
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thinking About the Unthinkable – Part 1: Civil War In Europe

I still stand on the statement that ‘real war’ will start when the free world finally awakes from its Islamist induced slumber. When the war arrives, it will be succinct, clear to everyone and with a focused objective - as it did for Europe on September 1st, 1939 and America on December 7th, 1941.

In my opinion and many others, this is the shape of the war to come in three parts.

Militaristic: Like all other wars, there will be a theater of battle across the globe.
Demographic: Civil war in Europe between the Islamists and native Europeans.
Economic: To defeat America they will attempt to seriously damage our economic and social infrastructure and have us sue for peace.

In this three part series we’ll look at each of these ‘battle fronts’ and see how they may play out.

Today’s installment is civil war in Europe.

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

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