
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

We the People AKBAR


(hat tip Pastorius)




~ Outraged Spleen of Zion


  1. BabbaZee,

    You may be the most creative of all the Infidel bloggers. You have a very creative way of posting things.
    Fundamentalist Islam has become a serious problem for the west and I hope we can help wake people up to the threat.


    SEE [this is ongoing campaign, so check back for updates]

    LOL! ;)

    your dissident leftist



    try that link instead, if it comes up on the page that says this link does not exist just click on the title and it will take you there.

  4. Damien thanks that's nice of you to say

    According to my source (the bible)]

    unfortunately, most eyes and ears will remain tightly snapped shut

  5. Damien

    In my mind I call my posts

    multimedia parables



    visited your page....

    Socialism... ???

    ehhh...not such a good idea sweetie. Empirical evidence and body count don;t ya know. Says it all.

    I am not willing to die for or worship THE STATE

    I will not shut the GOD MOUTH


    Socialism is death.

    and Modern "feminism" is a load of victim mentality bullshit...

    also... if you think animals should have more rights than fetuses you are a eugenicist and ya dont even know it

    But it's nice to meet ya all the same.

    Thanks for commenting.

  6. babbazee,

    you obviously didn't read the entire web, or the side bar...

    1. I'm not socialist--I'm anarchist, HUGE DIFFERENCE

    2. yes I'm feminist, I do believe women are humans with rights--if I was anti-feminists, I'd join with the neo cons and the Islamists, no thanks

    3. where Did I have animals have more rights than fetuses????? If you are referring to the side bar, please go back and RE-READ, its the comparisons between the caging/entrapping of parrots, a huge black market btw, and the caging of Women, in countries that are believe it or not, many that are either backwards, under brutal misogynist regimes OR Islamists, no mention of fetus anywhere on there, or animals having more rights than fetuses...sorry, you got me confused with PETA, while yes on some things, issues there needs to be Education on Animal welfare,

    but I'm in no way in support of extremes. I work in Parrot advocacy and rescue, and have several parrots who reside with our family.

    As for socialism, good ideas, yes, also Flaws, there are also Flaws with capitalism, and yes, at one time I was a very militant socialist-communist, but I did lean more to the liberal-anarchist side.

    Because of that history however, and because I was kicked out somewhat of a socialist party [a main one btw] for standing up against Islam, for women's rights, against Anti-Semitism,

    I know,firsthand the distorted teachings of Marx, even the distortion to Lenin and Mao, However,

    as much as I may concur on 'some' emphasis on 'some' theories of all three, I have always been very outspoken on the flaws in those theories and most surely in their applications WITH an understanding of the historical development of absolutism behind them.

    And the truth of the matter is, the indoctrination of leftism in our societies today, which is, I will be very blunt, a nationalist third world distorted Stalinism [meaning, taking Stalinism and Maoist to even worse extremes, taking the worst of them and forming a mass movement Including the FACT that many in these movements, the leaders, are in fact, converted over to Islam], but by confronting That movement,

    not from right wing but from a former leftist perspective. Taking Their logic, and with that logic and its not hard to do because in actuality, the theories of Marx and Lenin and even Mao, are diabolically opposed to Islamism,

    in theory they are, and on that premises confronting the propaganda that has many, mostly historically naive, young adults, duped.

    Including many left feminists...I know the psychology the propagandists and the leaders of these parties Use, I understand it, as well as I understand the distortions of.

    In addition, there are some truths about how Capitalism has in essence aided in the propping up of Islamists, Dubai is damn good example and I have covered that somewhat on the WAMI blog, the IRONY is today however,

    the Islamist and Far left, particularly the MIM, alliances, which stems from, this one man,Sultan-Galiyev.

    in fact, from a Recent MIM member's statement, they assert:

    Sultan-Galiyev. He added the need for a vanguard party, the theory of economic development, criticism of settler political economy--all of the main MIM theses in outline form. Contrary to popular belief, he was also for equality of wimmin--the pioneer of feminism in Islam as a matter of fact.

    We are hoping that new cells espousing Sultan-Galiyev will arise in the imperialist countries. The most difficult part of our struggle with the MIM line in the West and Islam will be the womyn question for the simple reason that it is most difficult to put it into meaningful form for 12, 13- and 14-year-olds apt to study colonialism and imperialism. As yet, only MIM is really attempting to develop a gender theory appropriate for the imperialist countries. If we get to youth early with the MIM line including a version of the gender line digestible enough, we can hope for new durable cells.

    Following from Sultan-Galiyev were various organizations, some more loyal to his work, others less. We can find ourselves in the midst of Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda if we trace back their intellectual ancestors, and so the imperialist jibe about "Islammunism" has a grain of truth. Western intellectuals do not know this for the simple reason that rumor says Stalin executed Sultan-Galiyev and then Sultan- Galiyev's works never received translation into English or any European language other than Russian. People who know Russian and Turkish know more about Sultan-Galiyev.

    The Koran is centered on the origins of the Arabic language. So Islam has a great national significance to the Arabic people, not just a religious significance. One author claims that the Koran was intended as concrete manifestation of monotheism for the Arabic people and in fact many to this day do not approve of translating the Koran out of Arabic.(7) This again is similar to Mao's idea that there is "no Marxism that is not concrete." Juche has some similar concerns about the leap to the universal. In the case of the Koran, the fear is that the devil would infiltrate the translation process. --

    from a discussion on a Stalin-Mao board,


    now, not All socialists or communists concur with this Maoist-Stalinist 'revisionism' However, due to the third world liberation Marxist parties,they have adopted this model, and alas, this is what you are seeing today, in far left,

    including those who are 100% behind Obama.

    Same goes for feminism too, these third world nationalist movements, using the 'race card' as strategy to manipulate 'western guilt or white guilt', especially using the history of colonization to Silence any or all critics,

    the Problem with only confronting Islam from a right wing or neo-con point of view, well, take your statement on feminism as victim mentality for good example,

    that Denies the reality of women's oppression, Violence against women especially, and its Those types of statements that Does turn many off from the right wing.

    Because whether you want to believe that or not, there are hundreds of women in This country, in the West, not just this country, that live with violence every day, women who are raped, and not only that, but a Legal system and patriarchal system that not only is apathetic but many even condoning of. So, if you are to confront, the misogyny in Islam yet then turn around and tell women,

    that any feminism is a victim mentality, you basically just are saying, you support male chauvinism, and if that be the case,

    why be against Islam??????

    That sure isn't going to win over support against multiculturalism [the distortion of, because apologists to Islam works contrary to multiculturalism because Islam is the most intolerant to other cultures].

    The IRONY today is also the feminists who are apologetic towards Islam, but its Due to the deceiving By Islamist Feminists who do organize around,

    activism against porn and when western men say, oh shut up women its victim mentality, well,

    you basically give credit to those very issues that are being used to lure feminists/women into sympathy with Islamist feminists.

    Thats just one example, and this, is one of the problems we do run into in Confronting Islam, from a left perspective and a feminist one, the immediate reaction is to be labeled as a right wing neo con patriarchal Christian theocratic racist moonbat,

    and Travesty is,

    is that it WORKS. It works to SHUT PEOPLE'S MINDS to hearing good solid criticism against Islam. And the Islamists know it, as do the far leftists/even the progressive peace activists.

    Believe me, its Much more difficult to confront Islam as a leftist because of much of the hypocrisy in the right, ESPECIALLY ON WOMEN'S HUMAN RIGHTS.

    So I am going to agree to strongly disagree with you, feminism is NOT about victim mentality, there are gross human right abuses of girls and women all over the world, including in the West. The difference is however, but not by wide margins sad to say, but the difference is, we do not have abuses sanctioned and Ordained by a STATE THEOCRATIC SYSTEM,

    under Sharia laws. Thats the difference, However I will say, go to some of the big law boards, and see just how much discussion is, in the West now, nothing but rape jokes and jokes about violence against women, page after page after page,

    or the rape threats against women in the West, torture threats, not only that,

    but two cases right now, one in America, where an 11 year old girl was gang raped, and the System says,

    'she asked for it'.

    An 11 year old girl--and thats not the only case,

    and then, knowing that, stand up and point finger at Islam, for their misogyny, while being apathetic or INDIFFERENT to the abuses of women/girls here,

    and then, wonder why it falls on deaf ears???????

    Why you need Both to confront Islam, in more ways than one. If all we have is a right wing voice against Islam,

    we're screwed. Because the fans of Obama, are enough to tell us, that the propaganda for tolerance for the intolerant is working,

    and why it needs to be confronted from the left as well as the right.


    your dissident leftist,


  7. Good Lord!
    A wordy Anarchist!

    Sorry I asked

    no I didnt read it all
    I skimmed it

    I have not the time to read all that today

    be wtf evah you want chicka boom
    doesnt confront me
    You have lots of words

    that does not impres me though

    Live you life by the political philosophies of men
    and perish

    Live your life by the Priciples of GOD
    and live

    two choices

    thats all we get

    Choose wisely woman

  8. not only that, but what part of this did you miss, where on the left is states that proof one can be socialist and anti-Islam [it was one of those political blog tests, I'm either right or left, independent test wise]

    where it says,

    I'm anti-State, think, pssst, Anarchist, so, well here is the test...

    you know, ANTI-STATE,

    or did you miss that?

    Why people really need to take time and read Thoroughly and not just see socialism or Lenin quote and just assume, its one way or another...

    trust me, the hard core Statists would soon kill me,

    faster than they'd go after you.


  9. Self Professed Anarchist Chick, relax

    You aint gonna change my views
    and I have no interest in changing yours

    I apologize for having misread the fine line between socailist and anarchist at your site.

    Far as I am concerned ALL the ists can kiss my ass.

  10. LOL well then, you should be all in support of our Return to Medieval Virtue campaign then,

    shall we start a witch burning too?


    tell me, curious, Why do you hate Islam then?

    They are Great about keeping women under the male 'thumb'.

    and under God--after all, why even protest Statism, why not just go the whole nine yards and do away with Free Will too?

    BTW, I do believe in God and in Christ, and am married to a Jew, Oooh, yes, Shock eh,

    and its Because of my faith in Christ, in God, that I absolutely Refuse to abide by ANY KIND OF CHAUVINISM OR TOTALITARIANIST or FASCIST THEOCRACY,


    Emphasis on 'faith' not religion, and no its not something I declare that often, I'm a sinner, you bet ya, and I count on the Blood of Christ, nothing more, to save me,

    but this I will say, Never, in any of the Bible readings I have done, have I ever seen Jesus or God justify

    slavery, misogyny, or elitism. He may have allowed due to Free Will, but its contrary to the nature of Love,

    and last I checked, God is Love.


    save that for the Islamists, they are Pros at that.


  11. you must be very young LOL
    your fingers work quickly and you have lots to say

    Read at my site

    it will tell you everything you need to know about my POV

  12. and yes, there are Christian and Jewish socialists/anarchists, they don't last long however, eventually they, like me, have to decide, what values to hang onto and who to listen too...those that do stay, its cognitive dissonance, don't know how else to say it, within the far left camps that is....

    or, the more misogynist & legalist or theocratic fascist types, they tend to stick around the hard core leftists...and yes, sadly, they are some of the ones like the Archbishop of England that do pander to the Islamists--

    let me put it this way, there are More commonalities between the legalisms and the fascist conservatives including those left conservatives with the conservatism and fascism in Islam than most want to see or face,

    its in the levels of legal sanctions and laws, and the brutality of, that separates them. Only that,

    and Why this is relevant? Its because, the push for Sharia and the tolerance to more Islamic tolerances to IS being accomplished not just by the multiculturalists,

    but by clever anti-westerners, statists that is, who use 'freedom of religion' or those comparisons, do push these systems through,

    and the best example I can think of there to give you is the tolerance of teaching Islam as a multicultural series in our public schools. And believe it or not, this strategy had a LOT to do with the ACLU backing of the child sex abuse/raping little girls in the LDS compounds in Texas and the Supreme Court decision there,

    USING FUNDAMENTALIST religious beliefs to open the door to Islam. and yes its irony, because Islam is opposed to both Christianity and Judaism, but as secularists will tell you,

    they come from the same branch per se, and the far leftists [totalitarian Stalin worshippers] are riding on that horse to destroy the west, though they add the 'self-determination of people's' principle to do so as well.

    And yes, its a catch 22, if you only oppose Islam and religion from a secular view, that destroys the basis of much of our influence on Western thought--hear you there,

    BUT, if you only oppose Islam from a religious view, especially fundamentalist,

    you also give ample room and strength to both the Islamists for using those ideologies to push for their laws under 'freedom of religion' AND you assist in the base the far left uses, to point out specific commonalities of fundamentalism to indoctrinate or lure people against the Western philosophies.

    Because the anti-Christians and anti-Jews especially, love to flaunt the fundamentalism in the religious west as a means to bring on Sharia and tolerance to Islam in their efforts, distorted and screwed up as they are, to destroy any and all that is unique to Western thought and life.

    Something I think we should remember always, the Nazis were able to gain a foothold as well as Mussolini by the liturgy opening the door--their fear of communism. And look what happened?

    There similarities of then to today, are astounding, simply too much to not really look at empirically, and if we aren't careful, well wind up the same--either under Islamist fascism or neo-Nazi type of fascism,

    and neither one, was kind to the Jews or is kind to the Jews, or to Christians for that fact [true Christians, e.g., Corrie Ten Boom].

    And btw, thank God, for women who weren't 'obedient' to patriarchy then, the women in resistance to Mussolini [in fact many who had illegal abortions to keep the Fascist state from expanding--that is fact] and the Christian women who resisted Hilter.

    Those women weren't 'obedient' to religion or to men...

    and because of their disobedience, many Lives were saved,

    my husband's ancestors some of them. Not only that, but Israel, had one of the Successful examples of SOCIALISM, something today's right, seems to forget.


  13. 27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."

    SO as far as your christians anarchist et al remarks go

    I could give a rats ass for whores of churchianity and shuliasm that espouse hybrid anrachist fascist socialist or communist bullshit and pretend it has something to do with the Word of GOD

    Standing in a garage dont make ya a car

    I belong to no established Isms and therefore I owe no allegiance to any of them
    religious political or otherwise

    its just me
    and the book
    and the Floating Power

    I belong to GOD
    not to any ism of man

    never have
    never will

    Brevity is the soul of wit by the way

  14. neo cons? Anti-feminists?

    Natasha a prime example of neocondomonia...I feel like this...

    If you stop having the babies, WE'LL stop feeling protective.

    So you'll have to pardon me next time I open the door for you.

    And I will.


  15. epi

    Since I'm not a feminist
    I'd like to say
    thanks for holding the door for me

    /I love the smell of old school men in the morning


    have a good night all

    Natasha there is still hope for you

    RUN from the Isms

    RUN !

    Psalm Number One

  16. I'm not so worried about the 'isms' as I am the Vanguards,

    be they right, left, religious or patriarchal.

    As for the usual rhetoric of feminists being 'man haters' [yawn yawn] thats fine, if you choose not to open the door, however if you are carrying a full load or are elderly please do know I shall open the door for you,

    BECAUSE ITS COMMON COURTESY. Which has Nothing to do with 'gender' or it shouldn't, just as I get up from a seat to let a pregnant women sit down or a child...

    last I checked, I do fight for women's human rights and against misogyny in ALL ITS FORMS, but I've yet to have grown a penis, nor have I assimilated into the only male values count to be a feminist, as some women tragically have, that other internalized misogyny, but I'll let you know as soon as I do.

    As for the religion and communism and fascism, religion has Always been an instrument used for various 'isms', or religion has been attacked and attempted to be done away with by other extremist ideologies,

    its the extremes, those 'supremacy' attitudes that I think are far more dangerous. But, alas, thats the usual condescending mentality eh,

    I did look over your blog and I did find your use of Proles quite often to be interesting to say the least,

    tell me, as I'm curious, How many proles are investing in Islamist lands, you know, those countries hell bent determined to wipe Israel off the map?

    Last I checked it was the higher echelons who were doing all that wheeling and dealing, both right and left, hmmmmm,

    well, here's the latest.

    You know its interesting really, when one is a Prole and can see things looking from the bottom of that pyramid, just how much the ones on top, be they CEO or Mullah or Cartel or Far Leftist rich leader,have in common,

    they all have a strong dislike for the poor [except of course to use as fodder in their wars, including US soldiers, Women soldiers too, ;)],

    they have a strong dislike for proles being educated, either they put obstacles or they kill intellectuals [left/Islamists], and of course, they all do not care for educated women [religions especially, why I've met more Jews, remember I'm married to one, from Orthodox background, who have more hate towards Hannah Arendt, I mean, geesh, you know women should be in those kitchens know what I'm saying heyhey]

    oh, they'll tolerate 'token women' sure who'll spout the party line, not to fret, far leftists do this too,

    and of course, all of them, just love the free and or near free labor, Islamists, Far leftists, Far right wing, I mean its just absolutely amazing, isn't it?

    and all of them, dare one Think different, why, thats just Blasphemous, so Rather than look at the issue its immediate generalizations and lumping the eccentric thinkers out onto a pile of rubbish,

    seriously, having worked in the left and having been intimate with both Orthodoxy, Christianity And Islam,

    it is no understatement of what they have in common more than what they have apart.

    I bow to no one, and If I bow to God I do so, between me and Him, not some religion Forcing me to, or any Man,

    maybe I'm just a rebel like that...blame it on my prole upbringing. But I will say this,

    I will not exchange one tyranny for another, nor one enslavement for another. And the Day a system or institution or elite tells me other wise, is the day I will fight,

    as a dress wearing woman holding a gun if thats what it takes. And if I fall to the sword or the enslaver, if All I can do is blink an eyelid to protest,

    I will do so.

    Not just for me, its not even about me, for All, proles and women and children and men, young and old who have felt the heavy hand of oppression, of enslavement and of tyranny,

    in many of its forms, for the women begging in Afghanistan who live hell on earth [and I do know, before I met my husband I almost married a man from Afghanistan so I don't have to read about it, I've seen it],

    and for those women in Mexico, whose daughters work for US and European and Asian factories who have buried their daughters who were raped and tortured and dumped in dumpsters and in the fields, mothers I have met face to face, those nasty Proles some so call them,

    and for those trafficked women and slaves and including those working in sweatshops Here in this country,

    its for I do not care one way or another, if you approve. I do not bow to Any supremacy ideology or belief, no matter how many scriptures its wrapped up in, I've seen enough of it to last me a lifetime thank you,

    but in the meantime, we are faced with a dangerous and militant and determined theocracy with the aid of far leftists who care not for the proles any more than the capitalists do,

    and on that, I concur with you that they need to be stopped. And they need to be stopped now.

    your dissident leftist, free thinker and eccentric rebel, oh, and one of those Proles,


  17. OOoOO wordy
    I am thoroughly slain



    Dont babble like the pagans
    let your ye be a yes and your no be a no

    ~ Ancient Radical Jewish guy nailed to a tree, who walked away from it anyway
