them, and she was really doing good. She wasn't hurting anyone, wasn't poisoning anyone,


    and she wasn't hurting the businesses/franchises on campus, but because ONE business, got pissed, and turned her in, she was told,

    she has to get license and rent a space which would have taken, mega capital, probably even a corporation backing her, and this and that law and this law,

    and of course, she folded up, and now works for low wages and now they need food stamps to just get by.

    That kind of bullshit, seriously, is NOT ABOUT SUPPORTING THE WORK ETHIC.

    And no its not like it was a threat due to everyone else coming on and selling burritos, not everyone Wants to get up at 3 in the morning and roll dough and make burritos and then walk around in the sun selling them,

    she did however and she loved it, and it was making her enough income where she was SELF-SUFFICIENT.

    But now she's dependent, not INDEPENDENT, and god forbid, if she's in an abusive marriage, like many women I do know,

    if they Have kids, they ARE STUCK. literally stuck,

    BECAUSE by the time they pay daycare on minimum way they won't have enough to even pay rent...meaning, back to welfare.

    So, ok, the capitalist goes, well she shouldn't have spread her legs or married an asshole,

    yea, Thats fair, sure, like men go up to women and say, hey bitch I'm going to beat the shit out of you constantly and you'll have my kids and so forth, like women knowingly just get into those relationships,

    and IF she stays she's still a bad woman and bad mother, either way she's fucked,

    but now, here she is working and trying to better herself and what does society do,

    tells her, nope, thats not acceptable, you must either work for your poverty or the liberals say, beg and be dependent and in poverty,

    either way, SELF-RELIANCE is not supported.

    and I'm just like using that one example, to show you that the liberals or the left are one of the major ones to say,

    you have to have this license and that license and that rule and this rule,

    but then on the other side you have the monopolies and those who love nothing more than cheap labor...more profit for them.

    So neither one really offers anything to the average joe and susy to be able to get out from under dependency and truly be self-sufficient and INDEPENDENT.


    here's another example...just recently there was this huge pissy fit over people who make money at scrapping,

    its where they pick up unwanted metals, etc., and take them to the recyling pits or whereever and they take those monies and its a business...

    people, your big business, just had a frickin fit over these individuals who do this, because Hey,

    they aren't getting their cuts, you know,

    and yet, these people, do contribute not only to being self-sufficient but also to the environment, they reduce land fills, they provide a service that people need,

    so whats the problem?

    Well its not a franchise, its not under a 'corporation', and by golly its just Joe with his truck over here making a living...

    sure, should he pay tax, of course, but does he Really need to have all these licenses to pay into corporations and lobbyists and insurances and state departments that have nothing truly to do with his business--they just want their 'cut'?

    and then, a kid, a KID, makes sandwiches and takes them to the school, the kids love them, hey, he's making some extra spending money, and the school, says,

    NO, no you can't do that because well this corporation is pissed because hey, the kids like his sandwiches better than they do the corporate crap they get forced fed every day for three times the price,

    and so the kid is told, don't sell your sandwiches here...

    so here's a kid, with a great business idea, just to earn some spending money, not hurting really the big ole corporation that is probably hiring mostly illegals anyway and getting by with all sorts of not paying worker's comp and all the other, OR they've gotten corporate WELFARE to bail them out, so as to not cut into profits,

    I mean,

    why isn't there more incentives and protections on small businesses and individuals who do have incentive?

    What ever happened to the small ma and pa stores?

    hell kids can't even have a lemonaide stand anymore without some one calling the State,


    nor is it true 'competition' either.

    and most of all, its in no way supportive of the WORK ETHIC.

    On one hand you have the creation of poverty by creating this dependency on wages that unless one wants to live in a frickin hovel and never have a mate or kids, they aren't ever going to get ahead...

    even with education, which I do have one, but with the debt to student loans AND the outsourcing of white collar jobs,

    even an education is no guarantee that one won't wind up in poverty or struggling...

    fact is, more middle class families have filed for bankruptcy in the past five years and its NOT just living beyond one's means,

    credit, a lot of it is credit, but Try living without a car, in the suburbs where no buses run or try having a corporate job wearing rags,

    in other words, not all of the necessities are just wants, so much of them are required to 'fit in' so that one can conform enough to keep a job,

    more so for women, I think than men.

    I say this because I was single parent for years, and I remember working and it costing me more to work, seriously, than it did for me to be a stay at home mom, Why is that?

    Well because for work I had to have suits and I had to have money to bring to work for this little thing or that little thing, someone got married we're all buying a gift, etc etc so I had to have money for that, never mind that my kids were going without,

    and I had to have money for gas because the buses didn't run in my district OR by the time a bus Did get to my job After dropping kids off at daycare which was 40% of my income, at $10.00 an hour, no joke, forget lunch, I didn't eat and was about no kidding 30lbs underweight, people just assumed I was bulimic,

    and by the time I spend money just to get to work and keep a job, there wasn't enough for rent and utilities...[during my single days], and that was one bedroom apartment...nothing fancy,

    being married it wasn't different because unless I could bring in more than $10.00 an hour it just didn't cut it...

    so I got into starting up my own business, and I couldn't believe the bullshit one runs into,

    unless one goes off the grid which a lot do. I don't know about you but I live in a working class neighborhood and PEOPLE AREN'T MAKING IT HERE

    and its not because they are drunks or meth heads or lazy or all the other stereotypes,

    which personally I find offensive, because these people bust their goddamn asses every day, and there is just no damn reason why they should be having to watch their children's teeth rot because they can't afford dental,

    or my neighbor, a woman who is over fifty, working at Home Depot, who can't afford her medicines,

    she's not lazy, she's worked all her damn life--and I see cases like this every day,

    but now if she wants to try and sell quilts on the side or something somebody from the STATE is going to say, well you have to have a tax id and this and that,

    or dare she even have more than one garage sale a year.

    So people break laws, just to earn extra cash to eat or to buy meds,

    which there is no excuse, not in this country, and here, we have masses of programs to help immigrants, which, don't EVEN get me started there, and I'm not anti-immigration, no,

    but I am against, special favors to immigrants because they are a 'cheap labor force' for those both republicans and democrats, while WORKING AMERICANS are losing more and more,

    so what I'm trying to say, that YES poverty IS real, and YES there are good HARD WORKING PEOPLE WHO ARE BUTT FUCK POOR,

    and are getting POORER, not because they have seven kids, or because they are just stupid sluts or all the other welfare queen myths that the right likes to spew out,

    and it Does piss me off, because as a struggling single mother for years, who didn't date, who didn't drink, who didn't do drugs and I've been working since 12 years old [illegally at 12, working in fields but I worked], and yet, right around the corner there was a bar, in an old church of all places,


    than I ever, Ever say in the poor and lower class neighborhoods with the single mothers and the so called 'lazy amoral poor'.

    I was homeless, for one year, well, two, I lived in transitional housing because even though I worked I didn't make enough income, and oh, yes, get a second job, Sure,

    pay more daycare, in evening, good luck FINDING EVENING DAYCARE BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST and fuck no, I wasn't going to just give my kids away, to some 'rich' woman,

    because I had my kids, while married...I wasn't some teen, wasn't some bimbo and I goddamn sure wasn't some druggie,

    this was years ago but, I havent' forgotten, and let me tell you something I wasn't the only one,

    I met people homeless who had severe MS, one man with cancer, a woman who had a very successful career and had a car accident--major head injury that left her with no long term memory, who lost EVERYTHING, after medical bills piled high,


    And she worked, worked for a phone company,

    of all the poor I met, the drunks, maybe two, in the housing I was in, the druggies, a small minority, a few prostitutes, who were turning their life around, some immigrants,

    but the MAJORITY, were families and/or individuals, including MANY VETERANS, who had crisis in their life and the mothers, a small percentage of teen mothers, most were DIVORCED AND SOME, WIDOWED,


    but in the suburbs and those pocket of WORKING CLASS neighborhoods like where I reside now, I see at least, ONE A WEEK, FAMILY LOSING A HOME,

    job loss or the wife loses her job and they can't keep up with the payments,


    BUT, in regards to the left--and the promises for change,

    NO, no, because the thing is, they don't WANT independence or people getting OUT of poverty because if that were the case, then there would be no POVERTY INDUSTRY, or DEPENDENCE ON GOVERNMENT,

    in other words the whole damn structure is to create either the extreme well to do, or those 'creative class yuppies as Obama likes to call them',

    and the rest, dependent on the government or on corporations which reduce them to mere wage slaves, yes, because thats what it is and if they fall off that edge, they are there totally dependent,

    in other words there are more obstacles to being self sufficient and independent and thats what people need to start asking, WHY?

    Why is this?

    Maybe I just grew up in a whole other time frame or something because when I grew up there was A WORK ETHIC and people worked together, I grew up in the rural South,

    and it was just So different, from what I see today, [yes I'm probably way older than most of you], but people didn't look down on someone working a shit job, because the thing is, people were judged on character and integrity and how hard they worked and if they were honest and kept their word,

    not on what they owned or what level in the company there were at,

    and the cost of living was so much more reasonable back then, sure there was poverty but not like what I'm seeing today and not the exploitation I'm seeing today,

    and not all the damn barriers to self-sufficiency that I'm seeing today. I remember growing up and seeing small businesses everywhere and now, I go back, and they are ghost towns, and I remember when the Walmarts moved in and the franchises and the businesses started to fold,

    and jobs went overseas or the immigrants moved in and the town I grew up in today looks like little fricking Mexico and I'm not talking about the Latinas I'm talking the frickin poverty,

    it looks third world.

    And yea it PISSES ME OFF because these people were the backbone of this country and they had values and ethics and work,

    work was something you did and you came home and looked in the mirror and it didn't matter if you picked up cow manure all day,

    you took pride in that, and people didn't treat you with contempt because you weren't some big ass CEO, or tech worker,

    I think a lot of the problem is the urbanization for one but the change in our entire economy AND attitudes,

    and I guess too it angers me because where women are concerned, did you know the number one growing industry for young women is the Sex industry,

    WTF, do we take Pride in that?

    But I read people making nasty comments or degrading comments about fast food workers or women who wait tables, as if thats something to be ashamed of and of course those are the Lowest paying jobs there is [excluding nicer service sector jobs] but even then, there is this classism and its not just the right wing its in the left wing...

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that we Do need change, but not the change that the neo-liberals are proposing because they don't represent the true working class or the poor,

    I've seen the poverty industry and it is the worst solution there is, it doesn't Nothing to reward work or move barriers to poverty, if anything it just feeds into creating more poverty and more dependency.

    Not only that but the housing problem has a lot to do with the Smart Development, a.k.a., Clinton,

    but, what we need, is

    1. jobs In America for America,
    2. not just affordable housing but reasonable housing rather than high density yuppie housing that is in no way suitable for families
    3. less barriers to small business and family business and more incentives for individuals to start business
    4. stop the monopolies and the corporatist monopolies/sweatshop type of labor
    5. respect work ethic rather than demean and exploit it
    6. more community control over economies meaning By individuals, not special interests of the rich
    7. more support for independent farmers in America rather than reliance on imports
    8. bring back the strength of the rural communities and invest in them and I don't mean Walmartization either
    9. do something about the exploitive student loan industry And about the higher education, it shouldn't take 100,000 to be skilled or make education more diverse, and also do something about all these programs that aid immigrants and so forth for free education while making it impossible for WORKING CLASS to further education
    10. start respecting manual labor more rather than treating it like the scum labor of the decent wages at least, without those labors we'd be living in third world conditions
    11. support new ideas and new business ventures that aren't corporate

    I mean, there are just so many things that Individuals and Communities could do if Government just got the hell out of the way, with the neo-liberals wanting to create this dependency class and the right wing just wanting a slave class

    Pretty much just give back America to Americans, meaning,

    government for the people, not government ruling people or people so damn dependent on government and CORPORATIST ECONOMY WHICH IS NOT THAT UNLIKE A STATIST CENTRALIST ECONOMY WHICH IS JUST LIKE SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM

    support coops and community incentives,

    rather than 'controlling' them.

    My mother was a single parent most of her adult life, and yes we were poor, but not Anything like I see today, not even,

    things were just different then, and people were different. My mother never had to get on assistance, she was lucky, she had my Nana to help, housing wise there for a while,

    but people in our community helped her out, not like it is today, not like it is today,

    I don't know, all I know is, the America I grew up in, doesn't even look the same and its not because of the racial demographics or the war even,

    its so so much more...we've lost something in this country,

    and its not fundamentalism either. We've lost something,

    and government programs isn't going to bring it back. We have to...

    we have to.


  5. Great post, WC.

    Will Americans see through it? Sadly, we are in a mode of wanting to believe.

    I don't think McCain has much of a chance.

    It is close though. And, that is good news.

    Thing is, the wild swings in who people say they will vote for is the giveaway that Americans are not in a realistic mood. They are in a fantasy mood.

    That favors Obama.

  6. Pastorius,

    Yeah your right, our fantasy mood, does favor Obama. I hope enough of us, aren't in a fantasy mood for him to get elected.

  7. Natasha

    You made some very good points. In many cases the right doesn't have such clean hands either.

    If we were serious about improving our human resources in this country we'd have something like this.

    First, the free market where you either make it or not. And yes, many times the status quo is stacked against the little guy band that should be corrected.

    Second, if one fails in the free market system, then a safety net that (1) feeds and clothes, (2) offers free education to start again, and (3) money for a start-up business.

    Not perfect, but a start.

  8. Natasha,
    That's the reality and then we have some privileged people parroting all the time Americans or Europeans are feeling this or that due to the excesses of material comforts - who, ignorant-dudes?!
