
Sunday, July 06, 2008

Neither could I ever support McCain if his chief foreign advisers believed Blacks inferior in intelligence*

In The Bell Curve Hernstein and Murray made some claims about race and intelligence, based on facts which are emblematic of anathema. In fact, their book was about intelligence being the ultimate marker of status in American society. In passing, some statistics they rest their conclusions on were not flattering to 'certain' groups. Some have used this to claim that black Americans are inferior IN FACT to other american groupings when in comes to intellectual abilities.

I find this disgusting, and actually a cute manipulation, and as we all know, we can force a stat to say just about anything and claim it as a fact.

So what, one wonders would be the american reaction if among his foreign policies advisers, John McCain had voluntarily appointed were several to all, who believed in varying degrees, in such 'facts'?

What would be said about HIS inner belief set?

It would be, of course impossible to vote for him, and I imagine there would not be a single black american voting for him.

Yet we have seen Barack Obama exhibit EXACTLY this behavior, and yet american jews SUPPORT this man. Principles advisers are unashamed to claim they believe the conclusion american jews act together in an inchoate fashion to the detriment of America and the benefit of Israel. As a group. Are to blame for the lack of peace in the middle east.

Why is this acceptable?

Why is it acceptable for other americans to accept racists like McPeak and, Brezhinski (and uniformly lesser tasked others) and not question Mr. Obama's inner belief set when it comes to jews? And Israel?

Based not on his absurd current verbiage hewing desperately towards the center, but on the few actions we have seen him voluntarily make.

These men and women by and large still serve in the positions Mr. Obama appointed them to.

What is it in Mr. Obama's belief set that allows this?


  1. So then, statistics have no use at all unless they "prove" what some people want to hear?

    That must be the reason no current statistical studies have been made on IQ as it might vary among races, even though such studies would undoubtedly disprove "The Bell Curve" and show that its authors were Neo-Nazis or Klan. But wait! According to the Bell Curve, certain Jews have the highest IQs, followed by Asians, and then by whites.

    Yep, those authors must have been Zion-Supremacists and borderline Yellow Supremacists.

    Meanwhile, professional football teams are trying to recruit more Chinese lineman because there are no physical or mental differences among races. Likewise the Olympic swimming team in attempting to recruit more blacks.

    Meanwhile, blacks continue to disprove the Bell Curve by scoring equally high on SAT scores as other racial groups, including Asians and Whites.

    Sorry to be sarcastic, but you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

    When the Bell Curve came out, the intelligentsia said it was "old news" but didn't dispute it. They couldn't. That's why no attempt has been made to disprove it. It can't be.

    Dinesh D'Souza also says the findings are true and goes into IQ by race quite extensively in his book "The End of Racism."

    In short, what is factually true cannot be "racist." It can only be true or false.

    I wish it weren't true, but I'm not God. Blame it on Him.

  2. Sorry to disappoint you but in fact being IN RESEARCH since 1972 I can tell you unequivocally that social stats are all totally malleable. It's no the same as measuring data from an oscilloscope.

    If I asked you several questions which I considered to be measures of IQ you might come out at zero.

    Are blacks failing because they DROP OUT, in city teachers teachers SUCK (what kind of gifted teacher would volunteer to serve in the south Bronx?)...

    Mr D'Souza also agrees with the Talibanoids on social liberalism. So much for his judgment. His complete destruction by Spencer, despite his VERY FINE BOOK - What's So Great About America - demonstrates his very faulty logic and arguments today.

    Let's invent a test on problem solving and execute it at age FIVE. What would it measure?

    Who got the best food, took multivitamins, saw the most PBS, or National Geographic?

    Does it measure hard work?

    Does abstract reasoning mean future success at engineering?

    Social engineering stats are GOBBLEDYGOOK

    Sorry but the Bell Curve is by and large, a tool for those who want to use racial differences to justify inner compulsions, JUST AS IT IS FOR McPeak and Zbig to justify THEIR BIGOTED COMPULSIONS.

    If McCain appointed someone who supports the thesis of the Bell Curve as his chief foreign policy adviser, Obama get the largest landslide in american history, and Dems go over 60 in the senate.

    Rather than criticize MY criticism of the Bell Curve, you ought to be asking Obama supporters what his bigoted appointments mean about OBama's feeling towards a tiny religious minority, and why it is silently accepted.

  3. This isn't a news article, or even a well-informed opinion piece. It's propaganda.

    Who are these advisors of Obama's who hold racist beliefs? You don't even give their names, let alone provide any justification for your claim that they hold racist beliefs.

    I'm not saying you're wrong; but you have provided no factual information that would allow me to confirm or refute your allegations. This is, quite bluntly, irresponsible.

  4. Anon you are a woefully under informed voter, and had you FOLLOWED THE LINKS IN THE ARTICLE you would have had your answers ..which to BRIEF..and naming JUST 2...

    Zbig Brezhinski, who, according to a LEFT org like, as recently as TODAY is Obama's MAIN foreign adviser - has verbally, on TV defended, and SEVERAL TIMES - the thesis of Walt and Mearsheimer ..which is LITERALLY:

    Jews have a stranglehold on Congress
    Jews time their donations to DECIDE the outcome of prez elections
    Jews manupulate the media

    American jews do all this when necessary to the detriment of the USA and for the benefit of Israel.

    The link above is to their paper.
    Zbig did not defend these morons' right to express such Protocols of Zion lite, opinions, he defended their THESIS, and since then has called those who criticized HIM for that, 'McCarthyites'.

    Mr. McPeak, Obama's CHIEF MILITARY adviser - told the Oregonian - the reason there is no peace in the ME is 'certain people' in New York and Miami ...I don't think he was referring to latinos, do you?

    We don't even have to go to the attributable statements of Powers, Rice and Malley ...none of who were appointed while a gun was to Obama's head.

    What is IRRESPONSIBLE, anon is the failure of REAL liberals to be critical of Obama and his OBVIOUS mindset.

    This is no 'birth license, he's really a muslim' smear...these are the STATED views of his KEY foreign advisers, none of whom have hidden their views.

    Inform yourself.
