
Friday, January 30, 2009

An Excellent Speech By Robert Spencer

From Jihad Watch:


  1. Home-grown terrorism camps in Canada:

  2. Spencer and others make the point that the most important activity is to raise public awareness of the nature and gravity of the Islamic threat. Those who do so openly make themselves targets for the Islamists to discredit. They are our fighters on the front lines and deserve all the support and assistance we can give them.

    But there are other types of fighters. Not everyone is skilled at public speaking or at organizing. But awarenss can also be raised by putting the information in front of the public anonymously, thereby eliminating the target for "hater" accusations who can be used to distract attention from the message.

    This is not everyone's preferred tactic. But for those to whom it appeals, every possible legal avenue for arousing public curiosity and concern, creating awareness of the nature of Islamic supremacist dogma and intent should be exploited to the greatest extent of our creativity.

    For example, the meaning of "Sharia" is known to only a small minority of the American public. Appeals against the institution of Sharia in the USA, conspicuously posted in high-traffic areas, with repeated exposure may lead a few curious souls to google the word. Most will scoff (because it "harshes their mellow"). A few will react with WTF? and take a closer look at the issue. Those are the people whose attention we want to attract.

    Getting back to non-anonymous means of raising awareness, I notice that Ayaan Hirsi Ali's "Infidel" has been selected by a growing number of book clubs and reading groups in my area, and I assume elsewhere as well. Hirsi Ali's book has enormous "human interest" appeal that initially overshadows its anti-Islamism message enough to get a foot in the door. And once those nice book club ladies have read "Infidel", they can't pretend to know nothing about Islamic oppression or that it can't affect us here in the West. And they'll pay attention and object when Congress tries to impose anti-"hate speech" regulations aimed at silencing criticism of Islam.

    At least that's the theory.

  3. revereridesagain,

    I admire people like Robert Spencer and Bosch Fawstin for standing up to this threat.

  4. Just sent this to those who want to engage/politically and verbally..
    If each of us does something to get the word out...the action will mushroom...

  5. Yes, this is a great video to share with people!

  6. I quote Spencer in this speech:

    "It is suicidal to keep bringing Muslims to the United States."

    NOW will you sign the petition?

    Stop Muslim Immigration

  7. There you go, Pasto! He didn't say it in those words, but right at the end there he said essentially, SHARIA IS SEDITION. And should be prosecuted as such.

  8. When I interviewed Spencer on my radio show, he said he believes Sharia is sedition, but that it is useless to advocate for it's prosecution as such, because our culture is so far removed from the consciousness that would be required to take such action.

  9. Pastorius, although our culture might be so far removed from the consciousness that would be required to take such action, our culture is getting less and less removed every day, thanks to the efforts of those have the required consciousness already.

    The day is coming. This possibility should not be discounted but rather it should be worked toward. It is right. And people can be made to see it's right in sufficient numbers to make it a reality.

  10. C-Dub,
    If you read the email I wrote you this morning, this is a good example of it. The raison d' etre of IBA is to say stuff like "Sharia is Sedition" to get it into the memeplex, and familiarize people with the idea, so that it will be carried on and gradually legitimized.

    The one central idea I insist on here is that which is at the top of our sidebar:

    All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the same inalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    Everything else we write about follows from that.

    Because Sharia is anathema to that idea, it has to go. That will seem like an extreme idea at this point in time. But, it's fine with me if people call me an extremist for standing up for the foundational ideas of Western Civilization.

    I'll gladly be an extremist for that cause.

  11. Pastorius,

    You said,
    Because Sharia is anathema to that idea, it has to go. That will seem like an extreme idea at this point in time. But, it's fine with me if people call me an extremist for standing up for the foundational ideas of Western Civilization.

    I'll gladly be an extremist for that cause.

    So will I!
