
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Not even close ...and if the Republicans are not smart, this is 1932

Almost every key state held to the obviously ACCURATE polls. The 'forget the polls' mantra was bunk. Apparently there is science there as even the TIPP/IBD poll showed in the last 48 hours of the race. But where was the massive vote? People were looking for 130-150 million and we were nowhere close. Who voted? Kind of an important question

Our little rural town .... 661 McCain, 580 Obama.

First, I have to say I never had a single doubt we could elect a black man president. It just doesn't seem to be the accomplishment to me, it's being heralded as around the world. We are who we claimed to be.

Second, Obama is not Bill Clinton. Obama is way left, not a centrist. But he, as Clinton was and is blessed with his opponents, and that most important quantity, luck. However, don't kid yourself - luck is when opportunity meets preparedness, and Mr Obama was ruthlessly ready to take advantage of the failure of Lehman Bros. and the ensuing chaos.

The republicans however, have decayed from the party they were in 1980 to the Delay led corrupted, big spenders without any central ideology.They have blessed Obama with a fractured, ideologically void opposition. They stand for a confusing goop melange of objections, not programs or ideas, and they deserve EXACTLY what happened...which wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been

It should be obvious, that the Tom Tancredo 'kill immigration along with a secure border crowd', are dead. Just look at CO, NM, NV, and many other states' result. However, there is no doubt that a secure border and OPEN IMMIGRATION as we had from 1880-1924 is a winning position. We have to have a secure border, and we ARE the nation of massive immigration. Now this will place stress on ICE and State, but they do get paid, and State must be good for something.

The republicans should lead the charge on investigating the economic stupidities which lead to Lehman's collapse and the economic downturn INCLUDING the responsibility of those in Congress such as Frank and Dodd. AIG execs look like the walking dead in this one. Failure of the democrats to be act justly, IS CORRUPTION, and this should be trumpeted. If Abramov and 'Duke' Cunningham can go to jail, so can the execs at Countrywide, and Frank and Dodd.

The republicans need to hold to the idea that more govt is bad, UNLESS it is there to protect the citizen from harm domestic or foreign.

The republicans need to hold to the idea that outside this nation, people want to have the same free rights that we do, like telling the govt to go to hell, and we need to LEAD in that movement.

The republicans need to insist that we are in a war against Islamic extremism, that war has many forms, and that war is worldwide, and NOT of our making.

The republicans need to ruthlessly purge that party of bigotry hiding inside conservatism, by fearlessly naming names. Can anyone spell Buchanan? Think he is the conservative voice on MSNBC for a reason?

The Republicans haven't done so badly in the Senate or in the House, but they did that in spite of themselves, as a party without core ideas anymore, and now face a man who may govern not as Clinton did, but as a like minded leftist of the political ideals of Wright, Durbin, Ayers etc. If that is what he really is. We cannot know yet if Obama is a shadow man whose ideals are unknown as he took advantage of the far left Chicago political milieu, but we are going to find out. Soon.

Fairness Doctrine...he will discourage this idea IF AND ONLY IF he will govern from the center
Israel ... he will decide to be 'evenhanded' since Israel faces a 'political problem' in the ME not a religious one (an idea which Obama will say from the far left- indicates support of the Likud, not of Israel, eh)..this is a prime accepted fact of the left..this one is liable to SPLIT THE NATION. IF Obama is going to govern from the center, he will not pressure Israel to do a damn thing. Otherwise he is going to find a hard 40%+ of the nation going GAGA.
The small ex-soviet republics like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and the ex Warsaaw Pact nations all of whom are now Democracies and about whom Congressman Nadler said..."let Russia invade them ..they are next door"..if Obama governs from the center, he will leave no questions in Putin's mind about his attitude here
Missile defense..Obama promised to cut missile defense as unproven. This would be a galactic level, permanently indefensible error, and one the democrats like Carl Levin have been itching to make. A missile defense can harm no humans, and is useful only against weapons ALREADY LAUNCHED AT US or our allies.
Energy. Obama is going to have to move fast. If he makes good on his promises about coal (bankrupting coal fired electricity), ..Oil will go beyond the $150/barrel prices we saw a few months ago, and working people will watch as his promises go into into their oil tanks and gas tanks along with all of their disposable incomes, AND more, as they face a renewed struggle to pay the mortgage.
Right now, Barack Obama is my president. I wish him well in a lousy moment, in a lousy job.
I hope he leads from the center as he claims he would from the defeat of Hillary thru last night. If he does not the results will be a dramatic decline in re-enlistments in the armed forces, decreased entrepreneuship from the productive class of americans

Last, our tiny little corner of this where we move against Jihad of all kinds. If last night is not clear evidence that we can never succeed by allowing associations with groups who have called for a white europe, national identity, and amnesty for nazi collaborators, I cannot imagine what is. The american people have a long road ahead with the Muslim Brotherhood's 'grand (and silent) jihad'. We cannot effect reverses against people like Hesham Islam, who was defended by an Asst SecDef like Gordon England, and a backed by a non entity like SecDef Robert Gates (who is so pablum-ized that some are calling for him to remain under Obama), from the Jim Baker School of accommodation when they can point to members of the movement who believe that ethnic nationalism is a valid national aspiration.


  1. Great post, Epa.

    One of the reasons I flipped over from being a Democrat to whatever-the-hell-I-am-now after 9/11 was that many Democrats seemed to believe it was in their best interest to work against the course of America. INstead of supporting what obviously needed to be done, they chose partisanship for the sake of partisanship.

    I hate partisanship. I believe in the two-party system we have in America. New ideas come out of debate and compromise. The two sides are a tether which ensures that neither side veers off into a ivory tower ideological parody of itself. Precticality is ensured because all ideas must be tested on the ideological threshing floor before they become part of corpus America.

    If Republicans follow the same course the Democrats followed, enacting hyperbole at every step, as if every discussion over every tax increase is the equivalent of sedition, if the Republicans accuse Barack Obama of nefarious murders (as they did Bill Clinton, and as the left did to George Bush), if the Republicans seek only to undermine Obama, opposing him even when he is trying to agree with them (as the Republicans did to Clinton with regard to Welfare Reform), then I will be bitterly disappointed.

    As you said, we need to stick to our guns, but presenting ideas, and fighting them out does not have to include planting doubts in the heads of Americans about the very viability of the American system.

    I was very happy to see McCain concede in a gracious manner last night. Our country needs to believe in its electoral process. Elections only work if people believe they matter. To undermine a system built on the faith of the people, as Gore did in 2000, and as the Democrats have been diligently doing ever since, is not to contribute to the American project, but is instead, to pull bricks out of the foundation of our nation.

    I may not agree with Obama, but he is our President, and he was elected through the process upon which we have agreed. If he turns out to be a bad President, then we must work to have him removed from office through the process upon which we agree.

    We are a nation of laws. All changes must be effected through the legal process upon which we agree.

    Is it a perfect system? No, but it is our system. And, if needs to be made better, then that needs to be done through the process upon which we agree.

    I believe the Constitution will ultimately prevail, because it is stronger (in the long run) than any wayward President, activist judge, or misconceived legislation.

  2. Man, I hate the "denial" stage.

    "I may not agree with Obama but he is our President". And maybe he'll turn out to be just a nice guy who wants the best for the United States of Ameri-KKK-a? Well, if that's true, then there was never anything to worry about, was there. Silly us. All that time and energy wasted trying to defeat The One. Remember how less than a year ago we never would have believed this would happen at all?

    Put down the KoolAid, people. There will be plenty of time raise a toast if this turns out to have been a just a practice drill. Me, I'm waiting to see what happens after 1/20/09. After all, if I'm wrong the first thing I get is a life back.
