
Saturday, July 05, 2008

Up Pompeii Explodes: The Story Of The British Boys Punished For Refusing To Kneel And Pray To Allah

Up Pompeii is a great site. Gandalf, the sites admin-guy, posts here at IBA from time to time.

Here's their opinion on the story of the punishment of the brave boys who will not kneel to Allah:

One cannot open any hard copy newspaper or internet news site today without the blazing headling stating "BRITISH MUSLIMS FEEL LIKE THE JEWS OF EUROPE". Now anyone who reads UpPompeii or any of the MANY other blogs and websites that have chronicled, what can only be described as the mass immigration/colonisation of Great Britain by muslims, knows with great certainty that the exact opposite is occuring. We highlight the daily pandering and dhimmi behaviour shown to muslims by British government, police and other authorities thus this jawdropping headline is nothing more than claptrap used to abet the continuation of the muslim initiated exaggerated claims of victimisation and the myth of Islamophobia.

For as long as muslims can be percieved as victims the longer they can reap the rewards of being seen as the "downtrodden" and the subsequent sympathies of the multicultural gulping, heritage loathing European/British liberals. In turn, Muslims have used victimisation and "hurt feelings" as a shield to implement their culture and Sharia Law into Britain.

This brings me to a far more egregious example of the so called "victims"- who of course are not the muslims at all - but the children of Great Britain who are systematically being deprived of their heritage, being made to feel guilty for the heritage OR having muslim customs forced upon them. In this latest case - two schoolboys received punishment for not submitting to demands -BY THEIR TEACHER - that they dress up as muslims bow down and worship Allah- in Arabic - in their school classroom.

"Two schoolboys were given detention after refusing to kneel down and 'pray to Allah' during a religious education lesson. Parents were outraged that the two boys from year seven (11 to 12-year-olds) were punished for not wanting to take part in the practical demonstration of how Allah is worshipped.They said forcing their children to take part in the exercise at Alsager High School, near Stoke-on-Trent - which included wearing Muslim headgear - was a breach of their human rights."

This brainwashing by the teacher (notice how the Deputy Headmaster pleads ignorance)should cause more than just outrage - it should cause fear to grip the hearts of every true British man and woman as to how far their "leaders" are willing to go to sacrifice the thousands year old culture and customs of Great Britain on the altar of multiculturalism in order to muslmise the country and appease the muslim population. For that is EXACTLY what is happening.

The real victims are are our children and every single one of us is guilty of allowing their minds to be warped into believing that British pride is wrong and that other imported cultures are not just equal to(that was never the goal of multiculturalism) but superior to Britain. In every country where multiculturalism has taken hold the indigenous people and culture has suffered. Thus multiculturaliam has opened the British and European door to Islamic domination. Islam does not reciprocate as one mother noted:

"But if Muslims were asked to go to church on Sunday and take Holy Communion there would be war."

She's right. Now we must ask ourselves - just what will it take for us to say NO to the stealth implementation of Islam/Sharia Law and the consequential deterioration of our Western culture?

Will we allow our children to be punished for NOT bowing to Islam?

This perverted insult to the Jewish and British people

The Opinionator linked to an article in the previous post concerning Muslims being the "new Jew" I find this claim repugnant and I am not Jewish, but I really have to speak on this ridiculous claim

This claim that the Muslim is the new Jew of Europe is scandalous, they are nothing of the kind, Muslims are saying they are being persecuted, this I feel is untrue, what is happening is that Islam is being totally exposed for the cruel Religion that it is.

Islam cannot stand up to close examination and whenever this has happened Islam cannot justify its claim to be a Religion of Peace, in every debate Islam loses as was so clearly demonstrated by AJukDD in the post " Islam for children" just a few days ago on this site.

I have attended national debates such as the one that was billed as Pipes versus Livingstone a debate about Islam in the UK held in London a couple of years ago, once again Islam and its so called experts were trounced

It is the exposure of the real Islam that is causing this outcry from Muslims and the claim that they are persecuted.


Have these people been rounded up and forced to live in sub human conditions?

Have these people had all of their possessions removed ?

Have these people had all of their religious places destroyed ?

Have all these people been forced into concentration camps to be killed and abused whilst they waited their turn in the gas chamber?

Have these people seen their young children thrown into the air only to be speared by a bayonet on the way down ?

Have these people been experimented on by the likes of Dr Menegle ?

Have these people been forced to live in secret places to avoid capture ?

Have these people been forced from their homes ?

Have these people had their families split up and destroyed ?

Have these people had the gold picked out of their teeth when they were dead or their skin turned into lampshades ?

Have these people been deprived of food and water ?

Have these people had to watch whilst their young children starved to death ?

Do these people live in the real fear of being exposed or labeled knowing that if that happened they would soon be in a death camp.?

To liken themselves to the persecution of the Jewish people is utterly deplorable.

I have been to Auswitch, if the Muslim wants to know what persecution is they should also visit that quiet, awful place.

But wait, the Holocaust did not happen according to many Muslims and Muslim groups often state that their aim is to wipe out the Jew, the hypocrisy is astounding.

Finally I wish to make this point, for Muslims to claim they are the new persecuted Jew is also to claim that the British people are the "new Nazi".

This country with its allies fought a war to rid the world of the Nazi, many people died nearly every family in this country lost one of its sons in that war, this claim by the Muslims insults not only the Jewish people and those who died in that conflict, it also insults everybody in this country

1 comment:

  1. Quite remarkable that two 11 & 12 year old pupils had the good sense to follow their instinct and refuse this indoctrination.

    We have the means to recognize their defiance in a positive way.
    We should be encouraging this defiance on a larger scale.

    It is encouraging to see this story posted on a number of blogs - here, Up Pompeii, DhimmiWatch, GoV etc.

    These two boys took on the establishment by themselves. They are our youngest heros and should be recognized as such, making it clear to them, their families and fellow students that people the world over admire them and are talking and writing about their brave defiance of the Islamic indoctrination foisted upon their class.

    We may not know the students names, but these two boys from the Alsager school remain heros in my book. Their example is one I will use to teach my youngest child that defiance in limited circumstances will not only be acceptable - but honorable.

    BRAVO! Well done Alsager boys!

    Do it like the boys from Alsager High School - Just Say NO to Islamic indoctrination!
