
Thursday, August 07, 2008

Obama's Undeniable Patriotism: First Presidential Campaign Plane In History To Have All American Flags Removed

You see he still has the Obama "Presidential" Seal displayed.

The Barack Obama phenomenon is a cult of personality.


  1. Wow! That's just nutty... If only McCain would wake up from his coma and start using some of this ammo against the Messiah... I mean - the GUY IS PRACTICALLY BEGGING for a slap-fest!

    Doing away with the American flag while running for the Presidency of America - the guy's a walking parody of himself!

  2. Well put, Wingless.

    I share your frustration with McCain. It's like watching Mike Tyson's just stand there and take it from a lightweight. I mean, what the hell is he thinking?

  3. You really should read the pro-Hilary women bloggers,

    this is just the tip of the iceberg, its way worse.

    Way, Way worse,



    and I can't say this enough--the most violent and totalitarian left forces [and yes there ARE differences in left theory, even in communism there are wide differences], but these forces

    pulling the strings [and have been for long while] are the most

    violent, racist, totalitarian AND nationalist-Pan Islamist African Communist type of forces/MIM,

    that are working right in our own backyard.

    and the more left of the left [liberals] are seeing it--but they can't stop it--

    because they are using Marxist Afro-nationalist and the Castroist ideologies to form a cult of force combined with Pan-Islamism [thats coming more from both African Nationalism, and Maoism].

    These things like the seal and the taking the flag off and all of the campaign--and brutalizing the feminist movement, pushing it back,


    exactly how it was done under Chavez.

    Mark my words--the Greens will be next to be shoved off the bus, if Obama gets elected,



    Baby Obama isn't just a cult of personality--HE'S GOING TO BE A DICTATOR,



    and the ONLY way to bring it down or stop it,

    is letting go of narrow defined ideologies--some compromise--letting go of chauvinism and racism--and forming a FORCE, ALLIANCE,

    to take it down.

    IF we can't do that--you can kiss America goodbye.

    And I'll bet money on it.

  4. Natasha,
    You said, there is a revolution going on in this country, and not a good kind.

    I agree. In my opinion, we may be seeing the final stages of the Hippie generations wish for a Communist revolution in America.

    the best we can hope for is that like the Islamists, they grab for power too soon.

  5. Well the Hippie Generations--the bourgeoisie dumb fucks, excuse my French,

    will be THE FIRST to get crushed, and here's the thing--it won't be communism,

    thats the 'myth' they are selling the far left [the groupies is what I call them], and I know what communism is and the various tenants, and I do mean I KNOW,

    AND THIS IS WHY ITS VERY IMPORTANT THAT PEOPLE KNOW WHAT THE DIFFERENCE IS in the schools of left thought--rather than this lumping it all up to communism BECAUSE

    there are tenants in CORPORATISM AND CORPORATIST CAPITALISM that are in more ways than many want to believe just another form of STATIST CAPITALISM very similar to STALINISM.

    And so you have TWO FORCES, in opposition of each other BUT that are working together, to establish NOT just a STATIST regime in America but in Europe as well.

    There are two schools of thought [mainstream] even in this, one progressive globalist using free market-corporatist to build a global modernized world and then one,

    using it to establish a more feudalist market global order, more along the lines of a global Stalinist economy [or centralized but through corporations and nation pacts].

    And this is where it gets a bit interesting--one can take Stalinism [economy--not so much ideology because Stalin was opposed to Opiate rule--but NOT so with nationalist communism, thats where they push the Pan-Islamist socialism in there], but,

    and create a global Islamist-economic order OR

    important now, and this is what they are seeing in Europe-- a Corporatist neo-liberal socialist model that is also capitalist using Islamism as a means of mass force subjugation--Machivellian [sic]model,

    use terror to get respect--or fear and to keep the masses in line with de program so to speak,

    of course, BOTH, underestimate the goals of the PanIslamists--because they forget one very, very important thing,

    the far left especially,



    and this is where its going to get ugly, the Alliance in the left is REACTIONARY, to the forces of corporatism, its NOT like, it was in 1920 when Stalin [well even Lenin] USED the pan-Islamists as a sub-arm, to expand the Soviet state,

    with the Soviet State having the mass power [even though they were backwards industrial wise but so too, were the Islamist states then] to crack down if the Islamists got too 'uppity',

    not so anymore--now its riding on the tail of Pan-Islamism AND race-Nationalism or what they term as race-self-determination or cultural self-determination [those terms third and fourth world],

    to push what They think, is going to move the forces of history, or the people, to react in such a way that they people will rise and crush and then, loe and behold the magic dragon of equal distribution will take hole and we'll all dance in the garden of Eden,

    LOL, seriously thats the mentality--driven by emotionalism and empathy rather than pragmatism and realism.

    Now, there are those who Do know, who are pragmatic but they are willing to sacrifice generations under hell to see, or what they think will be the evolving of human condition, into humanism, etc.,

    thats where the humanist global and new age movement comes in...

    but as Trotsky warned of the demise in Stalinism, let me assure you,

    the fallacy within the left alliance is going to backfire in such a way--for several reasons,

    no power structure to keep Islamism in check

    a global infrastructure that the Islamists hold not just masses of wealth BUT RESOURCES

    and population demographics.

    To be blunt--and this is my opinion, but the true Intelligentsia of the far left--died years ago, because whats driving it now is complete emotionalism, irrationalism (sic) and romanticism of the days old, [but right wing--you ain't doing much better, sorry],

    and lust for power/greed...its not even about the class struggle anymore--thats just empty rhetoric and it hasn't been since, for a long time.

    What we are seeing today in the far left is not so much the 60s Hippie movement, thats some of it--but they are somewhat impotent as far as real political strategy--they're good 'show pieces' though,

    great for protests and bearing naked asses and all that other b.s.,

    but the true political power in the far left is the Nationalist, Race nationalist ideologies of both the Latino movements [Southern Cone] AND the African movements combined with Islamism,

    and Those are what were so detrimental in the academia because it was through those ideologies that were being taught,

    not in a multi-cultural way [thats another myth] but in an extreme segregated way to cause even MORE division among the working classes and within the nation, even pitting races under oppression against each other,

    a competition of sorts, of who was the number one victim...

    of the white male imperialist west society.

    In America--I think in Europe it was more the guilt via colonization and guilt via WWII, etc., but in America, thats how they've done it,

    and the relation from the sixties that I do see, is those forces who were opposed to the Vietnam war--not peace movement so much as the far left movement, SDS and some of them--which, SDS, Avakian--Maoist--

    which split off, etc etc etc [lots of history there] but,

    interestingly--they've themselves, have become extremely elitist and bourgeoisie, Using class warfare ideology, one, to prop them up in the party politburo-power, and two,

    I think, opinion, to prop themselves up in power and I say this because working with some of these types of men and women, thats what they are, upper middle class or rich--academics included, egotistical who want to be little Stalins,

    the poor are just the fodder, seriously because every grass roots movement that has made any progress--they colonize them then they break them down until they have rule over them.

    And the dangerous thing is, there are so many in these movements that don't see it...they Truly believe they are fighting for a better and more just world,

    but they are nothing but 'pawns'. And the Hippies, probably the most duped pawns of them all--and the young radicals/or rebels.

    Stalinism never died--it just laid low. That type of communism [and I'd even go as far to say, even more extreme than Stalinism]

    and the thing is, these forces HATE LIBERALISM with a passion...just like Islamism--they will crush liberalism, but they'll USE liberalism at its most extreme to destroy societies.

    The Liberal left has been the thorn in the revolutionary side, in America and in Europe--and on some parts as far as overthrowing the yoke of economic structures that endorse/sanction slavery I concur with them on Parts...

    however, its that liberal left that has keep fascism in check--This is why,

    they are riding Pan Islamism because Pan Islamism has the force and brutal terror to crush the liberal left, to subjugate on a wide mass scale and they'll go after the liberals far more than they will go after the conservatives...but they'll do it in a way that it won't appear that way,

    and the liberals will aid in their own destruction [and have been doing so] without realizing what they are doing. That works to the favor of the far right, corporatists and other fascists /elitists who'll make the blood bath deals or who'll sell out the peasants while they preserve themselves,

    and as far as them grabbing for power too soon,

    I think, what they'll do, is they'll weed out the oppositional forces in the left first--cracking down on women,

    that will be easy and Why? Because the right wing sexists wouldn't blink an eye to that--

    and then they'll crack down on the environmentalists,

    then the poor, unions, etc.,

    THEN--you'll see more encroachment of the rise of Islamism which will be working all this time, slow encroachments,

    but at a steady pace--THEY'LL USE BOTH RIGHT WING FORCES AND LEFT--



    its simply power brokers on both sides allied, I would even go as far to say, a type of assimilation into the political ideologies--and one example,

    Vietnam, our government and military assimilation in the methods of Maoist warfare, or, another good one, using Lenin's model on education [which was his wife's theory] to mold minds of young to become

    the perfect 'citizen' [also Rousseau, "Emile" and interestingly Bertrand Russel spoke on this or for saw it].

    Liberalism, true liberalism, both right and left, is the worst enemy to the fascist-totalitarian mindset,

    that power structure, yet easily manipulated to its own destruction.

    Truth is, the more we lean to conservatism the more the alliance is strengthened,

    because as those liberal forces are silenced or moved out of the way, the fascist forces can move in.

    Put it this way--there is an Islamist running for office in one state, on the Republican ticket,

    now ask yourself why is that? And its a woman.

    And you Want to know who will most likely support her even though she's die hard anti-Israel,

    the very right wing men opposed to feminism, opposed to abortion, opposed to the GLBT,

    so, they will use the right just as much as the far left,

    and the more they can crush Dissent, the more they can silence Dissent, the more they can terrorize Dissent,

    the more they gain power, advantage, and freedoms, even those ones many may be opposed to, will vanish, little by little.

    Its NO COINCIDENCE that those who are some of your more vocal and revolutionary and radical left, who are speaking out--are being slammed hard by,

    forces, in Islam, in the Left and in the Right--silencing,

    or exiling, and the media sexist attacks against Hilary are a big part of that,

    even by their own [who are duped] because thats the last thing they want--is for liberalism to be in the way. If they can't "control" it, they'll destroy it.

    Especially if its coming from the working class or what the elites term as 'proles'.

    never forget--they want to render the masses capable of indecision

    the liberal left has been the barrier to totalitarian left forces in the left in this country and in Europe--so they're going to 'move them out of the way' and I mean, eventually literally,

    so the perfect 'citizen' will be more than happy to 'obey' the state.

    And when that happens, the terror will begin...against all the masses,

    unless we can nip it NOW.


  6. I figure neither McCain nor Obama has a clue about the common man son Label me Cow because I got beef with them both
