
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

YouTube takes down IDF's most popular videos

Yesterday, the IDF opened a YouTube account.

I just got an email indicating that because YouTube has removed the IDF's most popular videos, the IDF spokesperson's office has opened an account at LiveLeak instead.

Noah Pollak has more.
This was apparently too much for YouTube, which moments ago removed several videos from the IDF’s channel, including the most-watched video, which showed a group of Hamas goons being blown up in an air strike as they loaded Katyusha missiles onto a truck. The point of such footage, as if it needed to be said, is not to revel in violence — it is to show the legitimacy of Israeli self-defense.

The rank double-standard that YouTube has applied to Israel is disturbing. YouTube hosts all manner of similar footage — much of it far more gory than the grainy infrared images posted by the IDF — of U.S. air strikes. Why is YouTube capitulating to those who do not wish for Israel to be able to tell its side of the story?
Why am I not surprised?

In any event, LiveLeak is much more willing to post non-PC material, and I will try to do my part to get the word out.

Cross-posted to Israel Matzav.

1 comment:

  1. Just as long as they keep on whackin' and stackin' 'em, I'll be happy.
