
Sunday, August 31, 2008

An Allegory For Our Times

YouTube link

Those here familiar with my writing will know what the snake and the woman represent in my post-911 interpretation of Al Wilson's song.


  1. Always On Watch,

    Unfortunately, It is a good allegory for how we have dealt with Muslim extremists in western countries.

  2. Great post. I love it.

    As the Bible makes clear, the snake is subtle, or at least subtle enough to fool us humans.

    Really, he doesn't seem very subtle, except of course, in the areas of my life where I'm an idiot just like everyone else.

    Like for instance with Kim Kardashian. Do I see the snake? No, I only see the hot chick.


  3. Pastorius,
    I'm not yet up to heavy-duty posting (This headache!), but I couldn't resist using one of my favorite oldies as an allegory.

  4. It is clear to me-enjoyed the vid .

    When are we going to wake up!!!?

  5. Damien,

    She is the Babe of the Week.

    Look on the sidebar.

    She is so hot (she's my type) that I can't see the snake behind her.

    Get it?
