Obama won – and it was, in some ways a good thing.
Let’s face it folks, this proud country of ours has been in a gridlock for years, i.e., politically constipated.
And now it’s received a flushing it direly needed. (Please excuse the crassness. I’m cranky this morning.)
With Obama’s win we’ve flushed away the charge of racism in our country though the blood of hundreds of thousands of Americans over 100 years ago was not enough..
With Obama’s win we’ve flushed away political opposition in the House and Senate so Obama can institute his agenda and see clearly now who to praise and who to blame over the next 4 years.
And with Obama’s win we’ve flushed away neo-conservatism and Republicans in name only.
Let’s hope that’s all we’ve flushed away with Obama’s win.
You are absolutely correct my friend.