
Friday, July 04, 2008

UK: Schoolboys Punished For Refusing To Kneel And Pray To Allah

These boys are heroes, and their school system is punishing them. Their reward in God's Kingdom will be great. And, they may lead the insurgency to take the Western world back from our morally relativistic slave masters.

Two schoolboys were given detention after refusing to kneel down and 'pray to Allah' during a religious education lesson.

Parents were outraged that the two boys from year seven (11 to 12-year-olds) were punished for not wanting to take part in the practical demonstration of how Allah is worshipped.

They said forcing their children to take part in the exercise at Alsager High School, near Stoke-on-Trent - which included wearing Muslim headgear - was a breach of their human rights.

One parent, Sharon Luinen, said: "This isn't right, it's taking things too far.

"I understand that they have to learn about other religions. I can live with that but it is taking it a step too far to be punished because they wouldn't join in Muslim prayer.

"Making them pray to Allah, who isn't who they worship, is wrong and what got me is that they were told they were being disrespectful.

"I don't want this to look as if I have a problem with the school because I am generally very happy with it."

Another parent Karen Williams said: "I am absolutely furious my daughter was made to take part in it and I don't find it acceptable.

"I haven't got a problem with them teaching my child other religions and a small amount of information doesn't do any harm.

"But not only did they have to pray, the teacher had gone into the class and made them watch a short film and then said 'we are now going out to pray to Allah'.

"Then two boys got detention and all the other children missed their refreshment break because of the teacher.

"Not only was it forced upon them, my daughter was told off for not doing it right.

"They'd never done it before and they were supposed to do it in another language."

"My child has been forced to pray to Allah in a school lesson." The grandfather of one of the pupils in the class said: "It's absolutely disgusting, there's no other way of putting it.

"My daughter and a lot of other mothers are furious about their children being made to kneel on the floor and pray to Islam. If they didn't do it they were given detention.

"I am not racist, I've been friendly with an Indian for 30 years. I've also been to a Muslim wedding where it was explained to me that alcohol would not be served and I respected that.

"But if Muslims were asked to go to church on Sunday and take Holy Communion there would be war."

That poor Grandfather. He sounds like a good man. In the UK, the media commonly refers to Muslims as "Asians." As if they were Chinese, or Viet Namese, and as if their religion had anything to do with race.

So, the Grandfather feels it necessary to defend himself, saying, "I am not a racist, but ..."


Islam stands in complete opposition to Freedom of Conscience.

Islam calls on its adherents to spread Sharia law, by force of the sword if neccesary (and, oh how often Muslims find it to be neccessary). In other words, Islam calls on its adherents to replace our Western systems of law with their own system of law.

That, my friends, is treason. Treason is inherent to the strict practice of Islam.

We do not have to put up with Islam in our Western countries. Adherents of Islam have to put up with us. And, if they don't want to do so, they have to leave. And, if we had the courage of our convictions, we would imprison these Sharia advocates for treason. And, if we wanted to be nice about it, we could offer them the option of deportation to a Muslim country of their choice.

And, that is how we would act if we were sane, and healthy, and self-respecting.

But, instead, we are biting our nails, and staring at the noose we have prepared for ourselves.


  1. The spirit of Churchill lives on in the younger generation of Brits.

    Eat your dhimmi heart out, Archbishop.

  2. That, my friends, is treason. Treason is inherent to the strict practice of Islam. - Pastorius

    Considering that there is a "Church of England" . . .charges of treason SHOULD be easy to pursue. But, as we read earlier, such are the ignorant powers-that-be who are far too willing to sell themselves out to PC MC (oh so temporary) respite from the sharia sword.

  3. I think, sooner or later, Western Civilization will wake up and declare Sharia to be treason.

  4. Pastorius,

    Just imagine the outrage if a group of Christian fundamentalists started forcing kids to pray in American public schools. Yet Islam gets special treatment world wide.

    And its not just that Sharia is treason, it is incompatible with any constitution that has any respect for individual rights.

  5. Gentlemen, I read about this and just cr*pped. The good news is that you and others are spreading this around, making others aware. The bad news is that you have a complete government against you, apparently promoting Islam no matter what you or other citizens feel about it. I’m sorry to say that I just don’t see how you can win. Like the Democrat party here in the states, they are doing everything in their power to make sure we loose the war with these animals in dirty night shirts.

    These are dark times my friends and getting darker.

  6. We people of the Western world are a very mean people.

    We are a people willing to impale 70,000 people on stakes and arrange them artfully across a battlefield if that's what it takes to break our enemies will.

    Governments change often. The culture of a people changes more slowly.

    I doubt we have lost much of the cruelty of our ancestry.
